dog toys, is there really such an item in existence? One geared to withstand the onslaught of an animal with teeth equipped to chew, tear, cut and grind whatever is before him. I set out to find the answer; My dog toy tester, my six year old German Shepherd (Kenai).

The Mighty Kong: Introduced in 1976 this toy established the standard in the dog toy industry for durability. Enthusiastically endorsed by veterinarians, dog breeders, and dog trainers, Kong leads the market in dog toys. Able too last through years of vigorous play and action, Kong was created by a dog owner whose German Shepherd (Fritz) loved to chew on rocks. The rock chewing created wear- and- tear on Fritz’s teeth.
One afternoon, Joe was working on his Volkswagen and noticed that Fritz was again chewing on rocks. In desperation to stave off yet another canine dental bill, Joe started pitching car parts at his dog. When he pulled off the suspension belt, Fritz went for it and started chewing on the belt instead. Joe Markham refined the product making in durable and strong enough to withstand heavy chewing, and christened the toy Kong. Kong’s come in four sizes, small, medium, large and Extra Large. They have a different styles and sizes, as well as floating Kong’s.
Kenai has had her Kong for four years now. She has yet to destroy it. Retails from $6.00 to around $19.00 depending on size.

Hurley Indestructible Dog Toy: This dog toy comes in three shapes, a ball, a bone and a stick. True to its claim, this toy is indestructible, made of a soft material called Zogoflex. The Hurley can be thrown, bounced, and floated. Kenai gave this toy a bit of a work-out. She did lose interest in the Hurley; only returning to this toy after her Kong was confiscated. Hurley retails at under $10.00

The Almost Indestructible Dog Ball: A large ball made of polyethylene material and designed for the Big Dogs. Guaranteed too not chip, break or pop and touted to stand up to the most vigorous chewing. One of the reasons this ball can stand up to vigorous chewing is because Kenai couldn’t even get her teeth on it! This ball is big, and tough and fun. Instead of chewing she played various forms of dog soccer while trying to get her teeth around this toy. The ball would bump against Kenai’s legs.
In her frenzy to get her teeth to latch on to the ball, she would whirl around and thump it with her head, then take off running, only to trip over it in her haste. We enjoyed the show, and we believe she enjoyed this dog toy. You need to play with this in a wide open space such as a beach or a park. There are two sizes, small and large. Retails under $10.00
For high entertainment and great exercise,

Sqwuggies Squeak ‘n Tug Toy: Made from the recycled fire hoses, Sqwuggies are toys that dogs can tug on, squeak and the toys do float. What impressed me most is that the squeak is not annoying to human ears, but a higher frequency that a dog’s excellent hearing can pick up. Kenai could easily squeak the toy while it was in her jaws. But I had to strain to hear it. Most squeaky toys are either so flimsy that the dog can dislodge the squeaker after about an hour of playtime, but not this toy. Sqwuggies floats quite well. Kenai had a blast romping in the creek after her new toy. They are durable, and fun and long-lasting and shaped like a boat bumper.

Goofy Ball: Goofy Ball by Top Paw is just that, it’s goofy. No frills here, this dog toy is simply designed to challenge your dog’s mind, Goofy Ball is not a chew toy, but an interactive toy between owner and dog. Because of the way it is shaped, when you throw it, you have no idea where it is going to land. The design causes the Goofy ball to bounce in all directions. Goofy ball also makes a gurgling noise when thrown and when it impacts.
It is unpredictable fun, and though the noise is a bit too much for a human’s ears, you can always wear earplugs. Kenai seemed confused as to where the noise was coming from. It’s just not up to par with the indestructible theme: Retails under $6.00.

Multipet Petigues Camouflage Canvas Toys: Made of thick, durable canvas, these dog toys come in several shapes and sizes; Bones, water canteens, jeeps, planes, tanks and helicopters, all in keeping with the camouflage Army theme. The dog toys come equipped with squeakers and a sound box. I ordered two. Both toys were a big hit with Kenai, though it was difficult for her to squeak the toy by herself. Yet when we squeaked them, she would rush forward to clutch the toy in her powerful jaws.
The bone, one of the dog toys that I ordered, has two squeakers one on each end. I couldn’t help but wish that there had also been a third squeaker in the middle allowing the dog to squeak the toy easily. I found these dog toys reasonably priced at an inexpensive close-out sale. But there is nothing cheap about how they are made. Kenai is guarding both of these toys jealously. After five days, both the toys still squeak. Rating: