(Weimaraner Voerstehhund, Grey Ghost, Weims) The Weimaraner is a medium-sized dog with elegantly defined features and an aristocratic appearance. Their image is one of speed and grace, and their expression is alert and self-assured. Their back is moderately long, straight, and muscular, with a slight slope downwards at the withers.
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Showing posts with label Kind of dogs. Show all posts
Weimaraner Information
(Weimaraner Voerstehhund, Grey Ghost, Weims) The Weimaraner is a medium-sized dog with elegantly defined features and an aristocratic appearance. Their image is one of speed and grace, and their expression is alert and self-assured. Their back is moderately long, straight, and muscular, with a slight slope downwards at the withers.
Tosa dogs
Toy Fox Terrier dogs
The origin of the United States of America, originated in the nineteen thirties. The United States Toy Terrier is a true American varieties, which is composed of small Smooth Fox Terrier and several other toy breeds include the Chihuahua, Manchester Terrier, British Toy Terrier bred by mating. Somatotype growth very balanced symmetrical show star athlete's style, let a person feel it's mature smart, healthy and energetic. It has become a valuable companion dogs and excellent presentation for dogs, but it still retains the hounds of the characteristics, if there is a chance that they will be very excited to the wild hunt. In 1936 the American Kennel Club (AKC) to be recognized. After the training can be a good assistant dogs the disabled.
The origin of the United States of America, originated in the nineteen thirties. The United States Toy Terrier is a true American varieties, which is composed of small Smooth Fox Terrier and several other toy breeds include the Chihuahua, Manchester Terrier, British Toy Terrier bred by mating. Somatotype growth very balanced symmetrical show star athlete's style, let a person feel it's mature smart, healthy and energetic. It has become a valuable companion dogs and excellent presentation for dogs, but it still retains the hounds of the characteristics, if there is a chance that they will be very excited to the wild hunt. In 1936 the American Kennel Club (AKC) to be recognized. After the training can be a good assistant dogs the disabled.
Tibetan Mastiff
Tibetan Mastiff - A War Dog
Breed Origins: Tibet ( Dates back to antiquity )
Breed usage: Hunting Dog:, Guarding, Herding & Fighting
Dog Weight: 75 - 160 Pounds
Dog Height: 22 to 28 inches to the shoulder
Cost of Puppies: Cost of puppies varies depending on location, breeder and pedigree history
Thai Ridgeback dogs
Thai Ridgeback - The Thailand Spitz
Breed Origins: Thailand ( 1600's )
Breed usage: Hunting Dog: & Guard Dog
Dog Weight: 35 - 65 Pounds
Dog Height: 22 to 26 inches to the shoulder
Cost of Puppies: Cost of puppies varies depending on location, breeder and pedigree history
Breed Origins: Thailand ( 1600's )
Breed usage: Hunting Dog: & Guard Dog
Dog Weight: 35 - 65 Pounds
Dog Height: 22 to 26 inches to the shoulder
Cost of Puppies: Cost of puppies varies depending on location, breeder and pedigree history
Sussex Spaniel - The Flusher
Sussex Spaniel - The Flusher
Breed Origins: England ( 1700's )
Breed usage: Bird flushing and retrieving
Dog Weight: 40 - 50 Pounds
Dog Height: 15 to 16 inches to the shoulder
Cost of Puppies: Cost of puppies varies depending on location, breeder and pedigree history
Breed Origins: England ( 1700's )
Breed usage: Bird flushing and retrieving
Dog Weight: 40 - 50 Pounds
Dog Height: 15 to 16 inches to the shoulder
Cost of Puppies: Cost of puppies varies depending on location, breeder and pedigree history
Top 10 of the Strangest Looking Dogs!
They say “beauty is in the eye of the beholder” – this phrase certainly comes into play in the world of canines. While I can truly appreciate almost any type of dog if they have a great personality or a charming puppy grin, well….some of them are just funny looking! (Luckily dog’s don’t really mind if you laugh in their general direction, as long as you have a good treat to make up for it). Actually many of the dogs on this list are rather unique in their appearance, which causes quite a few of of us to do double takes when we encounter one on the street (if you ever happen to!).
Bedlington Terrier: Is that a dog or a lamb? Bedlington Terriers have to be one of the strangest dogs I have ever seen. With their pear shaped heads, curly sheep-like fur and triangular ears, these dogs truly look like no other breed out there! While the Bedlington may look like a timid little sheep, in the early days this breed was often used for fighting. While the Bedlington’s of today have been bred to be sweet companions, they can still hold their own if they are challenged.

Chinese Crested: Hairless breeds always draw a crowd. Most people *do* believe dogs should have fur! The little Chinese Crested has fur on its paws (socks), its tail (plume) and a long flowing mop on its head (the crest). Their skin is soft and needs to be carefully cared for. Sunscreen must be used to make sure the dog doesn’t burn and they should be bathed regularly to prevent acne and other skin issues (and moisturised to control dry skin!). Some Crested owners bring their dogs in the shower with them to maintain this routine. A Chinese Crested named “Sam” was voted the “World’s Ugliest Dog” three years in a row! When he passed away at age 14, the contest judges decided that Sam was indeed “The Ugliest Dog Ever”.

Neapolitan Mastiff: This giant Molosser breed looks something like a mini-Rhino! The Neapolitan Mastiff stands out as “strange” due to all that loose skin! They have wrinkles all over their bodies, most prominently on the face and head. All those wrinkles need some extra TLC – the folds must be cleaned and kept dry as acne and infections are a concern if they are moist. The canine actor who played “Fang” in the Harry Potter movies was a Neapolitan Mastiff.

Puli: The Puli is one of the 3 “dread locked” breeds on this list! The “dreads” are actually known as “cords” and naturally begin to form when puppies are about 9 months old. Owners have to help this process by separating the cords as they can form very large matts if they are not maintained. Bathing one of these dogs is a lengthy process, as they take hours to dry!

Komondor: Komondors resemble Pulik (the plural of Puli), as they both have corded coats. However the Komondor is quite a bit larger than the Puli and seems to resemble a large mop (the breed is always white). Actually the coat color much resembles a used mop as the cords are often a bit “off white” from dust and dirt. Komondors were bred to guard livestock and their thick coats protected them from the elements as well as predators. The Komondor needs a great deal of intense grooming.

Peruvian Inca Orchid: Another hairless breed, these little dogs have even less hair than the Chinese Crested! This ancient breed appears in art dating back to 750 A.D. However when Peru was conquered by the Spanish, it almost led to the loss of these unique dogs. While these dogs occasionally have a bit of hair on their feet, tails and heads – breeders strive for a completely hairless dog. Grooming requires moisturizing with lotion to prevent skin drying. Peruvian Inca Orchids can be prone to acne and blackheads and obviously need to be kept warm in the colder weather!

Shar Pei: No one can confuse a Shar Pei with any other breed. This heavily wrinkled dog also has an unusual “hippopotamus” shaped muzzle. I have seen dogs of various breeds react in a confused manner towards Shar Pei. I’m guessing they didn’t recognize them as one of their own kind! As puppies the wrinkles are everywhere! As the dog grows the wrinkles often become less evident and are limited to the head and back. Shar Pei should always have a solid bluish-black tongue; spotted tongues are considered a fault and a pink tongue is a disqualification!

Xoloitzcuntle: The last of the hairless dogs on our list- these guys have quite the name! Pronounced “show-low-its-queen-tlee”, you can also call a Xoloitzcuntle a Mexican Hairless or even a “Xolo” for short. These little dogs look almost exactly like the Peruvian Inca Orchid, but their roots are not the same. Xolo’s were considered sacred by the Aztecs as they were believed to help guide individuals through the underworld after their death. Like the other hairless breeds, Xolos require bathing, moisturizing, sunscreen and coats to keep these little baldies happy and healthy!

Bergamasco: Another “moppish” looking breed, the Bergamasco’s coat is actually considered “felted” and not “corded”. The matts are made up of the 3 types of hair that the dog grows and begin to form in late puppyhood. Due to their dark color, they often appear quite shabby. The Bergamasco is from Persia and like the Komondor, served as a sheepdog and livestock guardian. While some owners may be tempted to shave these heavily coated dogs, breeders absolutely frown on this, saying the dogs coat will never be the same.

There you have it! A list of 10 of the strangest looking breeds out there! Don’t be offended if you are the owner of one of these fantastic dogs – you are one of the few who get to experience their unique personalities (as well as looks!). Wrinkled, hairless or heavily matted – these are dogs who draw a crowd wherever they go!
Bedlington Terrier: Is that a dog or a lamb? Bedlington Terriers have to be one of the strangest dogs I have ever seen. With their pear shaped heads, curly sheep-like fur and triangular ears, these dogs truly look like no other breed out there! While the Bedlington may look like a timid little sheep, in the early days this breed was often used for fighting. While the Bedlington’s of today have been bred to be sweet companions, they can still hold their own if they are challenged.
Chinese Crested: Hairless breeds always draw a crowd. Most people *do* believe dogs should have fur! The little Chinese Crested has fur on its paws (socks), its tail (plume) and a long flowing mop on its head (the crest). Their skin is soft and needs to be carefully cared for. Sunscreen must be used to make sure the dog doesn’t burn and they should be bathed regularly to prevent acne and other skin issues (and moisturised to control dry skin!). Some Crested owners bring their dogs in the shower with them to maintain this routine. A Chinese Crested named “Sam” was voted the “World’s Ugliest Dog” three years in a row! When he passed away at age 14, the contest judges decided that Sam was indeed “The Ugliest Dog Ever”.
Neapolitan Mastiff: This giant Molosser breed looks something like a mini-Rhino! The Neapolitan Mastiff stands out as “strange” due to all that loose skin! They have wrinkles all over their bodies, most prominently on the face and head. All those wrinkles need some extra TLC – the folds must be cleaned and kept dry as acne and infections are a concern if they are moist. The canine actor who played “Fang” in the Harry Potter movies was a Neapolitan Mastiff.
Puli: The Puli is one of the 3 “dread locked” breeds on this list! The “dreads” are actually known as “cords” and naturally begin to form when puppies are about 9 months old. Owners have to help this process by separating the cords as they can form very large matts if they are not maintained. Bathing one of these dogs is a lengthy process, as they take hours to dry!
Komondor: Komondors resemble Pulik (the plural of Puli), as they both have corded coats. However the Komondor is quite a bit larger than the Puli and seems to resemble a large mop (the breed is always white). Actually the coat color much resembles a used mop as the cords are often a bit “off white” from dust and dirt. Komondors were bred to guard livestock and their thick coats protected them from the elements as well as predators. The Komondor needs a great deal of intense grooming.
Peruvian Inca Orchid: Another hairless breed, these little dogs have even less hair than the Chinese Crested! This ancient breed appears in art dating back to 750 A.D. However when Peru was conquered by the Spanish, it almost led to the loss of these unique dogs. While these dogs occasionally have a bit of hair on their feet, tails and heads – breeders strive for a completely hairless dog. Grooming requires moisturizing with lotion to prevent skin drying. Peruvian Inca Orchids can be prone to acne and blackheads and obviously need to be kept warm in the colder weather!
Shar Pei: No one can confuse a Shar Pei with any other breed. This heavily wrinkled dog also has an unusual “hippopotamus” shaped muzzle. I have seen dogs of various breeds react in a confused manner towards Shar Pei. I’m guessing they didn’t recognize them as one of their own kind! As puppies the wrinkles are everywhere! As the dog grows the wrinkles often become less evident and are limited to the head and back. Shar Pei should always have a solid bluish-black tongue; spotted tongues are considered a fault and a pink tongue is a disqualification!
Xoloitzcuntle: The last of the hairless dogs on our list- these guys have quite the name! Pronounced “show-low-its-queen-tlee”, you can also call a Xoloitzcuntle a Mexican Hairless or even a “Xolo” for short. These little dogs look almost exactly like the Peruvian Inca Orchid, but their roots are not the same. Xolo’s were considered sacred by the Aztecs as they were believed to help guide individuals through the underworld after their death. Like the other hairless breeds, Xolos require bathing, moisturizing, sunscreen and coats to keep these little baldies happy and healthy!
Bergamasco: Another “moppish” looking breed, the Bergamasco’s coat is actually considered “felted” and not “corded”. The matts are made up of the 3 types of hair that the dog grows and begin to form in late puppyhood. Due to their dark color, they often appear quite shabby. The Bergamasco is from Persia and like the Komondor, served as a sheepdog and livestock guardian. While some owners may be tempted to shave these heavily coated dogs, breeders absolutely frown on this, saying the dogs coat will never be the same.
There you have it! A list of 10 of the strangest looking breeds out there! Don’t be offended if you are the owner of one of these fantastic dogs – you are one of the few who get to experience their unique personalities (as well as looks!). Wrinkled, hairless or heavily matted – these are dogs who draw a crowd wherever they go!
13 Dog Breeds That Love The Water
When you think of breeds that love the water you might typically picture a Lab or a Golden Retriever. They are the most popular of the breeds on our list that have extreme aquatic tendencies! Many kinds of dogs love to swim, but I've compiled a list of some of the top canine splashers! If you have an active outdoorsy lifestyle, one of these breeds may be perfect for you and your family.
The Schipperke (pronounced skipper-kee) is a small (ranging from 7-20 lbs) Belgian breed that is always ready to go! They are incredibly smart and are known for their keen ability to pick up obedience commands quickly. They are independent and can be stubborn, so consistent training is a must. Members of this breed are commonly known as "Belgian barge dogs", as they were used for security and to keep the boats free of small pests. These little dogs are very comfortable on the water and they love to swim!
Labrador Retriever
Considered the most popular dog (by registration) in the world today, the Labrador Retriever is known to be an excellent family companion. Due to over breeding, there are many of these wonderful dogs in rescues today. If you are seeking to purchase a puppy, make sure you do so from a reputable source. Labs have a long puppy hood and are often clumsy until they mature (around 3 years of age). These dogs were bred for hunting Waterfowl, thus stems their love of swimming! Their thick coats are somewhat water-repellant.
Wolf Hybrid
As of about 1990 the correct term for a mix of a wolf and a domestic dog is a wolfdog. The dog was reclassified as a sub-species of wolf (canis lupus familiaris) and as such, it is impossible to have a hybrid as they are two of the same species. Although technically incorrect, the term "hybrid" is still used by many, particularly when it comes to mixing two purebred domestic dogs.
It was brought to our attention by some wolfdog fanciers that there are many animals out there which are claimed to bewolfdogs but are actually nordic type dog mixes. Apparently some are pictured inside this section. We made the decision to keep this wolf hybrid section as a comparison with the dogs who have been proven to be true wolfdogs. You can see some examples at Non-Wolfdogs: Mistaken Identity.
The Dog Breed Info Center(R) is not claiming the dogs in this section are not true wolfdogs. We would like you to do your own comparison between the two, this wolf hybrid section and our proven wolfdog section. There are many dogs in shelters that are killed because they look like a wolf when they are actually an nortic type dog, such as a husky or malamute mix. Animals that are falsely labelled as wolfdogs in shelters can be detrimental. Nortic dogs are being killed and wolfdogs are not going to the proper rescues where there are people who know how to deal with them.
Shiba Inu Temperament
Shiba Inu Temperament, Personality, Behavior, Traits, and Characteristics, by Michele Welton. Copyright © 2000-2012
People often find themselves drawn to the Shiba because he is conveniently sized, handsome and hardy, easy to groom, and clean and quiet indoors. However....these interested potential owners must explore this breed in more depth, else they might be making a big mistake.
The Shiba Inu, you see, is very challenging to raise and train. A bold, high-spirited "big dog in a small body," he must always be kept on-leash, for he has a high prey drive and quick reflexes and will pursue anything that moves. He can outrun and outdodge any human....and frequently does, for he has an independent spirit. Shibas are true runners.
Shiba Inu owners need secure fences. Indeed, if you plan of leaving your Shiba outdoors unsupervised, he really should have a covered run (as in chainlink all across the top) if you want to be sure of finding him in the yard where you left him. Otherwise, his ingenuity and agile jumping/climbing/digging skills may send him over or under an ordinary fence. And once he's loose, he's gone.
French Bulldog Breed
Often described as "a clown in the cloak of a philosopher," the French Bulldog originated as, and continues to be used as a companion dog. The breed is small and muscular with heavy bone structure, a smooth coat, a short face and trademark "bat" ears. Prized for their affectionate natures and even dispositions, they are generally active and alert, but not unduly boisterous. Frenchies can be brindle, fawn, white, and brindle and white.A Look Back
Lacemakers in 19th Century Nottingham, England selectively bred the early bulldog for a downsized or "toy" bulldog, for use as a lap pet. When the Industrial Revolution displaced some lacemakers to France, they took the dogs with them, and soon the "toy" bulldogs became popular in France, where wealthy Americans doing the Grand Tour saw and fell in love with them. In the late 1800's these "toy bulldogs" became known as French Bulldogs.
General Appearance
The French Bulldog has the appearance of an active, intelligent, muscular dog of heavy bone, smooth coat, compactly built, and of medium or small structure. Expression alert, curious, and interested. Any alteration other than removal of dewclaws is considered mutilation and is a disqualification.
Proportion and Symmetry--All points are well distributed and bear good relation one to the other; no feature being in such prominence from either excess or lack of quality that the animal appears poorly proportioned.
Influence of Sex--In comparing specimens of different sex, due allowance is to be made in favor of bitches, which do not bear the characteristics of the breed to the same marked degree as do the dogs.
Size, Proportion, Substance
Weight not to exceed 28 pounds; over 28 pounds is a disqualification. Proportion--Distance from withers to ground in good relation to distance from withers to onset of tail, so that animal appears compact, well balanced and in good proportion. Substance--Muscular, heavy bone.
Head large and square. Eyes dark in color, wide apart, set low down in the skull, as far from the ears as possible, round in form, of moderate size, neither sunken nor bulging. In lighter colored dogs, lighter colored eyes are acceptable. No haw and no white of the eye showing when looking forward. Ears Known as the bat ear, broad at the base, elongated, with round top, set high on the head but not too close together, and carried erect with the orifice to the front. The leather of the ear fine and soft. Other than bat ears is a disqualification. The top of the skull flat between the ears; the forehead is not flat but slightly rounded. The muzzle broad, deep and well laid back; the muscles of the cheeks well developed. The stop well defined, causing a hollow groove between the eyes with heavy wrinkles forming a soft roll over the extremely short nose; nostrils broad with a well defined line between them. Nose black. Nose other than black is a disqualification, except in the case of the lighter colored dogs, where a lighter colored nose is acceptable but not desirable. Flews black, thick and broad, hanging over the lower jaw at the sides, meeting the underlip in front and covering the teeth, which are not seen when the mouth is closed. The underjaw is deep, square, broad, undershot and well turned up.
Neck, Topline, Body
The neck is thick and well arched with loose skin at the throat. The back is a roach back with a slight fall close behind the shoulders; strong and short, broad at the shoulders and narrowing at the loins. The body is short and well rounded. The chest is broad, deep, and full; well ribbed with the belly tucked up. The tail is either straight or screwed (but not curly), short, hung low, thick root and fine tip; carried low in repose.
Forelegs are short, stout, straight, muscular and set wide apart. Dewclaws may be removed. Feet are moderate in size, compact and firmly set. Toes compact, well split up, with high knuckles and short stubby nails.
Hind legs are strong and muscular, longer than the forelegs, so as to elevate the loins above the shoulders. Hocks well let down. Feet are moderate in size, compact and firmly set. Toes compact, well split up, with high knuckles and short stubby nails; hind feet slightly longer than forefeet.
Coat is moderately fine, brilliant, short and smooth. Skin is soft and loose, especially at the head and shoulders, forming wrinkles.
Acceptable colors - All brindle, fawn, white, brindle and white, and any color except those which constitute disqualification. All colors are acceptable with the exception of solid black, mouse, liver, black and tan, black and white, and white with black, which are disqualifications. Black means black without a trace of brindle.
Correct gait is double tracking with reach and drive; the action is unrestrained, free and vigorous.
Well behaved, adaptable, and comfortable companions with an affectionate nature and even disposition; generally active, alert, and playful, but not unduly boisterous.
Any alteration other than removal of dewclaws.
Over 28 pounds in weight.
Other than bat ears.
Nose other than black, except in the case of lighter colored dogs, where a lighter colored nose is acceptable.
Solid black, mouse, liver, black and tan, blac
American Pit Bull Terrier
(Pitbull) (Pit) (Pit Bull) (Pit Terrier) (Half and Half) (Staffordshire Fighting Dog) (Bull Baiter Dogs) (Old Family Dog - the Irish name) (Yankee Terrier - the Northern name) (Rebel Terrier - the Southern name)
"Pretty Boy Swag aka RedBoy is a prime example of the American Pit Bull Terrier breed. He is 14 months old in this picture and is owned by us here at Five Star Bullies in central Florida. RedBoy has a perfect even temperament. He is a fun-loving dog that loves attention and long walks. He requires about 3 hours of exercise each day to maintain his muscle tone and to keep him happy. Thank you for this opportunity to promote this breed in a positive light. Amber at Five Star Bullies"
The Pit Bull immediately strikes one as being a dog of power, passion and undying willingness. The brick-like head, which is especially broad between the cheeks (to house the powerful jaws), is carried upon a thickly muscled, well-defined neck. The neck runs into a deep, thick, well-sprung chest. The American Pit Bull is a very muscular, stocky, yet agile dog that is extremely strong for his size. The ears are generally cropped, though this is optional. Docked tails are not accepted by the UKC or the ADBA. The eyes are round. Both the ADBA and the UKC do not accept blue eyes or the coat color merle. The American Pitbull Registry does accept a merle coat. The teeth should form a scissors bite. Its coat is made up of thick, short, shiny hair. All colors are admissible. The tail tapers to a point.
The American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT) has a strong pleasure to please. The APBT has evoked more human emotional, rational and irrational response than any other breed that exists today. By no means are these dogs people-haters or people-eaters. Their natural aggressive tendencies are toward other dogs and animals, not people. However if they are properly socialized with a firm, but calm, confident, consistent pack leader, they will not even be aggressive with them. The American Pit Bull Terrier is a good-natured, amusing, extremely loyal and affectionate family pet that is good with children and adults. Almost always obedient, it is always eager to please its master. It is an extremely courageous and intelligent guard dog that is very full of vitality. Highly protective of his owners and the owner's property, it will fight an enemy to the death. It is usually very friendly, but has an uncanny ability to know when it needs to protect and when everything is okay. The American Pit Bull Terrier can be willful with meek owners and needs a firm hand. They are generally okay with other pets if they are raised with them from puppyhood. They are very friendly, but not recommended for most people, because most people do not understand how to properly raise and treat a dog. Problems arise when one does not understand natural dog behavior, seeing the dog as having human emotions, and ends up with a dog who thinks he is the boss of the house. For a smaller, not as powerful dog, people can sometimes get away with this, however, for a powerful breed, one really needs to understand and follow this concept of keeping a dog. An excellent guide to learning how to properly treat a dog is the Dog Whisperer with Cesar Millan (recommended to all dog owners regardless of the breed they own). Excellent with children in the family, they have a high pain tolerance and will happily put up with rough child play. As with any breed, they should not be left alone with unfamiliar children. Used as all-around working farm dogs, they were referred to as "the poor man’s horse." Later they were used as fighting dogs; the powerful American Pit Bull may go for the throat of strange dogs. A minimum of training, along with the proper amount of exercise and a firm pack leader, will produce a tranquil, obedient dog. Socialize very thoroughly when young to combat aggressive tendencies and be sure to keep the dog under control when other dogs are present. Teach this dog respect for humans by not allowing it to jump up and not allowing it to enter doorways first. The humans must make the dog heel beside or behind them when walking. It has given outstanding results as a guardian of property, but is at the same time esteemed as a companion dog. The objective in training this dog is to achieve pack leader status. It is a natural instinct for a dog to have an order in its pack. When we humans live with dogs, we become their pack. The entire pack cooperates under a single leader; lines are clearly defined and rules are set. You and all other humans MUST be higher up in the order than the dog. That is the only way your relationship can be a success. When properly trained and socialized, this is a very good dog and a great family companion. Unfortunately, some choose to promote the fighting instinct in the breed, giving it a bad name. If you would like to witness what a well-balanced Pitbull is like, tune into the Dog Whisperer and check out Daddy and Junior along with the rest of Cesar's pack of Pits. Daddy has since passed on, however there are still many episodes that air with him. R.I.P. Daddy.
Height, weight
Height: 14 - 24 inches (35 - 60 cm)
Weight: 22 - 78 pounds (10 - 35 kg)
The American Pit Bull Terrier is both powerful and agile. Actual weight and height are less important than the correct proportion of weight to height.
A very common misconception is that APBTs are muscle-bound hulks that weigh in around 85 pounds (39 kg) or more and this is generally not the majority. Most of the APBT's that are that large have been crossed with other breeds and are being called American Bullies. The general public often gets American Bullies mixed up with the American Pitbull Terriers. American Pitbull Terrier vs. American Bully
Health Problems A generally healthy breed, although some are prone to hip dysplasia, hereditary cataracts, allergies to grass and congenital heart disease.
Living Conditions Pits will do okay in an apartment if they are sufficiently exercised. They are very active indoors and will do alright without a yard provided they get enough exercise. Prefers warm climates.
Exercise American Pit Bull Terriers must have plenty of regular exercise and need to be taken on long daily walks.
Life Expectancy About 12 years.
Litter Size Average of 5 - 10 puppies
The smooth, shorthaired coat is easy to groom. Brush regularly with a firm bristle brush, and bathe or dry shampoo as necessary. A rub with a piece of toweling or chamois will make the coat gleam. This breed is an average shedder.
Developed from the Bull and Terrier types of yesteryear, the American Pit Bull Terrier was bred as an all-around farm dog, working the farms as a cattle/hog dog. Some chose to turn their talents into the sport of pit-fighting. The breed's tenacity and accompanying strength are unmatched in the canine world. As rich and captivating as the breed's history is, the Pit Bull's future is more worthy of commentary. Some proponents of the breed argue that this breed is the original bulldog of the past. Old prints and woodcarvings show reason to believe this. They show dogs that look exactly like the breed today, doing things the dog is still capable of doing. For more information on this theory you can read books by Richard F. Stratton. The APBT, as registered by the UKC, is an individual breed of dog and does not refer to just any ill-bred, mindless warrior-type mongrel. At one time, the Pit Bull was a much loved, trustworthy companion. People who chose to train these dogs to fight are chiefly responsible for the banning and witch-hunting that has been sweeping the U.S. The media, however, should not go unmentioned, for it is also responsible for escalating isolated incidences in a relentless and attention-getting way. In a lot of cases when the media is reporting about a Pit Bull attacking, it is indeed not even a Pit Bull at all, but a mixed breed of some sort, or another bull breed all together. For example, there was a report on KYW news in Philadelphia about two Pit Bulls attacking a person. The dogs did not look like Pit Bulls, but rather Boxer mixes. The news station was called and asked if they knew the dogs were in fact purebred American Pit Bull Terriers, or another bull breed of some sort, or mutts, for that matter. They stated they did not know, and to call the police station to verify that information. They were asked how they could report something that they were not sure of. They had no answer and they were not sure of the dogs’ breeds. Even after admitting on the phone that they did not in fact know the breeds of the dogs in question, they kept calling the dogs Pit Bulls in their reports. Why? Because the name Pit Bull will draw out the most attention from the public. The Pit Bull's future has been perhaps irreparably undone and everyone is to blame except the dog itself. This very loyal dog is too set on pleasing his owner, and ironically this is the root of his own undoing. Accompanying this need to please are remarkable abilities of all kinds. Jack Dempsy, Teddy Roosevelt and Jack Johnson are just a few people who have owned Pit Bulls. Pit Bulls excel in practically every canine task including herding, guarding, hunting, policing, cart pulling and ratting. A Pit Bull named Banddog Dread holds more canine working titles than ANY other breed. The owner's name is Diane Jessup and you can reference her book "The Working Pit Bull." It tells all of Dread's accomplishments. These dogs are truly capable of many tasks. The difference between Pits and American Staffordshire Terriers is a difficult one. Even breeders can't agree. The main difference is the bloodline. Amstaffs are show dogs and dog fighters won't use dogs with Amstaff blood. As time progresses there will be more of a difference. Many are dual registered as Amstaffs with the AKC and Pits with the UKC.
Yorkshire Terrier Dogs Breed
Often called toys with terrier qualities, Yorkshire Terriers are not your typical couch companion. They are clever, bold and independent animals with an energetic feistiness that makes itself known all around the house.
Quick Facts
weight: 3 - 7 pounds
height: 7 - 9 inches
Ideal Human Companions
Families with older children
High-energy types
Yorkshire Terriers on Dogster
What They Are Like to Live With
Easily trained, Yorkshire Terriers have a keen ability to remember multiple commands and adopt many obedience skills. They are top-notch competitors when it comes to sports and agility. This breed is also known for its independence. They need a certain amount of privacy to recharge, but also crave activity, involvement and attention.
No matter how many people or animals in the house, Yorkies will assert themselves, involving themselves in lots of hi-jinks that are mostly amusing and fun. This assertiveness usually comes across as self-confidence, not aggressiveness. They get along very well with other dogs and easily adapt to family life. Intensely protective, Yorkshire Terriers have a fearlessness and a relentless bark that make them great watchdogs.
Things You Should Know
Yorkshire Terriers can live as long as 15 years, but they must be handled with care: Because of their small size, they can be troubled by a number of health problems including hip and joint issues, poor digestion, tooth decay and bone fractures. Yorkshire Terriers are fragile dogs. Be careful when holding them or transporting them and be sure to regularly feed them solid foods.
Yorkies get along very well with children, but they don’t have the patience for the sudden moves and rough play of very small ones. Also, they can sometimes be demanding and stubborn if they don’t get their way.
Like other small breeds, Yorkshire Terriers have a super-sized confidence. Keep them on a leash during walks, as they have a tendency to pick fight with much larger dogs.
They should be groomed regularly, including daily combing and brushing. The hair on their heads grows so long, it’s often necessary to tie it in a band so your Yorkshire Terrier can see and eat without any hassle.
Yorkshire Terrier History
Yorkshire Terriers were bred in 19th century England from a mixture of Scottish Terriers: Clydesdale, Skye, Paisley and Waterside Terriers; and were used by miners near Yorkshire to catch rats that had infested the mines. They also came in handy as hunting dogs, able to chase foxes, badgers and other small animals into their burrows. Over the years they were bred smaller, soon becoming fashionable pets and dog show standouts.
The Look of a Yorkshire Terrier
Yorkshire Terriers are small, longhaired dogs with solid, well-proportioned frames. They hold themselves in an erect, confident and proud manner. A typical Yorkie has a flat head (with lots of hair), a medium-sized muzzle, alert and friendly eyes, and a pair of erect, V-shaped ears. Their tails are docked to medium-length while their coats hang long and straight all over. The coats are usually metallic blue on the body and tail, and tan everywhere else.Do Yorkies Make Good Pets
For many people, this toy dog is “the perfect pet”.
They may not be the best pet for everyone, but there are many reasons why Yorkies make good pets.
Allow me, to offer you a very short list of reasons why Yorkies are so great.
Yorkies Are Small
Yorkies weigh between 3-7 pounds, but many people these days prefer dogs that are slightly larger (7-9 lbs). For people who do not have a lot of space around the house, Yorkies make very good pets. Yorkies are also easy to carry around.
This is convenient when you have to bring your pet to the vet. Also, they do not eat very much. Larger breeds of dogs cost a lot to feed, but not the Yorkie. Dog lovers who do not want to spend too much on dog food will find that these small dogs make good pets.
Yorkies Are Lively
Like many terriers, Yorkies are lively and have a delightful temperament. They are inquisitive, bright and playful. They like to dash around and check things out. Yorkies also like a good game of tug-of-war. They also like to play with toys and interact with people. When you see your little pet happily chasing birds and butterflies, you’ll realize that Yorkies do make good pets.
Yorkies Are Cuddly
Not too many breeds of dogs like to be carried or cuddled, but Yorkies like nothing better than to be held in your arms or snuggle against a pillow. Surprisingly, they also like being groomed, so you can have a great time brushing their long, silky hair or even putting them into cute outfits.
If you’re the type of person who loves to shower their attention on their pet, a Yorkie is the dog for you. Yorkshire terriers thrive on human companionship and attention.
Yorkies Are Loyal
Yorkies are extremely loyal to their owners. Your pet Yorkie will want nothing more than to keep you happy. Give your pet plenty of love and praise when they do something you like, and in return they will likely continue with that good behavior.
Yorkies Are Good Watchdogs
Yorkies have very keen senses and they are not shy about barking to let you know if something strange or new is going on. Early socialization and training will stop them from making barking a habit.
Do Yorkies Shed?
Because of their long hair, many people are concerned that Yorkies might shed. In fact, Yorkies do not shed. They are the only breed of dog with hair and not fur.
They have hair just like humans, and some strands fall off in the same manner as human hair does.
Yorkies do not have an undercoat either, making them ideal for people who are allergic to animal fur. While Yorkies do not shed, Yorkie owners should prepare themselves to spend a little time grooming their pet’s hair to keep it healthy and shiny.
Is a Yorkie the Pet for You?
Yorkies do make good pets but they are not for everyone. A Yorkie is a good pet for you if you want a small dog that you can carry around and does not take up a lot of space. You may also want a Yorkie for a pet if you want a lively, playful companion that doesn’t need to be exercised a lot.
A Yorkie will also make a good pet if you suffer from allergies and want a pet that does not shed much. And if you want a watchdog that does not fail to announce a stranger, a Yorkshire terrier can do that to.
Before you leave you should probably take a look at our Yorkie puppies for sale. You sure would hate to miss that perfect puppy.
Quick Facts
weight: 3 - 7 pounds
height: 7 - 9 inches
Ideal Human Companions
Families with older children
High-energy types
Yorkshire Terriers on Dogster
What They Are Like to Live With
Easily trained, Yorkshire Terriers have a keen ability to remember multiple commands and adopt many obedience skills. They are top-notch competitors when it comes to sports and agility. This breed is also known for its independence. They need a certain amount of privacy to recharge, but also crave activity, involvement and attention.
No matter how many people or animals in the house, Yorkies will assert themselves, involving themselves in lots of hi-jinks that are mostly amusing and fun. This assertiveness usually comes across as self-confidence, not aggressiveness. They get along very well with other dogs and easily adapt to family life. Intensely protective, Yorkshire Terriers have a fearlessness and a relentless bark that make them great watchdogs.
Things You Should Know
Yorkshire Terriers can live as long as 15 years, but they must be handled with care: Because of their small size, they can be troubled by a number of health problems including hip and joint issues, poor digestion, tooth decay and bone fractures. Yorkshire Terriers are fragile dogs. Be careful when holding them or transporting them and be sure to regularly feed them solid foods.
Yorkies get along very well with children, but they don’t have the patience for the sudden moves and rough play of very small ones. Also, they can sometimes be demanding and stubborn if they don’t get their way.
Like other small breeds, Yorkshire Terriers have a super-sized confidence. Keep them on a leash during walks, as they have a tendency to pick fight with much larger dogs.
They should be groomed regularly, including daily combing and brushing. The hair on their heads grows so long, it’s often necessary to tie it in a band so your Yorkshire Terrier can see and eat without any hassle.
Yorkshire Terrier History
Yorkshire Terriers were bred in 19th century England from a mixture of Scottish Terriers: Clydesdale, Skye, Paisley and Waterside Terriers; and were used by miners near Yorkshire to catch rats that had infested the mines. They also came in handy as hunting dogs, able to chase foxes, badgers and other small animals into their burrows. Over the years they were bred smaller, soon becoming fashionable pets and dog show standouts.
The Look of a Yorkshire Terrier
Yorkshire Terriers are small, longhaired dogs with solid, well-proportioned frames. They hold themselves in an erect, confident and proud manner. A typical Yorkie has a flat head (with lots of hair), a medium-sized muzzle, alert and friendly eyes, and a pair of erect, V-shaped ears. Their tails are docked to medium-length while their coats hang long and straight all over. The coats are usually metallic blue on the body and tail, and tan everywhere else.Do Yorkies Make Good Pets
Yorkshire terriers are some of the cutest dogs that you will find, but do Yorkies make good pets?
For many people, this toy dog is “the perfect pet”.
They may not be the best pet for everyone, but there are many reasons why Yorkies make good pets.
Allow me, to offer you a very short list of reasons why Yorkies are so great.
Yorkies Are Small
Yorkies weigh between 3-7 pounds, but many people these days prefer dogs that are slightly larger (7-9 lbs). For people who do not have a lot of space around the house, Yorkies make very good pets. Yorkies are also easy to carry around.
This is convenient when you have to bring your pet to the vet. Also, they do not eat very much. Larger breeds of dogs cost a lot to feed, but not the Yorkie. Dog lovers who do not want to spend too much on dog food will find that these small dogs make good pets.
Yorkies Are Lively
Like many terriers, Yorkies are lively and have a delightful temperament. They are inquisitive, bright and playful. They like to dash around and check things out. Yorkies also like a good game of tug-of-war. They also like to play with toys and interact with people. When you see your little pet happily chasing birds and butterflies, you’ll realize that Yorkies do make good pets.
Yorkies Are Cuddly
Not too many breeds of dogs like to be carried or cuddled, but Yorkies like nothing better than to be held in your arms or snuggle against a pillow. Surprisingly, they also like being groomed, so you can have a great time brushing their long, silky hair or even putting them into cute outfits.
If you’re the type of person who loves to shower their attention on their pet, a Yorkie is the dog for you. Yorkshire terriers thrive on human companionship and attention.
Yorkies Are Loyal
Yorkies are extremely loyal to their owners. Your pet Yorkie will want nothing more than to keep you happy. Give your pet plenty of love and praise when they do something you like, and in return they will likely continue with that good behavior.
Yorkies Are Good Watchdogs
Yorkies have very keen senses and they are not shy about barking to let you know if something strange or new is going on. Early socialization and training will stop them from making barking a habit.
Do Yorkies Shed?
Because of their long hair, many people are concerned that Yorkies might shed. In fact, Yorkies do not shed. They are the only breed of dog with hair and not fur.
They have hair just like humans, and some strands fall off in the same manner as human hair does.
Yorkies do not have an undercoat either, making them ideal for people who are allergic to animal fur. While Yorkies do not shed, Yorkie owners should prepare themselves to spend a little time grooming their pet’s hair to keep it healthy and shiny.
Is a Yorkie the Pet for You?
Yorkies do make good pets but they are not for everyone. A Yorkie is a good pet for you if you want a small dog that you can carry around and does not take up a lot of space. You may also want a Yorkie for a pet if you want a lively, playful companion that doesn’t need to be exercised a lot.
A Yorkie will also make a good pet if you suffer from allergies and want a pet that does not shed much. And if you want a watchdog that does not fail to announce a stranger, a Yorkshire terrier can do that to.
Before you leave you should probably take a look at our Yorkie puppies for sale. You sure would hate to miss that perfect puppy.
The Elk-Kee is not a purebred dog. It is a cross between the Norwegian Elkhound and the Keeshond. The best way to determine the temperament of a mixed breed is to look up all breeds in the cross and know you can get any combination of any of the characteristics found in either breed. Not all of these designer hybrid dogs being bred are 50% purebred to 50% purebred. It is very common for breeders to breed multi-generation crosses.
Shih Tzu dogs breed
The compact Shih Tzu is the ideal canine companion. Originally bred for royalty in China, this little guy still considers himself a prince among dogs. A true sweetheart, his purpose in life is to love and be loved. Playful and mischievous, he will steal your shoes.
Once the prized lap dog of Chinese emperors, the Shih Tzu doesn’t see any reason to accept the slightest reduction in status. But his assumption that the world revolves around him rarely comes with arrogance or aggressiveness. The Shih Tzu is, somewhat inexplicably given his willingness to be spoiled, one of the sweeter of toy breeds and one of the more popular, too.
Shih Tzus do not guard, hunt, or tunnel into the earth, although they may retrieve balls for you to throw again. They are bred to do one thing, and they do it well: They are companion dogs who give love to the world and soak it back in. They’re an in-your-lap kind of dog. They’ll bark to alert you that someone is at the door; once whoever it is comes inside, there's a good chance your dog will like the person as long as you do, because they are trusting creatures.
Intelligent dogs, Shih Tzu like learning. They are good in obedience classes and can do great at agility and obedience competitions. They may take a little more time during training, and housebreaking can be a problem that requires perception and consistency on your end.
A Shih Tzu should get a short walk daily, but if you can’t, most will be content with using the furniture as a track course.
Colors in the breed are gold and white, red and white, black mask gold, solid red, black and white, solid black, solid liver, liver and white, blue and white, brindle and white, and silver and white.
A terrific apartment dog who does equally well in mansions and farms, he will adapt to whatever living arrangement you provide. What he can’t do is live outside. The Shih Tzu is too small, too human oriented, and too heat sensitive to live outdoors. He may not need a palace, but he definitely needs a home.
Other Quick Facts
- Shih Tzus are often called chrysanthemum dogs because of the way their hair grows up from the nose and around the face in all directions.
- The Shih Tzu may have originated in Tibet, bred by Tibetan lamas to be a tiny replica of a lion, which is associated with Buddhist mythology.
- The Shih Tzu is prized for his small size, sweet nature, flowing coat, and intelligent mind.
- The name is pronounced SHEED-zoo.
The History of Shih Tzus
Little is known about the origins of the Shih Tzu, but genetic testing tells us that he is one of the more ancient breeds in existence. It’s thought that he originated in Tibet, bred by Tibetan lamas to be a tiny replica of a lion, which is associated with Buddhist mythology. The smallest of the Tibetan breeds, he is noted for his heavy coat and tail that curves over the back. The Shih Tzu served as companions and watchdogs to the monks in the lamaseries. The happy and entertaining little dogs were surrounded by myths. One belief held that they were incarnations of mischievous household gods; another that they carried the souls of lamas who had not yet achieved nirvana, the transcendence of human desire.
The lamas presented the dogs as tribute to Chinese rulers, and it was at the Chinese imperial court that they received the name Shih Tzu, meaning “little lion” or “lion dog.” The Chinese also gave the Shih Tzu another name — chrysanthemum dog — because the hair on the face grows in all directions like the petals of the flower.
In China, the Shih Tzu was bred to have a stylized appearance. A fanciful “recipe” for the breed’s creation reads “a dash of lion, several teaspoons of rabbit, a couple of ounces of domestic cat, one part court jester, a dash of ballerina, a pinch of old man (Chinese), a bit of beggar, a tablespoon of monkey, one part baby seal, a dash of teddy bear, and the rest dogs of Tibetan and Chinese origin.”
The Peking (now Beijing) Kennel Club, when it wrote a breed standard for the Shih Tzu, also waxed poetic, describing the breed as having “the head of a lion, the round face of an owl, the lustrous eyes of a dragon, the oval tongue of a peony petal, the mouth of a frog, teeth like grains of rice, ears like palm leaves, the torso of a bear, the broad back of a tiger, the tail of a Phoenix, the legs of an elephant, toes like a mountain range, a yellow coat like a camel, and the movement of a fish.”
After the end of imperial rule in China, the little dogs might have disappeared, spurned as a reminder of bygone days, but fortunately some of them had been presented to foreigners, in particular General Douglas and Lady Brownrigg. They and others took some of the dogs to England. All modern Shih Tzu descend from only fourteen dogs.
World War II interrupted the breed’s development in England, but it survived and then thrived in the 1950s and 1960s. The American Kennel Club recognized the breed in 1969. Today the Shih Tzu is popular for his loyal, gentle, cheerful attitude. He ranks 10th among the breeds registered by the AKC, a position that has held steady for a decade.
Shih Tzu Temperament and Personality
Whatever you do, a Shih Tzu is willing to be there with you. He’s up for anything and isn’t demanding. He’s not high strung, either, and can make a great companion for a senior. If you’re doing something mundane like cleaning the refrigerator, he will sit by and watch in solidarity. If you’re watching TV, he’ll watch too. If you’re up for play, the Shih Tzu is too. If you’re tired, he’ll take a snooze along with you. He doesn’t care what you do as long as he’s doing it with you. Left with toys to play with, he can entertain himself and doesn’t mind if you work all day as long as you come home to him and give him some love.
Shih Tzus tend to like dogs and children. They enjoy play dates and can make great therapy dogs. Some like cats and some don’t; it seems to be entirely an individual preference rather than a breed trait.
He is playful and, on occasion, mischievous. He will steal your shoes. He may want you to chase him after he steals them. On the other hand, if he really wants them, he just might bury them. He’s not above taking toys from other dogs.
Toy breeds can easily become picky eaters, but that problem is often unintentionally created by people. Don’t let your Shih Tzu get away with it. GIve him time to adapt to what he is supposed to eat, as opposed to lunging for your cheesecake.
A Shih Tzu can be stubborn, but it’s hardly the hallmark of the breed. He may not give training the same priority that you do, and it may require some patience and extra time on your part to fully housebreak him. He can be terrific at agility, so he can certainly learn to follow commands. This vivacious little clown is confident and may have a bit too much self-importance, but that’s only to be expected given his imperial background.
Some Shih Tzus can chew too much stuff, nip a bit too often, jump on people, and lick enough to lose fur. The Shih Tzu feels that he is large and in charge, and he can growl to protect his food and toys if he isn’t taught to play nicely and share.
Any dog, no matter how sweet or small, can develop obnoxious levels of barking, chewing, and other undesirable behaviors if he is bored, untrained, or unsupervised. Start training your puppy the day you bring him home. He is capable of soaking up everything you can teach him. Never wait until he is 6 months old to begin training, or you will have a more headstrong dog to deal with. If possible, get him into puppy kindergarten class by the time he is 10 to 12 weeks old, and socialize, socialize, socialize. However, be aware that many puppy training classes require certain vaccines (like kennel cough) to be up to date, and many veterinarians recommend limited exposure to other dogs and public places until puppy vaccines (including rabies, distemper and parvovirus) have been completed. In lieu of formal training, you can begin training your puppy at home and socializing him among family and friends until puppy vaccines are completed.
Talk to the breeder, describe exactly what you’re looking for in a dog, and ask for assistance in selecting a puppy. Breeders see their puppies daily and can make uncannily accurate recommendations once they know something about your lifestyle and personality.
The perfect Shih Tzu doesn’t spring fully formed from the whelping box. He’s a product of his background and breeding. Whatever you want from a Shih Tzu, look for one whose parents have nice personalities and who has been well socialized from early puppyhood.
What You Need to Know About Shih Tzu Health
All dogs have the potential to develop genetic health problems, just as all people have the potential to inherit a particular disease. Run, don’t walk, from any breeder who does not offer a health guarantee on puppies, who tells you that the breed is 100 percent healthy and has no known problems, or who tells you that her puppies are isolated from the main part of the household for health reasons. A reputable breeder will be honest and open about health problems in the breed and the incidence with which they occur in her lines.
The Shih Tzu suffers from many of the health problems common to tiny dogs and has a few particular health problems of his own. Shih Tzus can have teeth that are misaligned or missing. Because their small mouths contribute to tooth crowding, they're also prone to periodontal disease and require regular veterinary dental care. They can also be born with a cleft lip and/or palate.
Like many small dogs, their kneecaps can pop out of position easily — the common condition known as luxating patellas. Their eyes protrude and can be easily scratched or injured, and their breathing can be full of snuffles and wheezes that sometimes turn into major respiratory problems.
Then there’s renal dysplasia, an inherited condition in which the dog’s kidneys don't develop normally. This is something a puppy inherits from his parents, so buy puppies only from breeders who test all their dogs for renal dysplasia. You’ll want to see documentation that both parents’ kidney function is normal. Unfortunately, not even normal kidney biopsies in both parents can guarantee puppies won’t develop renal dysplasia. Shih Tzu owners need to watch their puppies carefully for excessive thirst, failure to gain weight, or signs that they’re not thriving.
The Shih Tzu is prone to several inherited eye diseases, including cataracts and progressive retinal atrophy (PRA). A cataract is an opaque cloudiness that affects the eye lens. Vision is affected and the effects can range from slight impairment to blindness. Cataracts can be treated surgically. Progressive retinal atrophy (PRA) is an inherited disease that leads to blindness. Shih Tzus are also prone to dry eye, or keratoconjunctivitis sicca -- a condition in which inadequate tear production leads to corneal dryness, pain, corneal ulcers, and other complications.
Dogs with bulging eyes, such as the Shih Tzu, are more likely to have an injury to the eyeball that causes the eyeball to bulge out of the orbit, called proptosis. When proptosis occurs, blood flow is cut off, and the lack of oxygen can result in blindness. It is a medical emergency.
Ingrown eyelashes, known as distichiasis, scrape and irritate the eye and can even scar it. Sometimes eyelash hairs burst through the eyelid (ectopic cilia). Both of these conditions can create corneal ulcers.
Like other brachycephalic (short-headed) breeds, Shih Tzus can have respiratory issues because of the shape of their head, face, and airways. Some brachycephalic dogs have an obstruction in their upper airways that makes it hard for the dogs to breathe. This by no means indicates that every flat-faced dog will have these issues. Severe problems can be treated surgically.
The Shih Tzu’s teeth come in a bit later than other breeds’, and they often fall out earlier than other breeds’. Shih Tzus can have underbites (or "undershot jaw") in which the lower jaw extends past the upper jaw, resulting in trauma to the gums and malocclusion of the teeth. They are also prone to periodontal disease and should have their teeth brushed daily.
The breeder should show you written documentation that both the puppy’s parents have had Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA) patella (kneecap) evaluations, as well as eye clearances from the Canine Eye Registration Foundation (CERF).
If a breeder tells you she doesn’t need to do those tests because she’s never had problems in her lines, her dogs have been vet checked, or any of the other excuses bad breeders have for skimping on the genetic testing of their dogs, walk away immediately.
Careful breeders screen their breeding dogs for genetic disease and breed only the healthiest and best-looking specimens, but sometimes Mother Nature has other ideas and a puppy develops one of these diseases despite good breeding practices. Advances in veterinary medicine mean that in most cases the dogs can still live good lives. If you’re getting a puppy, ask the breeder about the ages of the dogs in her lines and what they died of.
Remember that after you’ve taken a new puppy into your home, you have the power to protect him from one of the more common health problems in dogs: obesity. Keeping a Shih Tzu at an appropriate weight is one of the easiest ways to extend his life. Make the most of diet and exercise to help ensure a healthier dog for life.
The Basics of Shih Tzu Grooming
Is it the Shih Tzu’s flowing locks of gold and white that made you fall in love with him? The Chinese emperors probably had an entire army of servants who did nothing but comb their dogs, because even one day without grooming and that coat can become a tangled mess.
Fortunately, the long coat is mostly seen in the show ring; retired champions and house pets mostly sport a short puppy clip. Some pet owners can do it themselves with a pair of scissors (difficult) or electric clippers, but keeping your Shih Tzu beautiful and free of mats and skin problems often requires regular professional grooming as well as daily combing at home. Tools you’ll need include a wire pin brush and a stainless steel comb with fine and coarse teeth.
Many Shih Tzu puppies who are approaching a year old tend to change coat; during this period they shed so profusely that you wouldn’t think it possible if you didn’t see it. Keep brushing daily, if not more often, through the change. Thankfully this is a short-term condition that lasts only about three weeks.
The coat is easier to care for after it changes. How much you need to brush or comb a Shih Tzu depends greatly on the texture of his particular coat. Some require daily care, and some need it only once a week. A softer coat gets matted more quickly — even more so if it is thick. A dirty coat will also mat quickly.
Bathe your Shih Tzu as often as you like, but be sure to comb out any tangles before you bathe him. They will tighten up when they get wet. Blow-dry the coat thoroughly to keep your Shih Tzu from getting chilled.
Comb the moustache and topknot daily. A puppy will have enough hair for a topknot when he is about 5 months old. Use a latex band sold at dog shows or good pet supply stores to tie the topknot. Rubber bands will break the hair.
The rest is basic care. Trim the nails as needed, usually every week or two. Clean the inner corners of the eyes daily with a damp washcloth to minimize staining. To keep the hind end clean, trim the fur around the anus. Brush the teeth with a vet-approved pet toothpaste for good overall health and fresh breath.
Finding a Shih Tzu
Whether you want to go with a breeder or get your dog from a shelter or rescue, here are some things to keep in mind.
Choosing a Shih Tzu Breeder
Finding a good breeder is a great way to find the right puppy. A good breeder will match you with the right puppy and will, without question, have done all the health certifications necessary to screen out health problems as much as possible. She is more interested in placing pups in the right homes than making big bucks.
Good breeders will welcome your questions about temperament, health clearances, and what the dogs are like to live with, and come right back at you with questions of their own about what you’re looking for in a dog and what kind of life you can provide for him. A good breeder can tell you about the history of the breed, explain why one puppy is considered pet quality while another is not, and discuss what health problems affect the breed and the steps she takes take to avoid those problems.
The American Shih Tzu Club is a good place to start your search for a responsible breeder. Look for a breeder who abides by the club’s code of ethics, which does not permit the sale of puppies through brokers, auctions, or commercial dealers such as pet stores. Breeders should sell puppies with written contracts guaranteeing they’ll take back the dogs at any time during their lives if the owners become unable to keep them, and with written documentation that both their puppies’ parents (and if possible, his other close relatives) have at a minimum had their knees and eyes examined and certified by the appropriate health organizations.
A Shih Tzu should weigh between 9 and 16 pounds, but some breeders produce, and some misguided puppy buyers want, even smaller dogs. So-called Teacup or Imperial Shih Tzus are simply dogs below the minimum healthy size for the breed. They’re marketed as something special, but are plagued with health problems and often live very short lives. The code of ethics of the ASTC specifically bars its members from breeding undersize dogs or using those terms to describe their puppies.
Avoid breeders who seem interested only in how quickly they can unload a puppy on you and whether your credit card will go through. You should also bear in mind that buying a puppy from a website that offers to ship your dog to you immediately can be a risky venture, as it leaves you no recourse if what you get isn’t exactly what you expected. Put at least as much effort into researching your puppy as you would into choosing a new car or expensive appliance. It will save you money in the long run.
Lots of reputable breeders have websites, so how can you tell who’s good and who’s not? Red flags include puppies always being available, multiple litters on the premises, having your choice of any puppy, and the ability to pay online with a credit card. Quickie online purchases are convenient, but they are almost never associated with reputable breeders.
Whether you’re planning to get your new best friend from a breeder, a pet store, or another source, don’t forget that old adage “let the buyer beware”. Disreputable breeders and facilities that deal with puppy mills can be hard to distinguish from reliable operations. There’s no 100% guaranteed way to make sure you’ll never purchase a sick puppy, but researching the breed (so you know what to expect), checking out the facility (to identify unhealthy conditions or sick animals), and asking the right questions can reduce the chances of heading into a disastrous situation. And don’t forget to ask your veterinarian, who can often refer you to a reputable breeder, breed rescue organization, or other reliable source for healthy puppies.
And before you decide to buy a puppy, consider whether an adult Shih Tzu might better suit your needs and lifestyle. Puppies are loads of fun, but they require a lot of time and effort before they grow up to become the dog of your dreams. An adult Shih Tzu may already have some training and will probably be less active, destructive, and demanding than a puppy.
With an adult, you know more about what you’re getting in terms of personality and health and you can find adults through breeders or shelters. If you are interested in acquiring an older dog through breeders, ask them about purchasing a retired show dog or if they know of an adult dog who needs a new home. If you want to adopt a dog, read the advice below on how to do that.
Adopting a Dog From a Shih Tzu Rescue or Shelter
There are many great options available if you want to adopt a dog from an animal shelter or breed rescue organization. Here is how to get started.
1. Use the Web
Sites like alldog360 can have you searching for a Shih Tzu in your area in no time flat. The site allows you to be very specific in your requests (housetraining status, for example) or very general (all the Shih Tzus available on Petfinder across the country). http://alldog360.blogspot.com/ can help you find animal rescue groups in your area. Also some local newspapers have “pets looking for homes” sections you can review.
Social media is another great way to find a dog. Post on your Facebook page that you are looking for a specific breed so that your entire community can be your eyes and ears.
2. Reach Out to Local Experts
Start talking with all the pet pros in your area about your desire for a Shih Tzu. That includes vets, dog walkers, and groomers. When someone has to make the tough decision to give up a dog, that person will often ask her own trusted network for recommendations.
3. Talk to Breed Rescue
Most people who love Shih Tzus love all Shih Tzus. That’s why breed clubs have rescue organizations devoted to taking care of homeless dogs. The American Shih Tzu Club can help you find a dog that may be the perfect companion for your family. You can also search online for other Shih Tzu rescues in your area.
The great thing about breed rescue groups is that they tend to be very upfront about any health conditions the dogs may have and are a valuable resource for advice. They also often offer fostering opportunities so, with training, you could bring a Shih Tzu home for a trial to see what the experience is like.
4. Key Questions to Ask
You now know the things to discuss with a breeder, but there are also questions you should discuss with shelter or rescue group staff or volunteers before you bring home a pup. These include:
What is his energy level?
How is he around other animals?
How does he respond to shelter workers, visitors, and children?
What is his personality like?
What is his age?
Is he housetrained?
Has he ever bitten or hurt anyone that they know of?
Are there any known health issues?
Wherever you acquire your Shih Tzu, make sure you have a good contract with the seller, shelter, or rescue group that spells out responsibilities on both sides. Petfinder offers an Adopters Bill of Rights that helps you understand what you can consider normal and appropriate when you get a dog from a shelter. In states with “puppy lemon laws,” be sure you and the person you get the dog from both understand your rights and recourses.
Puppy or adult, a breeder purchase or a rescue, take your Shih Tzu to your veterinarian soon after adoption. Your veterinarian will be able to spot problems and will work with you to set up a preventive regimen that will help you avoid many health issues.
Havanese dogs breed
The crew at MistyTrails Havanese—Reo at 1.5 years, Conchita at 1 year, Purdy at 4 months, Lucy and Splash at 3 months, Sebastion at 3 years and Catreeya at 4 years old
If never primped, clipped or altered in any way, the Havanese gives a rugged impression in a little dog. The legs are strong and allow for free and easy movement. The dark eyes and long tail are covered with long, silky hair. The profuse coat varies from wavy to curly to corded. The corded coat is recognized by both the AKC (American Kennel Club) and the CKC (Canadian Kennel Club). The Havanese is a double-coated breed with soft hair, both on the outer coat and undercoat. The adult coat reaches 6 to 8 inches, and has a pearly sheen. Some Havanese carry a shorthaired recessive gene. If two adults with this recessive gene have a litter of puppies, it is possible that some of the puppies will be born with smooth coats. A Havanese with a short coat cannot be shown, as it is a serious fault in the show arena. Some have nicknamed the Havanese born with short coats Shavanese. Eye rims, nose and lips are solid black on all colors except the true chocolate dog. The Havanese comes in any color, including cream, gold, white, silver, blue and black. Also parti and tricolor. In North America, all colors are recognized; no preference is given to one color over another. Black and chocolate are preferred colors with many North American breeders. A chocolate Havanese must retain at least a 1 inch (2.6 cm) patch of chocolate hair. Chocolates also have green or amber eyes. In some European countries the black and chocolate dogs were not always recognized, but the black dogs have been recognized for several years, and the chocolate dogs are now recently recognized. The gait is unique, lively and ”springy," which accentuates the happy character of the Havanese. Tail is carried up over the back when gaiting. The breed is of solid physical type and sound constitution. The Havanese is sturdy, and while a small breed, it is neither fragile nor overdone.
Havanese are natural companion dogs, gentle and responsive. They become very attached to their human families and are excellent with children. Very affectionate and playful with a high degree of intelligence, these cheerful dogs are very sociable and will get along with everyone including people, dogs, cats and other pets. They are easy to obedience train. This curious dog loves to observe what is going on. It is sensitive to the tone of one's voice and will not listen if it senses that it is stronger minded than its owner, however it will also not respond well to harsh discipline. Owners need to be calm, yet possess an air of natural authority. The Havanese has a long reputation of being a circus dogs, probably because it learns quickly and enjoys doing things for people. Few tend to bark a lot, as they can be taught not to do this; it is not their nature to bark a lot. It is best to teach them not to bark unnecessarily while they are still young to prevent it from becoming a habit. Havanese are good watch dogs, making sure to alert you when a visitor arrives, but will quickly welcome the guest once it sees you welcome them. Some dogs that have not been properly socialized may exhibit a degree of shyness around strangers, but this is not characteristic of the breed. Havanese live for your every word and gesture. They should be neither timid nor aggressive—if they are, that is a result of a human who is not providing proper pack leadership and/or nottreating the dog like a canine, but rather a human. The Havanese shows no cowardice, in spite of its size. Do not allow the Havanese to develop Small Dog Syndrome.
Height: 8 - 11 inches (20 - 28 cm)
Weight: 7 - 13 pounds (3 - 6 kg)
Health Problems
This is a very healthy long-lived breed, however, all long-lived breeds eventually have health problems. Some are prone to hip dysplasia, PRA (Progressive Retinal Atrophy), poodle eye, juvenile heritable cataracts,, Chonrdodyplasia, patellar luxation (dislocated kneecaps), Legg-Calve Perthes Disease, unilateral and bilateral deafness and dry skin.
Living Conditions Havanese are good for apartment life. They are very active indoors and will do okay without a yard. Havanese are born to live in your home, and not in a patio or a kennel, but at the same time, they require plenty of exercise.
Exercise This playful little dog has an average demand for exercise. This breed needs to be taken on a daily walk. While walking be sure to make the dog heel on the lead. It is an instinct for a dog to migrate daily and to have a leader, and in their mind the leader leads the way. This is very important to raising a well-rounded, balanced pet.
Life Expectancy About 14-15 years
Litter Size 1 - 9 puppies, average 4
For pets, the coat can be clipped short for easier care. If the coat is to be kept long it needs to be thoroughly brushed and combed at least twice a week. There is a lotion available to prevent the hair from splitting. Corded coats require special care. Clip excess hair from between the pads of the feet. The feet themselves may be clipped to look round. Show dogs need a great deal more grooming. There is little to no shedding, so dead hair must be removed by brushing. Check the eyes and ears regularly. If the ears are not kept clean it is prone to get an ear infection. The beauty of a well groomed Havanese is that he still looks tousled and carefree. If you accustom your dog to nail clipping from puppy age, she should accept the routine as an adult. Teeth should be brushed weekly, and this is also best started as a puppy. This breed is good for allergy sufferers. They are a non-shedding, hypo-allergenic dog. However, the Shavanese (Havanese born with a short coat) which have coats more like the average dog and are comparable in looks to a Papillon, do shed. It is believed, but not yet 100% confirmed, that unlike the longhaired Havanese, the short haired Shavanese is not hypo-allergenic and therefore not a good choice for allergy sufferers.
Following the French, Cuban and Russian revolutions, the Havanese were almost extinct. Now rare in Cuba, the breed has been facing a crisis through the 1900s, but is presently on the rise in popularity, having some dedicated believers in the breed who are actively campaigning for its preservation in the USA. This dog belongs to the family of dogs called Bichons. The French word Bichon Frise means "fleecy dog" or "curly lap dog." "Bichon" refers to the bearded appearance of the breed, as the word "barbichon" means little beard, while the word "Frise" means curly. The Bichon Havanese originated in Cuba from an earlier breed known as Blanquito de la Habana (also called Havanese Silk Dog—a now extinct breed). The Bichon Havanese adorned and enlivened the homes of aristocratic Cubans during the 18th and 19th centuries. Bichon lapdogs were being brought to Cuba in 17th century from Europe; they adapted to climate and customs of Cuba. Eventually, these conditions gave birth to a different dog, smaller than its predecessors, with a completely white coat of a silkier texture. This dog was the Blanquito de la Habana. In the 19th century, the Cubans took to liking the French and German Poodles, which were crossed with the existing Blanquito to create today's Bichon Havanese. In the development of the Havanese, the Blanquito was much more dominant than the Poodle. The Bichon Havanese originated in the 19th century (1800-11899). It was continually bred in Cuba all through the 20th century (1900-1999) and was the preferred pet/dog of Cuban families. Breeding the Havanese in the USA only started in the 1970s. In the 1960s many Cubans migrated to USA. Most Cuban refugees settled in Florida and some brought their pets (Havanese). A U.S. breeder, Mrs. Goodale saved the breed from extinction. She advertised in a Florida paper, and found two or three immigrant families who had brought their Havanese from Cuba with papers. From them, Mrs. Goodale got 6 Bichon Havanese with pedigrees: a female with 4 female pups, and a young unrelated male. Later she was able to get 5 more males from Costa Rica. As an experienced breeder, Mrs. Goodale began working with the 11 dogs. Her first lines appeared in 1974. The UKC recognized them in 1991. The AKC recognized them in 1996. The CKC (Canadian Kennel Club) recognized them in 2001. Around 1980, several German breeders started finding odd-coated puppies in litters with regular Havanese. As these pups matured they did not grow full coats like their other littermates. They had feathering on the skirts, tail, legs, chest and ears—the rest of the body hair was close lying. They oddly enough grew up to have smooth coats. Breeders got together and found that this was happening in other litters of Havanese and was not a chance genetic mutation in one single litter, but something carried in a lot of Havanese as a recessive gene. These dogs were called smooth-coated Havanese, but have picked up the name Shavanese somewhere along the line. The short-coated Havanese are not showable or breedable, however they are perfectly healthy.
Siberian Husky (Husky) (Sibe) dogs
"This is my three year old male Siberian Husky named Husky. He is very intelligent and also very playful. He has sired several litters. He is a perfect example of his breed."
Siberian Huskies are strong, compact, working sled dogs. The medium sized head is in proportion to the body, with a muzzle that is equal in length to the skull, with a well defined stop. The color of the nose depends upon the color of the dog's coat. It is black in gray, tan or black dogs, liver in copper dogs and flesh-colored in pure white dogs. The medium sized, oval shaped eyes are moderately spaced and come in blue, brown, amber, or any combination thereof. Eyes can be half blue and half brown, (parti-eyed) or can have one blue eye and one brown eye (bi-eyed). The erect ears are triangular in shape, set high up on the head. The teeth meet in a scissors bite. The tail is carried over the back in a sickle curve, not curved to either side when the dog is excited. The large "snow shoe" feet have hair between the toes to help keep them warm and for gripping on ice. Dewclaws are sometimes removed. The medium length, double coat is thick and can withstand temperatures as low as -58 degrees to -76 degrees F ( -50 degrees to -60 degrees C). Coat colors include all from black to pure white, with or without markings on the head. The face mask and underbody are usually white, and the remaining coat any color. Examples of common colors are black and white, red and white, brown, gray and white, silver, wolf -gray, sable and white, red-orange with black tips, dark gray and white. Pie-bald is a very common coat pattern.
Siberian Huskies are loving, gentle, playful, happy-go-lucky dogs who are fond of their families. Keen, docile, social, relaxed and rather casual. This is a high energy dog, especially when young. Good with children and friendly with strangers, they are not watchdogs, for they bark little and love everyone. Huskies are very intelligent and trainable, but they will only obey a command if they see the human is stronger minded than themselves. If the handler does not display leadership, they will not see the point in obeying. Training takes patience, consistency and an understanding of the Arctic dog character. If you are not this dogs 100% firm, confident, consistent pack leader, he will take advantage, becoming willful and mischievous. Huskies make an excellent jogging companion, as long as it is not too hot. Huskies may be difficult to housebreak. This breed likes to howl and gets bored easily. Does not do well if left alone for a long period of time without a great deal of exercise before hand. A lonely Husky, or a Husky who does not get enough mental and physical exercise can be very destructive. Remember that the Husky is a sled dog in heart and soul. They are good with other pets if they are raised with them from puppyhood. Huskies are thrifty eaters and need less food than you might expect. This breed likes to roam. Siberian Huskies can make wonderful companions for people who are aware of what to expect from these beautiful and intelligent animals and are willing to put the time and energy into them.
Height: Dogs 21-23½ inches (53-60cm.) Bitches 20-22 inches (51-56cm.)
Weight: Dogs 45-60 pounds (20½-27kg.) Bitches 35-50 pounds (16-22½kg.)
Health Problems
Prone to hip dysplasia, ectopy (displacement of the urethra), eye issues such as juvenile cataracts, PRA (primarily in male dogs), corneal dystrophy and crystalline corneal opacities. Breeders can get hip screenings from the OFA and eye screenings yearly from a canine opthamologist (AVCO) and register the exam through CERF and SHOR). Also prone to a skin issue known as zinc responsive dermatitis, which improves by giving a zinc supplements.
Living Conditions They are not usually recommended for apartments, however they can live in apartments if well trained and properly exercised. Siberian Huskies are very active indoors and do best with a fenced-in large yard. Because of their heavy coats, these dogs prefer cool climates. One has to use common sense with respect to maintaining them in the heat by providing adequate shade and air conditioning. This breed prefers to live in packs.
Exercise Siberian Huskies need a fair amount of exercise, including a daily walk or jog, but should not be excessively exercised in warm weather. They need a large yard with a high fence, but bury the wire at the base of the fence because they are likely to dig their way out and go off hunting.
Life Expectancy About 12-15 years.
The coat sheds heavily twice a year. During that time they need to be brushed and combed daily.
Siberian Huskies were used for centuries by the Chukchi Tribe, off the eastern Siberian peninsula to pull sleds, herd reindeer and as a watch dog. They were perfect working dogs for the harsh Siberian conditions: hardy, able to integrate into small packs, and quite happy to work for hours on end. The dogs have great stamina and are light weight. Native to Siberia, the Husky was brought to Alaska by fur traders in Malamute for arctic races because of their great speed. In 1908 Siberian Huskies were used for the first All-Alaskan Sweepstakes, an event where mushers take their dogs on a 408 mile long dogsled race. The dogs gained popularity in 1925 when there was a diphtheria epidemic in Nome, Alaska. Siberian Huskies were used to bring in the much needed medicine to the people. In the late early to mid 1900s Admiral Byrd used the dogs in his Antarctic Expeditions. During World War II the dogs served on the Army’s Arctic Search and Rescue Unit. The Siberian Huskies talents are sledding, carting and racing. The Siberian Husky was recognized by the AKC in 1930.