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Dogs : Canine Acanthosis Nigricans

Acanthosis nigricans is a type of skin pigmentation disorder characterized by brown-pigmented, wartlike protuberances or elevations appearing in various body folds. There are two forms of the disease: primary and secondary. The primary form is seen exclusively in the Dachshund breed. It begins with subtle symmetrical hyperpigmentation in the armpits. The early lesions then progress slowly to hair loss. Greasy, smelly debris accumulates in more severely affected dogs. The abdomen, groin, chest, anal area, forelimbs and hock may all be involved. Secondary acanthosis nigricans refers to clinical skin reaction pattern that is characterized by visually similar lesions and is seen in a variety of breeds. Acanthosis nigricans is similar to chronic hyperplastic dermatitis, particularly due to allergy.

A careful history and physical examination is performed to identify an underlying cause. Skin scrapings are performed to rule out demodicosis, especially in young dogs. Impression smears are useful to identify bacterial and Malassezia infections. Primary acanthosis nigricans in Dachshunds is not curable. Early cases may respond to shampoo therapy and local topicalglucocorticoids, for example, betamethasone valerate ointment. As lesions progress, more aggressive systemic therapy may be useful. In secondary acanthosis nigricans, the lesions will spontaneously resolve after identification and correction of the underlying cause. However, this will not occur if secondary bacterial or yeast pyoderma are not treated appropriately. Vitamin E has been successfully used in the treatment of a variety of skin diseases including discoid and systemic lupus erythematosus, dermatomyositis, and epidermolysis bullosa simplex. Although it helps to stop itching and inflammation, vitamin E is rarely successful alone in the management of these conditions, but offers a relatively nontoxic aid to therapy.

Breed-specific scaling and crusting disorders

Breed-specific scaling and crusting disorders: Parts 1 and 2 (Proceedings)

Alloimmune Hemolytic Anemia Of The Newborn Puppies

Hemolytic anemia is ahematologic disorder characterized by inadequate circulating red blood cells or insufficuent hemoglobin due to premature destruction of red blood cells. Alloimmune hemolytic anemia, also called alloimmune hemolysis, is the production of antibodies that are directed against red blood cells (RBCs) of another individual of the same species. The condition typically occurs following transfusion of ABO incompatible blood and rhesus disease of the newborn. It can also occur following allogenic transplantation when cells are transplanted from a donor. Female nursing dogs transmit antibodies to the puppies via colostrum, the yellowish fluid rich in antibodies and minerals that is produced after giving birth and before producing real milk. 

Red blood cells
The antibodies develop in the mother during unmatched blood transfusions. Newborn puppies with this disorder are usually normal at birth, but develop severe hemolytic anemia within two to three days and become weak and jaundiced. Hemolytic disease of the newborn is more than just an anemia. Although the anemia itself can be quite serious and result in severe hypotension and even death, there is a second threat to the puppy. Jaundice in newborns occurs not only due to the destruction of red blood cells, but also because the liver of the newborn puppy cannot handle quickly enough the removal of RBCs. The toxic effect of bilirubin can cause serious damage to the brain. A veterinarian can perform a test to check for alloimmune hemolytic anemia before the newborn is allowed to receive maternal colostrum. Diagnosis is confirmed by screening maternal serum, plasma, or colostrum against the paternal or newborn red blood cells.

Signs Of Common Diseases in dogs

The following is a list of most common diseases and in a dog and signs that characterize them. However, this list is not intended to be used to diagnose and treat your dog, but rather as a tool to tell when your dog is ill. Communicating with your veterinarian is a key part of ensuring good health care for your dog.

Abscesses (according to site)difficulty moving, fever, loss of appetite, pus
Arthritispainful to touch
Burnsrapid breathing, shedding coat, ulceration
(inflammation of the bladder)
abdominal pain, blood in the urine, difficult or no urination, painful urination, urinary incontinence
(skin inflammation)
shedding coat, skin irritation, ulceration
Diabetes Insipidusintense thirst, urinary incontinence, urinary incontinence, voracious appetite
Diabetes Mellitusbad breath, coma, frequent urination, intense thirst, urinary incontinence, voracious appetite
Distemperabdominal pain, convulsions, cough, diarrhea (normal), loss of appetite, fever, low spirits, poor appetite, rapid breathing, trembling, vomiting, voracious appetite
Eclampsiachanges in behavior, convulsions, bedsores, fever, lethargy, loss of appetite, loss of balance, painful breathing, trembling
Eczemashedding coat, skin irritation
(inflammation of the intestines)
abdominal pain, diarrhea (normal), loss of appetite, vomiting, weight loss
External Parasitesscratches the ears, shedding coat, skin irritation
Foreign Bodiesabdominal pain, constipation, cough, cyanosis, diarrhea (normal), difficulty swallowing, intense thirst, loss of appetite, painful to touch, scratches the ears, swelling of the abdomen, vomiting
Gastritisabdominal pain, bad breath, loss of appetite, swelling of the abdomen, vomiting
Hemorrhageconspicuous inner eyelid, painful breathing, rapid breathing, shock
Heart Diseaseabdominal distension, convulsions, cough, lethargy, mucous tissues pale, painful breathing
Heat Strokechanges in behavior, coma, bedsores, fever, intense thirst, loss of appetite, loss of balance, low spirits, painful breathing, painful to touch, rapid breathing, shock, ulceration
Infectious Hepatitisabdominal pain, diarrhea (with blood), fever, intense thirst, jaundice, lethargy, loss of appetite, painful breathing, rapid breathing, vomiting
Internal Parasitescough, diarrhea (with blood), diarrhea (normal), mucous tissues pale, swelling of the abdomen, vomiting, voracious appetite, weight loss
Intestinal Blockageabdominal pain, constipation, convulsions, lethargy, loss of appetite, poor appetite, vomiting
Leptospirosisabdominal pain, blood in the urine, cyanosis, diarrhea (normal), difficult or no urination, fever, jaundice, lethargy, loss of appetite, painful urination, poor appetite, rapid breathing, vomiting
Leukemialethargy, loss of appetite, low spirits, mucous tissues pale, conspicuous inner eyelid painful breathing, rapid breathing, vomiting
(inflammation of the uterus)
abdominal pain, convulsions, cyanosis (low blood oxygen), lethargy, loss of appetite, conspicuous inner eyelid, pus, swelling of the abdomen, vomiting
Nephritisabdominal distension, abdominal pain, bad breath, cyanosis (low blood oxygen), difficult or no urination, fever, frequent urination, lethargy, low spirits, painful urination, swelling of the abdomen
Otitisconvulsions, loss of balance, pus, scratches the ears, skin irritation
Para-Influenzacough, painful breathing
Parvovirusconvulsions, diarrhea with blood, diarrhea (normal), fever, lethargy, loss of appetite, low spirits, conspicuous inner eyelid, poor appetite, rapid breathing, vomiting, weight loss
Poisoningchanges in behavior, convulsions, cyanosis (low blood oxygen), diarrhea (with blood), diarrhea (normal), poor appetite, rapid breathing, shedding coat, shock, trembling, vomiting
Rabieschanges in behavior, convulsions, fever, intense thirst, loss of balance, low spirits, mucous tissues pale, conspicuous inner eyelid, poor appetite, trembling, weight loss
Ringwormshedding coat
Stonesabdominal pain, blood in the urine, difficult or no urination, painful urination, urinary incontinence
Tartarbad breath
Tonsillitiscough, difficulty swallowing, fever, loss of appetite, vomiting
Toothachebad breath, difficulty swallowing, intense thirst, loss of appetite
Torsion of the Stomachabdominal pain, changes in behavior, coma, convulsions, difficulty swallowing, intense thirst, loss of appetite, conspicuous inner eyelid, mucous tissues pale, painful breathing, painful to touch, poor appetite, rapid breathing, swelling of the abdomen, vomiting
Tuberculosiscough, loss of appetite, low spirits, conspicuous inner eyelid, painful breathing, rapid breathing, trembling, weight loss
Tumorsabdominal distension, loss of appetite, mucous tissues pale, conspicuous inner eyelid, painful to touch, weight loss

Amyloidosis in dogs


Amyloidosis is a group of metabolic familial or inherited, degenerative, and infectious disease processes, characterized by the abnormal protein folding and deposition of a complex substance composed of amyloid protein and fibrils (fine fibers). Amyloid A amyloidosis (AA) is the most common form of systemic amyloidosis worldwide. It is characterized by extracellular tissue deposition of fibrils that are composed of fragments of serum amyloid A (SAA) protein, a major acute-phase reactant protein, produced mainly by hepatocytes. There are several types of amyloid and the classification of amyloidosis is based on which amyloid protein is involved. A particular type of amyloidosis is designated by a capital A (for amyloid) followed by an abbreviation for the fibril protein. Twenty-three different fibril proteins are described in human amyloidosis with variable clinical features. In all forms of amyloidosis, the cell secretes the precursor protein in a soluble form that becomes insoluble at some tissue site, compromising organ function. Amyloidosis may develop in the course of a chronic inflammatory disease of either infectious or noninfectious origin, hereditary periodic fevers, neoplasms such as Hodgkin disease and renal cell carcinoma.1 Glomerular amyloidosis usually causes urinary excretion of protein. The disease is considered to be inherited in the Chinese Shar-Pei breed.

10 top Diseases of dog

There are 10 infectious diseases in dogs, which can inflict any dog breed, at any age. Understanding these dangerous dog diseases will allow you to protect your furry friend from infection. Each dog disease is described below, focusing on the manner in which the infectious disease is transmitted from dog to dog and across dog breeds, as well as the options open to dog owners for preventing infection in their dog.

10 Dog Diseases: #1, GIARDIA

Giardia is a dog disease that causes diarrhea with abdominal pain and consequent weight loss and poor weight gain. This dog disease results from a water-born parasite, after whom the disease of Giardia is named. Giardia is ubiquitous in open water sources throughout North America, and your dog can become infected by simply drinking contaminated water, such as in a lake, pond, or stagnant pool. Monthly Heartworm prevention pills, which also prevent other intestinal parasites, will protect your dog against Giardia.

10 Dog Diseases: #2, DISTEMPER

Distemper is a viral dog disease which is extremely contagious. Affecting the respiratory system as well as the nervous system, this dog disease causes fever and fatigue, coughing, vomiting and diarrhea, and finally seizures. And if untreated Distemper can lead to death. Distemper can be prevented with vaccinations at your local vet.

10 Dog Diseases: #3, PARVO

Parvo (or Parvovirus) is one of the most contagious dog diseases around. Affecting the bowels, Parvo symptoms include diarrhea and vomiting so severe that they may lead to death. And though dogs of all ages may contract this disease, Parvo is most common, and most dangerous, in puppies. Typically Parvo is passed from one dog to another from contaminated feces. But this dog disease may also be carried on fur or paws, thereby contaminating the living space of the dog and any objects he comes in contact with. Vaccination can protect dogs from Parvo.

10 Dog Diseases: #4, CORONAVIRUS

Coronavirus is another viral diarrhea that can affect dogs of all ages, though puppies are most at risk and will suffer the worst symptoms, from diarrhea to vomiting and weight loss, accompanied by constant drinking. At times, a dog may be infected with both Parvo and Coronavirus, in which case his symptoms will be more severe and may lead to death. Vaccination can protect dogs from Coronavirus.

10 Dog Diseases: #5, HEPATITIS

As with humans, Hepatitis dog disease affects the liver. This contagious dog disease includes symptoms such as fever, vomiting and diarrhea accompanied by abdominal pain. Furthermore, Hepatitis may lead to kidney damage. Once more, however, vaccination can protect dogs from Hepatitis.

10 Dog Diseases: #6, LYME DISEASE

Lyme disease is dangerous bacterial disease which can cause irreversible damage to a dog's health. Symptoms of Lyme disease include arthritis and lameness, sudden limping indicative of pain, fatigue and lack of willingness to play or even walk, depression and loss of appetite. If left untreated, Lyme disease will damage the heart, kidney and even the brain. Vaccination can protect dogs from Lyme disease.

10 Dog Diseases: #7, RABIES

Once the most dreaded dog disease, Rabies is a caused by a virus, which attacks the brain. Rabies is a deadly disease that will be contracted through a bite from a rabid wild animal, such as skunks or raccoons, as well as bats. Unlike some dog disease, rabies can be passed to humans as well through a bite, or even just a scratch. Vaccination will protect dogs from Rabies and is mandatory for dogs throughout North America.

10 Dog Diseases: #8, LEPTOSPIROSIS

Like Rabies, Leptospirosis is carried by wild animals, although this dog disease is caused by a bacteria. You dog can become infected by drinking contaminated water or by coming in contact with an infected animal. Symptoms of Leptospirosis include high fever and jaundice, accompanied by hemorrhaging which will manifest in bloodstained feces. Vaccination can protect dogs from Leptospirosis.

10 Dog Diseases: #9, KENNEL COUGH

Most dog owners knew this dog disease by the name of the organism that causes it: the Bordetella virus. However, several other organisms can cause this highly infectious dog disease, whose full name is Infectious Tracheobronchitis (ITB). Symptoms of kennel cough include severe coughing spells, which may lead to vomiting and gagging. Nasal discharge and watery eyes are also possible. Though this vaccines is not automatically given at your local vet, if your dog is likely to interact with other dogs in the park, vaccinating him against kennel cough is a very good idea.

10 Dog Diseases: #10, PARAINFLUENZA

Parainfluenza is another strain of Kennel cough. This respiratory infection in dogs is highly contagious and will lead to flu like symptoms. Once more, the name Kennel Cough may mislead dog owners into thinking that their dog is not at risk if he never stays at a kennel. However, Parainfluenza may be contracted by simply being around an infected dog, as in the park, the beach, or an off-leash dog park.

dogs vomit?

Dogs can vomit for a variety of reasons. A dog may have a quick vomiting episode that is over and the dog appears healthy by the time it gets to the veterinarian.

Other times, a dog may vomit as a signal that there are problems with the dog’s health. It is important that you give your dog a healthy diet and enough exercise and playing with you to keep your dog healthy. A dog may vomit from eating old food and inedible items that it has found in the garbage. After the dog’s digestion tract has tried to digest any offensive material and it still cannot process it, the dog will vomit the material out of its system.

A dog may vomit from stress. Efforts should be made to remove the dog from the tense situation. You can monitor your dog’s activities to avoid this type of emotionally charged type of vomiting. Shy type of dogs may vomit from stress.

Puppies and dogs may vomit as one of the symptoms of internal parasites of the intestinal tract. Your veterinarian can diagnose and treat this common problem with puppies and dogs. Regular treatment for parasites can prevent and reduce the incidence of infection.

Improper diet and allergies can also cause vomiting. It is important that your dog has a healthy diet and that, if you suspect and have allergies diagnosed, you find healthy alternative food ingredients to the allergen foods. Your dog’s healthy diet is important to your dog’s health.

A dog may vomit from ingesting poisons. Many common food ingredients can be toxic to a dog if it is eaten in enough quantity. Your dog can also be poisoned by toxic substances that are left on the property in which the dog roams.

Illness and medical conditions can also cause vomiting. Examples of medical causes of canine vomiting include stenosis, ulcers, bowel disease, pancreatic disease and conditions, lack of digestive enzymes, cancer, esophageal condition, colitis, liver disease, kidney disease, hyper motility syndromes and problems with the digestive tract. A dog may also vomit from foreign objects and the side effects of medication. It is important that you are aware of exactly what your dog is eating on a daily basis so that if your dog experiences vomiting from a serious cause, you can find medical treatment for your dog in a timely way.

Your dog relies on you for its needs to stay healthy. You must monitor your dog’s activities and provide a nutritious diet to prevent your dog from eating the neighbor’s garbage.

Dog and lips

Do dog have a lop?

Yes, dogs have lips..........

Interesting question! Something I never thought about........when I read it I definiteloy thought they did, but this confirms my belief.

You just made me check my dogs's lips! My Border Collie mix has black lips, while my yellow Lab/Shepherd mix and my English Setter mix have mottled lips! Never even knew! You learn something every day :-)

1. Why do dogs have black lips?
Patti: According to veterinarian Dr. Peter Ihrke, the black color helps protect them from being damaged by solar radiation. Since they don’t have as much hair around their mouths as they do the rest of their body, the black pigment in their lips is important to keep their mouths from being burned and dried out by the sun’s rays. Other vets , also members of the American Veterinarian Association, say that the black pigment is dominate over all gene colors. But not all dogs have black lips. Some have light colored lips. A Chow Chow for example has bluish lips while other breeds may have a mottled mouth that is both light and black. But by far the black lips are the most common.

Dog Tip: Stopping Dogs From Eating Poop

Does your dog have a dirty little secret?
A number of readers have contacted us about dogs who munch their own or other animals' feces. Here is background on the condition known as coprophagia, and what you can do to discourage doggie-do-eaters from this somewhat common, natural behavior that strikes humans as a disgusting gustatory pastime.

Background and principles:
* Coprophagia is a condition that compels dogs to consume feces.

* Why does the dog engage in this habit? A dog may ingest fecal matter for various reasons:

Dog eat his poop, why?

Here's what to do when your beloved pooch has a taste for the unthinkable.

Q: My older female dog has begun to eat her poop and we cannot figure out the cause. She gets the same amount of dog food that she always has. Why is this happening?
A: There comes a time in every dog owner’s life when poop dominates the conversation. Welcome to not-so-nice aspects of dog ownership. While my dog Lulu does not share your pet’s particular problem, she has taken extreme measures to hide evidence of “accidents” every now and then. With such a strong sense of smell, she still seems to forget that poop leaves an odor.

Since your little poop eater leaves the crime scene squeaky clean, she may have a condition called coprophagia.

Crazy in love with a dog

Lots of pet owners shared with me the names of their sitters after I wrote that Dog wasn’t invited on a vacation with Husband’s side of the family later this summer.

Better than the recommendations was confirmation that I’m not the only lunatic out there when it comes to worrying about the health and happiness of an animal.

A Mount Laurel reader speaks for a lot of us. She’s hired a sitter to check on her dog midday now since the commute to a new job is too far to get home at lunchtime like she used to.

“It is an added expense, but well worth the cost. Dog loves her pet sitter and vice versa. Friends and family may think we’re crazy, but so what!”

Other readers had a warning. Dogs can’t talk, they reminded me. Be sure you’re getting the care for them you’ve paid for.

“My neighbors recently hired a dog-sitting group for the two weeks or so that they are on their vacation. They asked me to come over and feed the cat and scoop the poop. No problem.
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