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My Dog Is Never Hungry

Not every dog is capable of regulating his dietary intake perfectly. In fact, because the natural social structure of dogs is that of the pack, they will often be willing to eat whenever food is offered to them. Because most dog owners expect this food-driven behavior and are actually pleased when their dogs wolf down their food with gusto, there is an abundance of overweight dogs in our society! It is no surprise then that most dog owners are more than a little concerned when their dogs refuse a meal.

While one or two missed meals never hurt a dog, when your dog refuses food for more than a day, it is definitely cause for alarm.

What to Look For

What To Do When Your Dog or Cat Won’t Eat

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Anorexia is a medical term for lack of appetite. Limping or not eating are the two most common reasons worried pet-owners bring their pets to me. A day in which your pet turns up its nose at food is very common and unusually unimportant. But when this occurs over several days or if your pet actually looses weight, it is time to pay attention to the problem.

Many times, anorexia has a simple explanation. Any stressful situation can cause a pet to eat less. When the stress leaves, or the pet becomes accustomed to it, appetite returns.

What Are Some Of The Reasons that Pets Don't Eat Normally?

Minor Reasons:

WHEN A DOG IS CONSTANTLY SCRATCHING...Allergies, Other Causes, Treatment, Remedies

When a dog is scratching itself constantly, the source of the itch, rash, etc. may be the result of: 
An infestation of fleas;

A reaction to another type of bug bite or even insect eggs that have been laid by a bug just under the first layer of skin;

Allergies to food or pesticides present in food stuffs, plants (including air born pollen, fungus, molds, etc.);

An allergic reaction to solvents and cleaners (i.e spray application - miniscule droplets/particles becoming airborne in the home or outdoor environment);

Allergies related to plants and pollen (seasonal or year round);

Dry skin;

Why is my dog always scratching?

First of all you have to determine why your dog is scratching at his ears and feet, so I would recommend that you take your dog along to the vets.

It is important to identify the cause of the dermatitis, if that is the problem, and to eliminate it from your dog's life.

Skin irritation can be due to an allergic reaction. For example, a dog may react to something in the environment, such as house dust, house dust mites, fungi and pollens.

Put a Stop to Dog Scratching and Gnawing

If you are dealing with the annoyance of a constantly scratching, gnawing, and licking dog it's probably driving you crazy. One of the most common problems among dogs, which rears its ugly head during the summer is skin allergies and irritation.

The evidence of skin irritation or allergies in your dog may be indicated by their gnawing and scratching, or may even show up in the luster and length of their coat. Some cases of dog skin irritation and allergy can become so profound that the dog injures his or her own skin in an attempt to get at that itch.

So, if you think it is irritating to you. How do you think a dog with skin allergies and irritations feels? It must be a miserable feeling. Imagine if you had an itch you couldn't scratch, or scratched so hard that it became infected or inflamed. The same can happen to your dog.

How to Neutralize Dog Odor

Dogs often leave behind their odors, especially if they stay confined to one area. The odor that emits from a dog will often linger and can become overpowering, You will need to take the time to tend properly to the odors before they become a permanent part of your home or car. You can neutralize these odors with common household products before resorting to paying a lot of money for commercial cleaning products.

Spray air freshener in your home or car. The air freshener will mask the dog odor temporarily, but it simply masks the odor and does not eliminate it.

Chronic Bad Breath in Dogs

Halitosis is the medical term used to describe an offensive odor that comes from the mouth, producing bad breath. A number of causes may be responsible for this condition, notably periodontal disease, a disease resulting from bacteria in the mouth. Bacteria is also associated with plaque and cavities.

Small animal breeds and brachycephalic breeds (characterized by their short-nosed, flat-faced features; e.g., the Pug, Boston Terrier, Pekingese) are the most prone to periodontal and other mouth diseases, in large part because their teeth are close together.

Symptoms and TypesIn most cases, there are no other symptoms aside from a bad odor emanating from the mouth. If the cause of the odor is a disease of the mouth, other symptoms may become apparent, including pawing at the mouth, inability to eat (anorexia), loose teeth, and excessive drooling, which may or may not have traces of blood.

CausesA variety of conditions may lead to halitosis, including metabolic disorders such as Diabetes Mellitus (commonly known as sugar diabetes); respiratory problems such as inflammation of the nose or nasal passages (rhinitis); inflammation of the sinuses (sinusitis); and gastrointestinal problems, such as enlargement of the esophageal tube, the main channel that leads from the throat to the stomach.

Other possible causes of halitosis might be traced to a trauma, like that of an electric cord injury. Viral, bacterial or fungal infections can cause foul odors to emit from within the body, and dietary problems can play a role in the emission of odor as well. For example, if your dog has been eating offensive foods, or is exhibiting a behavior called coprophagia, where it is eating feces, your dog will have correlating foul breath.

Further possibilities are pharyngitis, an inflammation of the throat or pharynx, and tonsillitis, an inflammation of the tonsils. The presence of cancer, or the presence of foreign bodies may also result in disease of the mouth and accompanying bad breath. But, the most notable cause of halitosis is a disease of the mouth such as periodontal disease, which is due to plaque bacteria buildup.

DiagnosisDiagnostic procedures to evaluate periodontal disease as the most likely cause of halitosis include X-rays of the inside of the mouth, and an examination of the mouth for characteristics such as tooth mobility and sulfide concentrations.
TreatmentOnce the specific cause of halitosis is known, various therapies may be used to address the problem. In some cases, multiple causes may be to blame. For example, your dog may have periodontal disease along with having a foreign object present in the mouth. Treatment for the condition is dependent upon the cause(s).

If periodontal disease is to blame, treatment will include cleaning and polishing the teeth, or extraction of teeth that have greater than 50 percent loss of the supporting bone and gum tissues around them. Some medications may help to reduce odor, and help to control the bacteria that infect the gums and other oral tissues, causing bad breath.
Living and ManagementYou will need to continue to remain observant of your dog’s symptoms. It is important to consistently provide proper professional dental care to your dog, as well as to supplement this with at home tooth care. Daily tooth brushing can help prevent the plaque buildup that leads to related halitosis. You will also need to prevent your dog from eating bad-smelling foods, such as garbage. Cleaning the yard frequently will also avoid incidences of coprophagia.

Home Remedies for Bad Dog Breath

Dog breath is much like humans. Eating garlic, a bad bone or too much of plaque in teeth are liable to cause canine bad breath, much the same way as in humans. Some dogs are predisposed to have breath that is worse than others. Knowing a cure for dog breath can help in getting rid of a bad breath in dogs.

Dogs obviously cannot assume the responsibility of cleaning their own teeth. It is an essential part of grooming the pet and should be assumed by the owner as part of regular grooming. There are a fair number of commercial products that are available in the market that have been launched to address the problem of an offensive smell in dog breath. Natural dog breath fresheners, breath-freshening strips that dissolve in the mouth, mints and toothpastes meant specifically for canines are some such products. You can also find dog oral breath sprays for young dogs that have not learned to accept a toothbrush as yet. There are, however, certain home remedies that may be useful in addressing the problem.

10 Ways to Improve Your Dog’s Bad Breath

We’re all aware that bad breath is one of the worst things a dog can have, and most all of us dog owners experience stinky kisses from our pets every now and then.

Bad breath, also known as halitosis, is caused by excessive build-up of odor-producing bacteria inside of your dog’s mouth, lungs or even gut. Keep in mind, even if the cause of your dog’s bad breath is caused by something minor such as dental disease, gum disease, or tartar, on-going bad breath could be a hint that your pet may be experiencing greater medical problems.

Why do Dogs Smell?

So why do dog’s smell? Well, there are a variety of reasons and factors that contribute towards the dogs overall odor. In this article you will see some of the factors which affect the dogs overall smell and also some of the main contributing factors towards making a dog smell. There are a variety of reasons as to why dogs smell, and there are a variety of ways in which a dog’s smell can be removed to make it more of a pleasant smell.

The first and most obvious one is bodily odor. Bodily odor is often caused when a dog has not taken a wash in a while, this odor can be the worst of the bunch as it persistent and strong. So what can be done to prevent bodily odors coming from the dog? Well, the most obvious answer is to make sure that the dog has regular washes and keeps clean. Keeping clean is very important in preventing bodily odors coming forth, if you can keep a dog clean you can prevent bodily odors from developing.

Another reason as to why dogs will smell is sweat, dogs just like many other animals will sweat, this is only natural after say exercise. If a dog becomes too warm it can sweat also, but the majority of sweat does not actually cause bad smells. It is when the wet sweat combines with any material or dirt that is already on the dog’s fur. This can create a stale and damp smell which can be very unpleasant at times; of course this is something that can be easily solved by giving the dog a wash. Though not all sweat causes a bad smell, there is still some sweat which will cause a bad smell, to prevent this you can simply give the dog a wash as always. Preventing bad smells is easy and the majority of the cases can be prevented by just giving the dog a wash.
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