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Dog Fever Symptoms

dog fever symptoms
Dogs are very similar to humans and they can have fever the same way as we do.
There are usually indicators and change in your pet behaviours to tell us that something is not normal.
Since your dog can't talk it is the your duty to watch for signs of dog fever symptoms and take care of them when they have don't feel well.
Dog fever symptoms
These are the signs to tell that your dog is not feeling well and starting to have fever.
  • Overheated or body temperature raised above 103 degree fahrenheit
  • coldness and shivering
  • depression and sad expression
  • respiration rate or pulse rate increase
  • coughing
  • sneezing
  • watery eyes
  • drooling a lot
  • red gum or swollen
  • lethargy
  • vomiting
  • diarrhea
  • faints or collapses
  • rough or dull coat
  • clearly decreased in activity
  • urinating problems or excessive urination for more than 12 hours
  • loss of balance while walking, staggering and falling
  • scratching at eyes or ears for a long time
  • discharge from eyes, nose or ears
  • breathing difficulty
  • hot and prolonged panting
  • whining for unclear reason
  • increase or loss of appetite for more than 24 hours
  • eat more but losing weight
  • restlessness
  • unusual lack of activity or excessive sleeping
  • excessive water drinking
Other related symptoms are scratching, itching, painful movement or even bloody stools.
Some of the dog symptoms mentioned above are quiet serious and need to check with your vet because it may related to parasites, bacteria infections and diseases.

Dog fever prevention
Dog grown up in the house and they have no nature sense of survival like wild dogs. It is the owner duty to keep their dog in good health by giving them a regular exercise, proper diet and routine health check with your veterinarian. It is very important that you must memorize and remember your dog normal habits so the owner can detect their dog fever and symptoms when they are not feeling well. Always remember that prevention is better than cure.

Dog Chocolate Symptoms

Giving a small pieces of chocolate to your dog can spoil their habit and make them crave for more.
You can give chocolate or sweet candy when he behave well but you should aware that there are some types of chocolate that can be poisonous for your dog and lethal in some case.
Why is chocolate poisonous or lethal ?
Cocoa beans that were used in the chocolate production contains theobromine which can be toxic for your dog. Metabolise of theobromine in dog is very slow so it can stay in the bloodsteam for many hours which can affects and interferes with the central nervous system causing heart and kidneys problems.
Dog chocolate symptoms
The symptoms of theobromine poisoning can be clearly seen within 4 - 24 hours after chocolate has been consumed by your dog. The early signs of chocolate symptoms that can be seen from external are excessive thirst for water, vomiting, urination increased, diarrhea and restless.
As time passed, more theobromine will be absorb into the blood stream which will now affects the central nervous system causing heart rate to increase, serious muscle twitching, raise in blood pressure and hyperactivity. For worst case dog may have heart arrhythmia, seizures, abnormally high body temperature or hyperthermia and death.
Even if the small pieces of chocolate is consumed dog may vomit and having diarrhea due to high sugar and fat contained in the chocolate.
You will have to do anythings to make your dog vomit the eaten chocolate out from his stomach. This will clearly reduce or decrease the amount of theobromine that can be absorb into your dog body. Call your local veterinarian and describe everythings that you know such as behaviour, symptoms, amount of chocolate consumed by your dog, previous record of allergy etc.
Many dogs usually recovered from dog chocolate symptoms and poisoning effects within 1 - 3 days after taken effective treatments from veterinarian.

Dog Illness Symptoms

dog illness symptoms
Dog has become a part of our family now a day and they are certainly our best friend. Everyone want their dog to be healthy, live longer and happy all the time but sometimes they can get sick, behaviour changes and shown difference kind of illness symptoms.
Whatever your worries and concern may be, it is your duty as their owner to take care of them when they don't feel well and bring them back to their normal conditions as quick as possible.
Here is a few signs of dog illness symptoms that you should know.
dry nose
You can check by touching your dog nose gently but in some case watching closely is enough to detect their sickness. Their behaviour will also change for example feeling down, depress etc. However there are also other reasons that can be the cause of dog dry nose such as dehydrated that cause the reduction of liquid production inside your dog's body which lead to other kind of dog illness symptoms. If the surrounding temperature is hot around your dog then they can have temporary dry nose. There are also dog that recover from distemper when they are puppies may have permanently dry nose. The good treatment is to take your dog exercise often and feed them with good nutrient food.
significant increase or decrease in weight
Underweight is usually a sign of illness so if your dog is underweight then you must check with your veterinarian immediately. The basic treatment for underweight is giving more food and exercise. For overweight case is usually happened when your dog eat the left over food from human, over eat when they feel bored etc. The treatment for overweight case is choosing food carefully with low calories and do more exercise.
Increased water consumption, Increased urination, dehydration, eat more and gain less weight
This is the sign that your dog is having diabetes illness. The treatment for this case is controlling insuline and special diet course given by your veterinarian.
Changes in behavior
Yor dog illness signs can also be seen by symptoms such as sleep all day or sleep less than usual in some case, lethargy and irritation.
Loss of appetite
There are many reasons that make your dog eat less or stop eating such as problem with teeth and chewing, stomach problem caused by food that was eaten earlier, constipated, having depression feeling, adjusting problems due to change in season and temperature, hormone disorder, kidney or liver problems which is mainly cause by eating commercial food, having heart disease and cancer etc. The basic treatments for loss of appetite is to give fresh, different food and toppings everyday. If it doesn't work then you must talk with your vet to find the exact cause of this problems.

Dog Labor Symptoms

After two months that your dog are carrying puppies in her body. It is now almost time to let her puppies out to see the world but before that happen you might want her to play with small stuffed animals toy first to build guarding and nurture sense.

Here are the signs of dog labor symptoms

Rectal Temperature Drop

Normal temperature is about 101 fahrenheit or 38 celsius. If the measured temperature drop down below 97 fahrenheit or 36 celsius that mean your dog is about to give birth to puppies usually less than 24 hour. If your dog doesn't shown any signs of labor after 1 day from the temperature drop then you should contact your local veterinarian to check for the problems and do more accurate measurement by using dog thermometer.

Reject food

Most pregnant female dog will refuse to eat anything before they go into labor period. This is early sign that your dog will have labor symptoms soon.

Finding a den

This is a nature behaviour of most female dog. She will try to find a den or a hiding place that she feel safe and comfortable to give birth to her puppies such as under your bed, bathroom etc. During pregnancy period she can be more aggressive to other peoples too.

Sickness and vomiting

This is a normal symptoms for pregnant dog. she will begin to vomit to empty her stomach and this is usually happen few day before she go into labor and also make sure that you have fresh water available for her all the times.

Wanting to be near you all the time

She will follow you everywhere you go even sleep under your bed when you are sleeping so don't be surprise by this behaviour when this happen.

You Should call veterinarian if your dog have the following symptoms

Strong contraction for about an hour or more with no puppy out and you know that there are still more puppies inside her body.

About 3-4 hour pass and there are still more pups inside your dog body.

Fail to have labor after 1 day pass from the period of temperature drop.

Gestation for more than 70 days and no sign of labor symptoms.

Dog Heat Symptoms

Female dog can get pregnant during their heat cycle which is also called estrous cycle.

Adult female dog will usually experience the heat cycle every 9 to 12 months, one or three cycle a year depend on the breed and type of your dog.

The four stage of estrous cycle and Dog heat symptoms

The first stage is proestrus which has the average of 9 days for most female dogs. This period is often called "pre-heat". The symptoms for this period is vulva swells and bloody vaginal discharge. Female dog will produce hormone (estrogen) which attracts male dog but she will still reject the male during this period.

The second stage is estrus which last about 9 to 12 days depend on the type and size of your dog. Female may still have a discharge and will accept male dog at this stage. There will be significant increase in progesterone and luteinizing hormone which cause ovulation. The eggs that was released from ovulation will go into oviduct. Eggs can be fertilized if it is healthy enough and sperm from male dog are present.

The third stage is diestrus which range from 2 to 3 months. During this stage female dog will no longer accept male. The symptoms for this period is pregnancy, mammary glands swell and some dog may experience false pregancy. Progesterone hormones wii still remain high throughout this period.

The final stage is anestrus. This is the resting period preparing for the next heat cycle which last about 5 months. Hormone is reduce at this period.

If you are planning on breeding your female dog then you should talk with your veterinarians to determine the estrus stage, measuring progesterone hormones level etc. The reasons for doing analysis is to help timing the mating period.

Pregnant Dog Symptoms

Most dog owner usually keep their pet away from each other when they are in breeding season. Eventhough the owner do their best to prevent and protect pregnancy but sometimes breeding can take place. In some case it is hard to detect the clear sign of symptoms and most dog owner won't realized about it at all.
It is very important that every dog owner must learn and know the signs of pregnant dog symptoms to solve the problems when it occur. A female dog can only become pregnant when she is breed at the right time, conditions and heat cycle. The duration of pregnancy is usually last about 60 days however this number is only approximation and the real period duration can be shorter or last longer depend on the surrounding conditions and other factors.
Pregnant dog symptoms at the early stage
Your dog will eat lesser and show clear sign of decrease appetite. During gestation period your dog will feel exhaust easily and do less activity because their is a change in their hormone level to support the process of embryo production.
Another good indication is the increase in size and growth of nipple. Normally the abdomen area of an unbread female dog will be flat and has small nipple size. After breeding and pregnancy progress start to take place, breast will begin to develop for the process of milk production.
Most female dog behaviour will change at the pregnancy period. If you notice a sign that your dog wanted to be alone on her own then you can be sure that she is in her pregnancy period.
Pregnant dog symptoms at the middle stage
After one month of pregnancy, your dog will show sign of increase appetite and decrease when the heat cycle period ended. Pregnant dog will gain more weight during this period and you can check by touching the abdomen area, it will be thick and firm.
Pregnant dog symptoms at the last stage
The abdomen part of your dog will be hard and increased in size which depended mainly on the number of puppies she is carrying. Larger dog will have more room and space to carry puppies when compare with the smaller dog size. You can felt puppies movement during the last weeks of pregnancy and this shown a clear sign that your dog will give birth to these puppies soon.
Sometime you will see a bit of milk leakage which is called the first milk which is for delivering to the puppies when they are born.
Rather than doing your own observation on pregnant dog symptoms, it is much easier that you take your dog to the veterinarian and do the accurate check by ultrasound method.
Dog false pregnancy
The progress and change will be the same as the normal pregnant conditions such as milk production process, doing all the nesting activity, playing with toys etc. These changes will begin about 3-4 weeks after the heat cycle begin. False pregnancy is unpredictable and the symptoms can shown up on any female dogs whether they are mating or not. If your dog has a false prenancy before then there is a probability that she might have this symptoms again.
Treatment for false pregnancy in dog
You don't have to give any treatment at all because about ninety percent of false pregnancy problems is resolve on it own after three to four week period from the first sign of false pregnancy. However there are about ten percent chance that your dog will develop the psychological effects of mothering behavior that make her feel bad and sad. She will continue to search for her little puppies and begin to engorgement her own mammary glands. If your dog are in the 10% and having this symptoms then you should give treatment because there is a chance that your dog can have mastitis problems which have direct effect on the health of your dog.

Dog Pneumonia Symptoms

dog pneumonia symptoms
Dog pneumonia is a disease that refers to infection of the respiratory system which occur when the air sacs of the lungs tissues is filled up with fluid by aspiration.
Dog pneumonia is usually caused by bacteria, viruses, parasites or fungi.
Since there are many different types of bacteria that can be the cause pneumonia in dog so the symptoms is often confuse with Canine Influenza (dog flu) during the early stage.
Inflammation which is causes by lung irritation is known as pneumonitis. Aspiration of a liquid into the lung can lead to secondary infection and heart problems.
Causes of dog pneumonia
Coccidioides immitis, Cryptococcus neoformans etc.
secondary infection after kennel cough (tracheobronchitis), malfunction of dog's esophagus (Megaesophagus) etc.
Canine Distemper Virus (CDV) or Upper Respiratory Infection (URI).
lungworms or any other types of worms that can migrate to the lung.
absence of cells due to infection, inflammatory and extreme infiltration of the lung.
Dog Pneumonia Symptoms
  • cough
  • fever
  • loss of appetite
  • difficulty breathing
  • listlessness
  • exhausted rapidly

The Dog Rabies Symptoms

dog rabies symptoms
Rabies is one of the most well-known and deadly virus that attacks the nervous system which is commonly called hydrophobia.
Rabies is a viral zoonotic neuroinvasive disease that cause brain inflammation (acute encephalitis) in mammals and dog is significant source that carried rabies disease in many other countries.
Dogs that infected with rabies will show signs and symptoms such as foaming at the mouth, extremely mean and aggressive. However in some case infected animals can be very calm and tame so you must be really careful not to stay near or get biten by strange animals.
Death is always certain once a dog is infected with rabies virus. This deadly disease can be prevent with a proper vaccination from veterinarian.
Spread and Transmission of the Disease
Rabies are transmitted by infected animal biting a non-infected animal.
Travelers, veterinarians or peoples who work closely with wildlife animals have highest risk of exposure with rabies disease because animals in wildlife nature are not vaccinated but luckily there are prevention vaccine available.
Rabies remain viable for less than one day and cannot live long outside the host.
The rabies virus can be carried by warm-blooded mammals such as
  • Human
  • dog
  • cat
  • monkey
  • cow and cattle
  • skunk
  • wolf, coyote and fox
  • bat
  • squirrel
  • raccoon
  • rabbit
Other non-mammals such as fish, bird, reptiles and amphibians do not carry rabies disease.
Dog rabies symptoms
The infection of virus are divided into 3 stage: prodromal, furious (or excitative) and paralytic.
Prodromal stage can last up to 6 months long as the virus slowly spreads over the nervous system and travel to the brain. During this period infected dog sometime may not show any signs or symptoms at all.
  • fever
  • lethargy
  • loss of appetite
  • changes in behavior
  • tone of bark change
  • chewing at the bite site
Furious or excitative stage may last for several days (usually 2-4 days) after the prodromal stage however not all dogs experience this stage. This is the most dangerous period because infected dog can spread rabies disease and the symptoms are as follow.
  • extremely mean and aggressive
  • totally uncontrollable
  • break it own teeth by biting objects
  • constant growling
  • biting
  • dilated pupils
  • restless
  • disorientation
  • seizures
Paralytic stage last for 2-4 days and the symptoms are as follow.
  • choking
  • dropping of the lower jaw
  • unable to swallow any food
  • foaming at the mouth
  • paralysis of jaw, throat and chewing muscles
After the paralytic stage infected dogs will usually be in coma. It may also experience respiratory problems and failure then pass away.

Symptoms of Dog Worms

symptoms of dog worms
Dog worms are responsible for many symptoms and sickness. There are five different kinds of dog worms that can attack your dog.
These are tapeworm, hookworm, whipworm, roundworm and the most dangerous heartworm.
When your dog is infected their feces will be filled with over millions of worm eggs. These worms are scattered all over the places such as on the floor, sleeping places, eating pans etc. When your dog licked off or swallowed up these worms will enter the digestive system then hatch out and fully developed in approximately 10 days.
Dog worm symptoms
  • Coughing
  • vomiting
  • diarrhea
  • low energy level
  • pot-bellied appearance
  • loss of appetite
  • Weight decrease instantaneously
  • dull coat
Other symptoms of dog worms that can be seen from external such as hot and dry nose, red and scurfy pimple, irritated condition of the skin, pale lips, watery in the eyes, gums and foul breath.
Types of dog worms and symptoms in detail.
Roundworm is the common type of worm that can be found inside most dogs and they are divided into two main types.
Toxocara canis
Parasitic worms or helminth parasite that feed and live inside the intestine of their host causing nutrient absorption problems which can further leads to weakness and disease. Toxocara canis are white and yellow in color. Adult worm can have the size ranging from 9 - 18 centimetre.
Toxascaris leonina
Toxascaris leonina are usually found in feces and vomit remain of the animals. When toxascaris leonina eggs are ingested, they will hatch inside small intestine of their host. After fully growth and molt, they will return to the intestinal lumen and live there.
Toxascaris leonina absorb the nutrients from their host that can interfere with digestion system and also damage the inner lining of the intestine. Adult worm usually have 3-4 inches long. The adult female worm lays her eggs which will later passed into dog feces. The eggs can become infective after three to six days exposure in the environment.
Roundworms can be detected by examining the feces for the presence of eggs.
Roundworms have a spaghetti-like appearance and the length of their body can grow up to 7 inches long. Eggs of roundworms are sticky and can easily adhere to any objects or any part of human body.
Infected dog may not show any signs at first but in more severe cases may experience dull hair coats, weight loss, vomiting, diarrhea, and develop a belly appearance. If round worms is build up in dog intestines then there is a chance that these worms can block the path and result in death.
Clean up feces or any dirty objects around your backyard regularly to prevent your dog from contracting roundworms.
Roundworm can also be transmitted to human by eggs ingestion so you should wash your hands after doing activities or before eating any food that have direct contact such as hamberger, french fries etc.
Oral medication is given to puppies ar weeks 4, 6 and 8 then followed by fecal analysis using microscope at around weeks 11-12. Annual fecal examine are recommended for adult dog to remove all of the asymptomatic infections.
Veterinarian can use medications for deworming process. Medications essentially anesthetize the worms which make them unable to grip onto the host intestine and passes on along with the stool. Roundworms cannot survive long in the environment. You may be surprise by their long length and see them moving when they come out.

Symptoms of Dog Poisoning

Dog poisoning can be caused by many ways such as ingestion, gas inhale, absorbed through the skin by direct contact with certain type of substances etc.
All dogs are curious by nature and they love to explore dirty places. This can make them have direct contact with poison insects, dead animals remain and toxic plants.
Dog poisoning diagnosis
If you suspect that your dog may have been poison by some chemical products then you must identify the poison as quick as possible. Read the identification label on the chemical products and if it is unclear on the toxic informations then call the poison control center.
Symptoms of dog poisoning
Ingestion, inhaled or absorbed of poison substances can causes a wide range of symptoms such as:
  • mouth irritation
  • skin rash
  • lethargy
  • vomiting
  • diarrhea
  • lack of appetite
  • drooling
  • staggering
  • hallucination causing over-reaction to sound or light
  • breathing difficulty
  • bleeding disorders
  • muscle tremor and rigidity
  • seizure
  • heart failure
  • kidney or liver problems
  • coma and death.
The effect of poisoning may take time and not always visible at first. Most signs of poisoning symptoms will be apparent within 3 days and some case of illness will take up to months or even years to show the signs of symptoms. The conditions and expose of dog poisoning depended mainly on the quantity of the chemical substances taken into the body and time that the chemical substances remain in the body before the treatment begun. Faster treatment given to your dog may prevent significant and serious illness but you should be aware that some poisoning can cause permanent damage and even death eventhough the treatment is given right away.
If you has seen your dog eaten poisonous substance but still feeling well at the moment then don't assume by yourself that he is going to be fine. Call your local veterinarian immediately and tell them all the informations you can give such as what kind of chemical substances ingested by your dog, quantity, approximate length of time that the incident occur etc.
Dog poisoning treatment
For contaminated atmosphere case move your dog away from the position of the poisoning source as quick as possible. If your pet stop breathing and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is required then do not inhale your pet exhaled air.
Lower poison absorption rate by coating it in the intestinal tract with a blinding substance. After that laxative will be given to to speed up the elimination process.
When the signs of dog poisoning symptoms is visible then do not force your dog to drink anything or attempt to induce vomiting. Call your veterinarian immediately for effective treatments.
Dog poisoning prevention
Keep all the poison chemical products away from your pets.
Destroy all the unuse medicines and poison chemical products whenever possible.
If you are using rat bait then be sure to put them in the container to prevent your dog from direct contact with the bait.
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