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Showing posts with label Other. Show all posts


Pet Talk: Is your pet suffering?

Our pets do not live as long as we do and it is hard to say goodbye
People ask me ‘How do I know if my pet is suffering? And what can I do for him? Is he arthritic? Is he in pain? Is he trying to tell me something?'

Unfortunately, our pets do not live as long as we do and it is hard to say goodbye. Likewise, pets do not communicate like humans do either, therefore we need to try and understand their condition to determine what is best for them.

As your senior pets age, they exhibit various symptoms of old age, like trouble getting up. If he has heart problems, then he may be coughing a lot or have breathing issues. If his kidney's are failing, he may feel nauseated or dehydrated, etc. Pain in a dog can be hard to detect, but here are a few symptoms that you can look for. First of all, when some dogs are in pain, they will not want to eat or move around. But some of our animals will eat no matter what so we need to look for other signs. Another common sign is shaking or shivering. If your dog stands there and shakes or is lying down and shaking without a reason, then he may be in pain. Panting is another common sign of pain. Make sure that your dog isn't panting for other reasons; older dogs tend to have some lung issues (thickening of the bronchii) that will cause excessive panting.

Once you have treated these possible problems associated with pain and your dog is still not improving or is still in pain, then there is the inevitable question “When is it time to put my dog to sleep?”

This is not an easy question, but I try to help people make the right decision for their animals. No veterinarian can tell you what to do. You are the owner, the person who has spent the dog's life loving him and caring for him. Your veterinarian can tell you if your pet is suffering, if his problem is treatable and what the outcome of treatment might be. The most important things to ask yourself at this point is “What is my pet's quality of life right now?” and “Am I keeping him alive because I can't say goodbye?”

If your pet can't get up to go urinate or defecate and starts to do this right where he is laying down; if he doesn't get up to eat his meals; If he doesn't seem happy to see you and can't get up to greet you; If he is losing weight and strength; or if treatment fails to help him anymore, then it might be time to say goodbye.

I have had to put many animals to sleep and it is the hardest thing to do, but remember that you are also ending your loved one's suffering.

Some people wonder if they should get a new puppy while their older pet is still alive. If your senior dog is still able to get around, and a new puppy won't make the last few weeks or months of your senior pet miserable, then by all means, get a puppy. Sometimes it even gives some renewed life to your older pet. Make sure that your older pet is strong enough to fend off the puppy. Also, consider if your older pet would accept a new pet or if it would upset him before bringing a new animal home.

The "Cone of Shame": A Necessary Evil

The figure of speech "going off to lick your wounds" is okay in the metaphorical sense, but not when we're talking about dogs and cats after surgery.

Veterinarians cringe when well-meaning owners proudly announce that Fido has been licking a surgical wound in order to heal it. Dog saliva may indeed contain compounds that numb the wound and neutralize some microorganisms. However, doggie drool and kitty spit also has potentially harmful bacteria in it, and the act of licking itself can ruin a good surgical closure.

Dogs and cats routinely create serious infection in their skin from over-licking an area due to allergies, injury or post-surgical discomfort. That's why veterinarians regularly dispense an Elizabethan collar (e.g., e-collar) following spays, neuters and other surgeries. The "cone of shame" prevents the dog or cat from licking the incision, allowing the wound to heal faster and without complication.

Sometimes, however, the e-collar is an inadequate deterrent. I have met Houdini-like dogs who escape from their e-collars no matter how they are fastened. Some dogs figure out a way to chew through the plastic rendering the cone useless, while others ram it into things until it cracks, bends or (especially in Wisconsin winters) shatters. Many dogs act so demoralized initially that sympathetic owners can't bear to keep the cone on them at all. Most recently, I had a canine patient whose long nose poked over the edge of her cone just far enough that she managed to lick her spay wound to the point of infection and dehiscence.

Dehiscence is a fancy medical word for the splitting open of a wound. A dehiscence may be minor, involving a tiny part of the skin incision and requiring no special treatment. Or maybe a few skin staples will be placed to hold the wound edges closer together for faster healing. The worst kind of dehiscence, the kind that keeps veterinary students up all night and biting their nails following their first spay, is an opening completely downthrough the abdominal wall so that the animal's abdominal fat or even intestines protrude through the wound. Dogs have been known to chew on their own insides when this happens! Yikes! Thankfully, this is exceedingly uncommon.

Maddie's abdominal skin dehiscence looked a lot like this
Even Maddie, the long-snouted Springer Spaniel who managed to ferociously lick outside the cone, presented with just a partial dehiscence. While I could peer down through her subcutaneous tissue and fat to the sutures holding her abdominal wall together, thankfully the abdominal closure remained intact and her guts stayed in. Maddie's dehiscence was so severe, however, that she required general anesthesia so the dead, infected wound edges could be trimmed away, or debrided. I resutured the wound, placed Maddie on a course of oral antibiotics and gave her a larger e-collar. I expect the wound to heal normally after this, but I won't be surprised if she develops a seroma, or pocket of fluid under the skin, from bouncing around too much before the area completely heals.

Don't assume if your pet isn't licking their incision immediately after surgery that they won't. Some animals leave their surgery site alone during the early phase of healing, but attack it just as the skin finally starts to mend. If you have ever experienced insanely itchy skin as a surgical incision or even a minor cut begins healing you'll understand why dogs and cats suddenly notice their surgical wound a week after the fact!

The "cone of shame" is obnoxious, humiliating and completely necessary in most cases. Even with the cone on, however, pets can develop complications in their surgical wounds that require follow-up care by their veterinarian. Please follow your veterinarian's post-op instructions closely regarding exercise restrictions, wound care and medications. And most of all, don't let Fido lick!

Comfortable Dog Cone Alternatives

Alternatives to classic “Elizabethan” collars are more comfortable and just as effective for your dog.

My mother once phoned me to tell me that one of our family dogs, an oversized German Shepherd, had required surgery for an embedded foxtail in one of his back paws. She told me that the vet sent her home with a gigantic plastic disc that she understood was to be put on the dog, to prevent him from licking or chewing his bandage or paw. Giggling, my mother told me, “Your father put it together . . . but how do I put it on the dog? I mean, is he supposed to look like a tulip or a prince?”

The classic veterinarian-supplied Elizabethan collar: Effective, but heavy, stiff, opaque (your dog can’t see through it), wide, unwieldy, and uncomfortable.

I could understand her confusion. The dog was so leggy that he actually could wear the Elizabethan collar either way; wearing a conventional “cone” like a “prince” would render dogs with shorter legs immobile. In contrast, most dogs have to wear these protective cones the way in which they were designed to be worn – like a dejected, bumbling tulip. Most dogs are miserable while wearing a classic, veterinary-supplied cone. Lacking peripheral visibility, they crash into furniture and doorways. With the wide, flaring cone, they get stuck in tight spots in the house.


Can dogs see ghosts?

A howling dog on a rainy moonless night is a common scene in horror and mystery movies. A dog that stares at nothing and then barks, whines and cowers would certainly make your hair stand on ends and for chill to run up your spine especially if you are alone. Dogs are commonly believed to have the ability to see the unseen. Can dogs really see ghosts? Many dog owning individuals have their own stories about unexplainable paranormal situations that involved the pet. Although it is hard to believe something that is never seen, most people believe that dogs can see ghosts.

What are ghosts and why are dogs believed to have the ability to see these “something” that go bump in the night? A ghost, as depicted by people who profess to have seen one, is an unspecific semi transparent form that resembles the form of the person it once was. Paranormal researchers believe that a ghost or an apparition is the spirit/energy of a person that has died usually from a traumatic or a highly unusual circumstance. Oftentimes, the spirits are not aware that they have died as they are stuck between the level of existence and passing over. These apparitions are perceived by humans commonly through peripheral vision. Most of the times, the presence can be sensed. The odor attributed to the departed and the voices are noticed as well. It is believed that only people with 6th sense or people with an “open” eye can see, smell, hear and feel the presence of ghosts.

Can dogs see the paranormal?

I believe that animals are able to sense energy patterns and some of these energy patterns are such that they have a visible form to them that is not visible to some human sight. Some of the ghosts have an odor that gives them away.

Animals are truly One with Nature. They know how to hunt and take care of themselves. When we domesticate them, they do not lose the ability to sense and read energy around them. Since people often do not sense these things our animal friends try to warn us of dangers and changes in the energy patterns around us. Animals can see and sense spirit more easily because they dont have what we call mind clutter to over shadow their senses.

They rely very heavily on using all their senses.
They also have no human doubt which is one of the main reasons they can see them. I hope this answers your questions.. Serious research of Animal Communications began over 100 years ago when people began taking notice of animals' reactions to ghostly apparitions. Animals are very sensitive to the presence of spirit life in our environments and will often react in very powerful ways, especially to any negative forces present...

Can Dogs See Colors?

Probably one of the most frequently asked questions about dog's vision is whether dogs see colors. The simple answer-namely that dogs are colorblind-has been misinterpreted by people as meaning that dogs see no color, but only shades of gray. This is wrong. Dogs do see colors, but the colors that they see are neither as rich nor as many as those seen by humans.

The eyes of both people and dogs contain special light catching cells called cones that respond to color. Dogs have fewer cones than humans which suggests that their color vision won't be as rich or intense as ours. However, the trick to seeing color is not just having cones, but having several different types of cones, each tuned to different wavelengths of light. Human beings have three different kinds of cones and the combined activity of these gives humans their full range of color vision.

Dog can talk

Maya, a noisy, seven-year-old pooch, looks straight at me. And with just a little prompting from her owner says, "I love you." Actually, she says "Ahh rooo uuu!"

Maya is working hard to produce what sounds like real speech. "She makes these sounds that really, really sound like words to everyone who hears her, but I think you have to believe," says her owner, Judy Brookes.

You've probably seen this sort of scene onYouTube and David Letterman. These dog owners may be onto something: Psychologist and dog expert Stanley Coren of the University of British Columbia tells the story of a colleague who always greeted her dog, Brandy, with a cheerful, two-syllable "Hel-lo!" It wasn't long until Brandy returned the greeting, which sounded very much like her owner's salutation, says Coren, author ofHow to Speak Dog: Mastering the Art of Dog–Human Communication.

Do Dogs Dream

If you've ever been tempted to wake your dog during a dream, try and resist. It's best to "let sleeping dogs lie."

You've probably seen it happen—your sleeping dog suddenly lets out a woof as his legs begin to twitch. Is he dreaming?

Many scientists say there is evidence to support the idea that dogs do, in fact, experience dreams. Researchers using an electroencephalogram (EEG) have tested canine brain wave activity during sleep. They've found that dogs are similar to humans when it comes to sleep patterns and brain wave activity. Like humans, dogs enter a deep sleep stage during which their breathing becomes more irregular and they have rapid eye movements (REM). It is during REM sleep that actual dreaming and, often, involuntary movements take place. Dogs may move their legs as if they are running, whine or whimper as if excited, and breathe rapidly or hold their breath for short periods.

Not all dogs dream equally. Research suggests that small dogs dream more than larger dogs. A Toy Poodle may dream once every ten minutes while a Golden Retriever may only dream once every 90 minutes. Dreaming also seems to occur more frequently in puppies. This may be because they are processing huge quantities of newly acquired experiences.

What do dogs dream about? Since no dog has ever told anyone about a dream he's had, we can only guess. It's likely that dogs dream in a similar fashion to humans, replaying the everyday activities that make up their existence, like chasing, playing, and eating.

If you've ever been tempted to wake your dog during a dream, try and resist. It's best to "let sleeping dogs lie." Dogs, like humans, need uninterrupted sleep for healthy mental activity.

Dreams About Dogs: Dream Meanings Explained

Dreams about dogs are a common dream theme at bedtime. If you or a loved one have been covering this ground at night, you may have questions about what it all might mean. As part of a Huffington Post series on dreams and their meanings, we spoke to Vocata George, Ph.D., a Jungian analyst at the C.G. Jung Education Center of Cleveland, to get expert advice about the meanings of your or your loved one’s dog dreams. Note: While dream analysis is highly subjective, this post might provide some insight into why this dream occurred or is recurring.

What do dreams about dogs mean? 

"Jungian dream analysis shines the spotlight on yourself," says George. "When you dream about dogs, it is important to first consider what it is that made you think about dogs." George says dreams about dogs in general can help you "sniff out a part of your psyche." 

What can I learn about myself from dreaming about dogs? 

"[These dreams] often provide a hunch about something going on inside yourself," says George. How you feel about dogs will play a big role in how the dream can be processed. "For example, if you loved a dog as a child and it died, that is a different feeling than if you were attacked by a dog at some point in your life." 

Are there any tricks to avoiding or inducing dreams about dogs? 

While you can encourage yourself to revisit these dreams, George says that your subconscious self knows more than you and it will continue to help you work through dog dreams if it is necessary. "If you do not know something about yourself, you will have the dream over and over." 

Beyond analysis, what cultural symbolism can be found in dreams about dogs? 

"Having dogs show up in your dreams can represent an instinctual quality in yourself," says George. "What is it that you are not expressing in your waking life? Is the dog in your dream angry?" In addition, you should consider how you feel once the dream ends, which could potentially reveal signs of suppressed anger. 

Who tends to have dreams about dogs most frequently? 

People who have had constant contact with dogs as well as those who are not commonly around dogs can have dog dreams, says George. The subconscious self knows what is needed to bring thoughts and ideas to the surface, but "you may need to look in unexpected places to discover parts of yourself." 

Does a dream about dogs always relate to a real-life dog? 

According to George, dreams about dogs are often symbolic. This particular symbol often reveals the heart of a person's soul. "Look into what the dog represents and how it makes you feel during and after the dream for a hint of what your subconscious self is trying to show you," she suggests. 

Vocata George earned her Ph.D. at the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology in Palo Alto, Calif. She then pursued post-Ph.D. inter-regional training in order to become a Jungian Analyst. She is now a Jungian Analyst at the C.G. Jung Education Center of Cleveland, a center that remains dedicated to the evolution of consciousness and the pursuit of meaning in life through psychological insight and creative expression.


When a Pet Dies - Pet Cemetery, Burial Options

When a pet dies, the owner must decide between pet cremation or burial. Owners can hold a pet funeral, opt for a pet cemetery or a simple backyard burial.

Whether it's a cat or a dog, a horse or a goat, or a bird, reptile or other pet. the death of a pet is a traumatic and emotional experience. In fact, the grief experienced following the loss of a pet is often comparable to that which is experienced following the death of a human family member.

Fortunately for animal lovers who are grieving a pet loss, there has been a movement in recent years that has led to a mainstream recognition of how difficult it can be when a pet dies. This recognition of how emotional and painful a pet's death can be has led to a dramatic increase in the number of pet loss products and services that are now available when a pet dies or when an owner has to make the difficult decision to "put a pet to sleep."

The owner of a pet who dies will have many questions. "Should I cremate my pet? Or place opt for burial in a pet cemetery?" "Should I buy a casket or pet urn?" "What types of pet grave markers are available?"

This article will explore the pet burial options and pet loss products that are available to owners who have experienced the death of a pet.

Wakes, Dog Memorial Services and Funerals for Pets

An increasing number of funeral homes are now offering viewings for deceased pets, thereby allowing the animal's friends and loved ones to say one last "goodbye." While a formal wake for a pet at a funeral home is a more formal, expensive option, many pet owners find the viewing helpful as they grieve the pet's loss.

Many pet cemeteries offer an array of options for owners of a pet that's died, including pet funeral services, memorial services and pet burial ceremonies.

Backyard Burials for Pets vs. the Pet Cemetery

For pet owners who would like to bury their pet, there are a few options. Backyard burial for a pet is an inexpensive option that allows the grieving pet owner to keep their beloved animal close to home.

A benefit of a home pet burial is that the pet owner is free to plant a garden at the pet's burial site, or create another fitting pet memorial, free of restrictions that are often in place at a pet cemetery.

Pet cemeteries are becoming increasingly common in many areas, providing another burial option for owners who are mourning a pet loss. A pet cemetery is a more formal option that can really appeal to some pet owners. The cost can be prohibitive for some, as a pet cemetery plot can cost anywhere from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars. The cost of a pet cemetery burial will vary depending on factors like the geographical region and the size of the pet. A grave plot and burial for a large pet like a horse can be comparable to a human burial in terms of cost. Most cemeteries for dogs and cats also require that pet owners place a permanent headstone or grave marker at the pet's plot, so this is an added cost that must be taken into consideration.

While more expensive than a backyard burial, a cemetery for dogs and cats can be a peaceful resting place that will always be accessible to the animal's family and friends — a major advantage over the backyard burial. One major disadvantage to burying a pet in the back yard involves the potential of leaving the pet's resting place behind if the property is sold at some point in the future; a pet cemetery is always accessible.

Cat and Dog Caskets

Pet owners can opt for a pet casket. Small, simple pet coffins are available for less than $30, while a larger, more ornate dog casket can cost well over $1,000.

Another option involves burying the pet in a more simple manner, perhaps wrapping the pet in a favorite blanket or resting the pet on his/her favorite bed. Many grieving pet owners will also opt to bury the pet with his/her favorite toys, collar and food dish, while others prefer to keep these items as a pet keepsake.

Pet Headstones and Grave Markers for Dogs, Cats and Other Animals

Pet grave markers and headstones are also available in an array of styles and sizes, ranging in price from less than $50 to several thousand dollars.

Personalized and customized pet headstones are available on the internet in a vast array of shapes, sizes and styles. Many stores that sell human grave markers and gravestones also offer a small selection of pet products as well.

Pet grave markers and headstones can include a detailed engraved image of the pet or a more simple species/breed-specific silhouette; a meaningful poem or simply the pet's name, dates of birth and death.

Related Reading on Pet Loss

For pet owners who are anticipating the death of a beloved pet, the decision of whether to euthanize a dog, cat or other animal can be extremely difficult.

What Should I Do If My Dog Dies at Home

Losing your beloved dog is difficult in any situation. However, if your pet dies at the veterinarian's office, they can help handle the remains for you. If your dog dies suddenly at home, you will need to take certain steps and make a few decisions right away.

Call for HelpThis is a difficult time, and it's probably best if you don't have to be alone (though some people may prefer to be alone). If possible, call a close friend or family member that can help you deal practically with your pet's remains and offer emotional support. If you do not think you will physically and/or emotionally be able to handle your pet's body, choose someone than likely can.

Contact Your VeterinarianIf it is during normal business hours, your vet's office can help talk you through the steps. They may also have a way of getting you in touch with someone who can pick up your pet's body (like a pet crematory or mobile vet service). In some cases, your vet's office may be able to store your pet's body for a day or two while you make a decision about aftercare arrangements. Your vet's office should also be able to put you in contact with a local company, as most vets have a relationship with at least one local pet cremation/aftercare business.


A werewolf

A werewolf is a mythological creature that is sometimes a person and sometimes a wolf, usually believed to prey on people. In different versions of folklore, the werewolf is either a magician or the object of a curse. In much modern literature and film, the werewolf is said to shape-shift under the influence of the full moon and to be vulnerable only to a silver bullet. The word werewolf derives from Old English wer-wulf, meaning "man-wolf."

Tales of werewolves abound in cultures from all over Europe, from Russia to England and from Norway to Italy. Werewolves appear in some of the earliest literature of these regions. Because the legend spans such a vast geographical and cultural area, there are many variations.

A person may become a werewolf in many different ways, according to different cultures. The curse may be effected by engaging in cannibalism or Satanism. Alternatively, stripping and wearing articles made of wolf skin, drinking water from a wolf's footprint, or being bitten by a werewolf may cause the change. A superstition arose in Portugal and later in Brazil that the seventh son, or the seventh son of a seventh son, would be born a werewolf. To this day, the President of Brazil is officially the godfather of all seventh sons, a practice resulting from the tendency in earlier times of parents to abandon such children.

Some versions of the werewolf tale claim that there are cures for the condition, while others hold that death by silver bullet is the only solution. One such cure is to remove the wolf skin, if wearing it brought about the condition. Other remedies include religious methods, such as reproaching the werewolf or making the sign of the cross. Magical cures include drawing three drops of blood and striking the creature with a knife three times on the head. Strangely, while most people no longer believe in werewolves, there is a medical condition known as clinical lycanthropy in which the sufferer believes himself or herself to be a werewolf.


Kick the Dog

"I'm getting five hundred phone calls a day asking what the hell is going on, that our police force is brutalizing women and misplacing children. Christ, all this picture needs now is for someone to kick a puppy for the cameras."

A character performs an act so casually cruel or evil that you know that they are scum, incompatible with the moral rules of the series that they're in. This is a signal to the audience that it's okay to dislike the character. In short, dog-kicking is a sure sign that the writers want the audience to be wary of this character, even if he is nominally one of the good guys.

What separates this trope from other evil or cruel acts is that not only is the act bad, it's also pointless as far as the plot goes. It is the fact that it had no other point than to be evil, that puts them on the bad side of the Rule of Empathy.

The Curse of the Good Dog

We had another fantastic, multi-tasking agility training session/play date with our pals the other day. Natasha’s dog, Polly, is one of those stereotypical, mellow and inherently well-behaved labs that everyone sees in the movies and on greeting cards. She is even-tempered and sweet, and will put up with pretty much anything from everyone, including the children.

In conversation with Natasha, we were pondering the challenges of having such a dog with children, and this brought to mind the kids and dogs safety demo that I did at the C-DOG event this past weekend. Since developing the demo 8 years ago, it has, of course, undergone a number of improvements, but notably, I now find myself telling parents that the fact that they have dogs at home means that they may have to be more vigilant with their children than non-dog owning parents.


Getting Rid of a Pet

If you decide to take this prescribed route, don't expect instant relief from allergy and asthma symptoms. It takes an average of 20 weeks, plus daily heavy-duty vacuuming, dusting, and washing, as well as carpet cleaning, to reduce the levels of allergens to those found in pet-free homes. While people with mild to moderate pet allergies may sometimes be able to keep their pets by following the above recommendations, those with severe pet allergies and/or asthma or who suffer life-threatening reactions may need to give them up. Saying good-bye to a beloved pet is never easy, especially for children. But there are ways to make the ordeal a little easier. Try these suggestions for easing the emotional trauma of giving away a pet:

Think it out together:

Start with a family brainstorming session in which each family member presents their own ideas and options for giving away the pet. When children help find a good home for their companion, they are better able to deal with the loss.

Hear ye, hear ye:

Spread the word to family, friends, and coworkers about the need to relocate your pet. Just be sure they are aware of the medical reason so that potential adopters will not think you are trying to pass off a carpet-chewing, ill-tempered problem pet. If you're not successful with personal contacts, advertise your pet in the newspaper's pet section. Again, be sure to mention in the ad that you're giving the pet away for medical reasons, and screen people as best you can to find a good home. The grocery store community bulletin board is another good place to advertise. Put up signs with pictures of your pet and descriptions of its personality.

Creative advertising:

If newspaper and grocery store advertising fails to produce a satisfactory home, it is time to get creative. Try taking your dog to a popular park, carrying a sign describing your plight. Or go door to door with a picture of your cat -- or approach a pet-store owner about selling your bird.

Give them shelter:

Sending a pet to a shelter is a last-ditch option, when all else has failed and your family's health is threatened. Shelter living is very traumatic for a pet accustomed to a household, and older pets probably will not get adopted. There are some very good no-kill animal shelters that are an alternative to city animal shelters, but their resources are limited financially and your pet will do much better in a family environment.

Handling the Demand for a Pet

Even when there's an allergic person in the household, there will be family members (especially children) who believe the world will end if they don't have a pet. Persistent begging can be such a source of irritation to parents that they relent. If a pet is necessary to prevent parental insanity (or for other reasons), remember that pet allergens are the proteins found in dander, as well as the saliva and urine of cats and dogs. Find a pet without fur or one that doesn't produce allergy-causing excretions. Let it be known that the cute and cuddly don't fit into this category.

Tropical fish make the ideal pet for allergy sufferers, as long as the aquarium does not add to the humidity in a room and mold doesn't grow around the rim. Picking out beautiful tropical fish can be a fun family activity and one that may help kids get over not having a four-legged fluff ball. For adults, a koi pond may be a good investment because everyone loves watching these brilliantly colored fish. Some koi are tame enough to be petted, too. Hermit crabs make for an unusual pet, and they are generally low maintenance. Snakes, turtles, salamanders, and lizards are also possibilities, but some of these pets require a lot of maintenance. Many need humid environments, which can set off mold and dust-mite allergies. And some may not be appropriate due to other health or nonhealth concerns. Thoroughly investigate these choices before selecting a pet, and make sure the allergic person does not have any reactions.

Dealing with pet allergies can be a strain on the family. First you need to know the extent of the family member's allergy. Then it may be time to make a hard decision. Whatever you decide, you can follow these suggestions for minimizing the disruption to your life.

This information is solely for informational purposes. IT IS NOT INTENDED TO PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE. Neither the Editors of Consumer Guide (R), Publications International, Ltd., the author nor publisher take responsibility for any possible consequences from any treatment, procedure, exercise, dietary modification, action or application of medication which results from reading or following the information contained in this information. The publication of this information does not constitute the practice of medicine, and this information does not replace the advice of your physician or other health care provider. Before undertaking any course of treatment, the reader must seek the advice of their physician or other health care provider.

More Tips for Finding a Lost Dog

  • Call all surrounding town police departments and alert them (calling up to six is not a bad idea). Give the breed, size, sex, color, name and where it was lost and last seen. Give your name and phone number in case they find it. If the police department does not ask you what your phone number is, then call BACK and make sure they have it and understand why. Continue to call each day or every other day to find out updates. They won't LOOK for your pet. They'll only pick it up if they see it.
  • Call the local animal shelter and humane society to alert them.
  • Call all nearby park workers to alert them in case your pet ran into a park
  • If you have internet access, register your pet in

Make flyers which include:

-LOST PET announcement -your pet's picture -your pet's name, size, sex

-date it became missing -where and when last seen

What to Do if You Lose Your Pet

Getting the word out early is the key to getting your dog or cat back safely and soundly. Don't assume your pet will return on his own in a few hours. Don't wait around to see if he'll find his way home. As soon as you are aware that your pet is missing, GET THE WORD OUT. Remember, have good, clear photos on hand just in case, and ALWAYS make sure your dogs and cats are wearing a collar with identification tags. Microchipping is an excellent form of identification, but always make sure your pet has a visible collar and tags.

  • Make posters, and lots of them. Keep it simple: "LOST DOG (or cat)!" should be at the top in large, easy to read, (even from a moving vehicle) bold letters. Then include a brief description or breed type: "Beige, wire-haired terrier " or "Striped grey and black short-haired cat ". Don't assume that people will know your particular pure breed, so always include a description. Include the animal's name, it may make it easier for someone to call your pet over and capture him, and it also makes your pet into a valued member of your family, and not just another lost animal statistic. Offer a reward, don't state how much in the ad, and include your telephone number in large numbers at the bottom of the poster.
  • Make dozens of index cards with the same information as above, and go to every home, in every direction from the site of where your pet disappeared, and give a card, or stick a card under doors or on windshields. Stop and speak with every person you encounter –the more people know about your lost pet, the more likely the one person who spots him will call you. Your pet may be frightened, ask people to please check their barns and sheds, especially at night.
  • Place a "Lost " ad in your local newspaper the very first morning your pet is gone. These ads are usually free.
  • GET THE WORD OUT! The more people know you have lost a pet, and that you are upset, worried and desperately trying to find your pet, the more people will call you if they see an animal in the woods or on the road, or in their backyard.
  • Get out and call for your pet by name. Enlist family and friends to canvas the neighborhood, in all directions, on the roads and as the crow flies. Don't try to predict where your pet could or wouldn't have gone –YOU NEVER KNOW. The best time to call for your pet is at night, and at dawn. If you are calling from your car, drive slowly, roll down all the windows, stop and turn your vehicle off frequently to listen.
  • Call all your neighbors personally.
  • Call all veterinary clinics, including emergency veterinary hospitals outside your local area. Sometimes people pick up a stray and drive it to a distant clinic. Call all animal shelters and animal control and dog control officers, all local police and state troopers, all local kennels, the highway department, dog training clubs, grooming shops get the word out.
  • Visit all local dog pounds and animal shelters, don't rely on their information, go through and look at all dogs and cats, DAILY.
  • Don 't give up!
  • Dogs and cats often wander far away, and do things you wouldn't predict they would do. Try everything, look everywhere, tell everyone. You'd be surprised how many people will be supportive, will get out and help you look, will offer words of encouragement and hope, will suggest places to look that other stray animals have gone.
  • Even the friendliest and most social pet may quickly become terrified and wild. Your own friendly pet, when lost, may hide from people, run away if he sees a person, he may even run away from you. Don't chase after a lost pet –they are much faster than we are and you'll only scare them more. Instead, sit on the ground; talk in normal tones, repeating his name and familiar phrases over and over again. A frightened animal will usually stick around, and after a few minutes or hours,come closer and closer.
  • In rare cases, you may need to rent or purchase a Humane Live trap, and set it to capture a terrified lost pet. Local animal shelters often rent or loan these, and will have an appropriate size for a dog or a cat.
  • Again, DON'T GIVE UP! Be aggressive in your search, get lots of help, get the word out right away – don't wait a few hours "to see if he'll come home on his own "– you need those early hours to put up posters and give out cards.

How to Find Your Lost Dog

By the time you are reading this article, most likely you have been looking for your lost pet for 24 hours or more. You have walked, then driven your neighborhood. You have been to the local animal shelter and registered your pet as missing. You have lost a lot of sleep.

You are reading because you feel the odds are strong that you will recover your pet. In the vast majority of instances, your instincts will prove true.

Let's try to help you. Let's briefly go over three things:
  • Why pets run away and where they often go
  • The logical steps to take in assisting recovery
  • Things you can tell your friends later if you are among the many who succeed in recovering your lost pet.

(1) Why and Where Do They Go?
(2) Steps to Recovering Your Pet
(3) How to Avoid Losing Your Pet

1. Why Pets Run Away and Where They Often Go

Normally, pets run away from acute boredom or loneliness, to answer sexual urges if they have not been neutered, in response to sudden and unexpected events that frighten them, out of curiosity if doors, windows or gates are left open, or if they are new to a home and are looking for their former surroundings.

How to Get Rid of an Unwanted Pet

For whatever reason you cannot keep your pet and need to get rid of it. Sadly many people go about this in the wrong way. Here are the best options.

For the purposes of this article, I am referring to pets that YOU own… not stray or lost animals, however I have included a small bit about these guys at the bottom of the article.

I will also note that if a person has made the decision that they are NOT the best owner for a pet, it is unfair to encourage them to keep the pet. However because there are more unwanted pets than there are homes, getting rid of a pet is always a risky thing. Put some thought into it before you simply get rid of any pet.

What Not To Do

DO NOT give an animal away as “Free to a Good Home”. Studies have shown that very few of these animals actually get “good homes”. Most never get any veterinarian care. Many never get fixed (spayed or neutered). Many who go missing are not looked for, their owners simply go get another free one. Some serial killers have admitted they started on “free to good home” pets. It is possible for somebody to accept a “free” pet, then sell it to a research lab or use it for snake food (as it is their animal now to do with as they will, dependent on area laws). A “good” owner would buy from a reputable breeder or adopt from a shelter.


Question about Dog pee pads

I just adopted a small dog with special needs. Because of her health problems, she cannot be walked regularly and thus has come to rely on wee-wee pads to relieve herself at home. But throwing them out and replacing them every day (even the ones made of recycled materials) seems wasteful and breaks my heart every time. Can you suggest a more sustainable solution?

Until your question arrived, I had not given much thought to the “wee-wee pad” issue. My personal experience with the world of wee-wee pads is (thankfully) limited, so I hope your fellow dog owners will chime in here.

The way I see it, this problem is akin to the diaper debate: Should you use disposables, which add heaps of non-biodegradable, plasticky waste to our landfills, or reusables, which require heaps of water and energy to clean? In fact, with 4 million babies born each year in America and about the same number of puppies, we have ourselves a startling parallel. Factor in dogs with special needs and others left indoors to do their business for various reasons, and we might be looking at a full-on wee-wee crisis.
Power by xinh xinh