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Dogs Submissive Peeing in dog

Why does my dog pee when I pet him?
Why does it happen?

Submissive peeing is a submissive gesture that can happen when a dog is over-excited, anxious and/or fearful. You cannot punish your dog for submissive peeing because your dog is not doing it on purpose and cannot help it. If your dog is young, it can sometimes be outgrown.


Black dog in green glass

Black dog in green glass

Congestive Heart Failure in Dogs

You’ve always known that your dog has heart problems. But lately it’s been more tired and doesn’t seem to be able to exercise as long. Perhaps you even notice some coughing. So you bring your dog into the veterinary clinic, and they tell you that your dog is in congestive heart failure. What is congestive heart failure? Is it worth it to put your dog on all sorts of drugs? This article will be a short introduction into what is happening inside of your dog’s body when it is in heart failure.

Dog Aggression Warning Signs

Although most domesticated dogs are friendly toward their owners and the people they know, it is always important to remember that dogs are still animals. Although the majority of dogs in North America are domesticated, there are still feral (wild) dogs around and when animals get scared or feel threatened they often bite. Many people consider themselves to be dog lovers and have no fear whatsoever of any dog either wild or domesticated. They feel that they can approach any dog and get that dog to like them. They think they have some type of special relationship with any and every dog. This is flat out foolish thinking and has NOTHING to do with how nice that person is, or what kind of a dog lover they think they are.

Avoiding dog bites

Dog owners are more likely to get bitten by an unfamiliar dog than non-dog owners. This makes sense because people more comfortable with dogs are more likely to approach them and therefore increase their risk of being bitten. However, this does not need to be the case! If you are a dog lover who is informed about canine behaviour, then you should be able to lower your risk of being bitten by an unfamiliar dog.

Cute baby dog with pretty beanie

Cute baby dog with pretty beanie

Puppy Care

This section details the top tips and advice on puppy care in relation to preparing for the arrival of a new puppy. Inspect your home through the eyes of a new puppy and any potential problems or safety issues - a major consideration in puppy care.

Tibetan Mastiff

Tibetan Mastiff - A War Dog
Breed Origins: Tibet ( Dates back to antiquity )
Breed usage: Hunting Dog:, Guarding, Herding & Fighting
Dog Weight: 75 - 160 Pounds
Dog Height: 22 to 28 inches to the shoulder
Cost of Puppies: Cost of puppies varies depending on location, breeder and pedigree history

Thai Ridgeback dogs

Thai Ridgeback - The Thailand Spitz
Breed Origins: Thailand ( 1600's )
Breed usage: Hunting Dog: & Guard Dog
Dog Weight: 35 - 65 Pounds
Dog Height: 22 to 26 inches to the shoulder
Cost of Puppies: Cost of puppies varies depending on location, breeder and pedigree history

Sussex Spaniel - The Flusher

Sussex Spaniel - The Flusher

Breed Origins: England ( 1700's )
Breed usage: Bird flushing and retrieving
Dog Weight: 40 - 50 Pounds
Dog Height: 15 to 16 inches to the shoulder
Cost of Puppies: Cost of puppies varies depending on location, breeder and pedigree history

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