
Older Dogs

Old age comes at different times for different breeds of dogs and different individual dogs. In general smaller breeds have a higher life expectancy than larger breeds. A strong, healthy dog will probably age later. Evidence also suggests that dogs that are spayed or neutered before six months of age ordinarily live longer than dogs that are kept intact.

Regular checkups are a must for older dogs. In addition to annual vaccinations and checkups, talk to your veterinarian about special geriatric screenings for your dog.
As your dog ages there are changes that you need to be aware of so that you can adapt their lifestyle to make their lives as happy and healthy as possible.

Common Causes of Dog Poisoning

Thousands of dogs (and cats) needlessly suffer and many die each year by accidental ingestion of household poisons. Dogs may have access to poisons both inside and outside of the home. Some of these include plants, foods, herbicides, pesticides, mouse poisons, medications, metals, and cleaning supplies.

Dogs with Black Spots Tongues

Black spots on your dogs tongue are simply birthmarks making him extra unique!

The Chow Chow is well renowned for it’s unique blue/black tongue. The Chow Chow is one of the most ancient breeds and many breeds today originate from it. However we still don’t know the true reason of how and why the Chow Chow has this blue/black tongue feature. The Chinese Shar-Pei also shares this feature as well as some other animals such as the Polar Bear, Giraffe and some breeds of cattle.

Boarding Your Dog For The First Time

For a stress-free vacation, follow these tips on boarding your dog for the first time

You’re going on an extended vacation and you’re worried about boarding your dog for the first time. After all, this is your fur baby and you want some peace of mind when leaving her behind. Boarding isn’t for everyone and perhaps in this instance, you have no other choice. You’ve done your homework and picked a dog kennel that suits both you and your dog’s needs. Here are a few ways to make the process smoother and ensure you don’t have a breakdown when you leave your dog behind.

5 Essential Dog-Friendly Thanksgiving Travel Tips

We’ve got the recipe for safe and stress-free travel with your dog this Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is right around the corner. It’s time to start making your travel plans. Are you hitting the road for a cross country car trip or are you flying to your destination? Is your dog coming along for the festivities? Whether your dog is coming along with you or staying behind, you need to plan in advance – trust us, you’ll be thankful that you did! Here are some tips for traveling tips with your dog this Thanksgiving.

Female Dog Names - Find A Perfect Name For Your Little Girl

So you're getting a cute little female puppy, now you've got to come up with a sensational, fitting and appropriate female dog name. No doubt you want to attach a female dog name to your puppy that is just right for her individual character and personality. At the same time you'll want a name that is unique and one that you can be proud of.

7 Fun Things To Do With Your Dog This Summer

When the heat is on, try out these fun things to do with your dog

The weather is finally amazing – it’s the perfect time to get outside with your dog and make the most of it. But are you scratching your head, wondering activities both you and your dog can do together? Not to worry, we’ve come up with a 7 fun things to do with your dog this summer.

Puppy House Training - The Right Way

The arrival of a new puppy is cause for great excitement in any household. It soon becomes clearly apparent that puppy house training is an urgent priority and the number one thing to teach our new housemates.

You'll find lots of puppy house training articles and theories across the net and in books everywhere, but I'm pleased to say that I've got a method that has never let me down. The potty training technique I have come to rely on and trust requires a fair degree of commitment to begin with but the rewards are quick and last forever. My veterinarian first told me about this potty training method which could be summed up as follows:

Weimaraner Information

General Description

(Weimaraner Voerstehhund, Grey Ghost, Weims) The Weimaraner is a medium-sized dog with elegantly defined features and an aristocratic appearance. Their image is one of speed and grace, and their expression is alert and self-assured. Their back is moderately long, straight, and muscular, with a slight slope downwards at the withers.


Hunting Dog in Field

Hunting Dog in Field