
The Pit Bull dog Problem?

The Pit Bull Problem How Can You Help?
We need your help if we are to succeed in our mission to help the American Pit Bull Terrier survive into the future.

People power is how we can overcome many of the pitfalls the breed is facing today.

When I'm asked by someone, "How can I help the breed?" My answer is, by getting involved on any level you can.

You don't have to rescue a dog, you don't need to donate hundreds of dollars, and you don't have make it a point to educate every person you see about the APBT. A great way you can help the breed overcome it's current problems is by not adding to them.

20 Ways to Help Dogs in Need

There is a well-known quote by Gandhi that says, “Be the change you want to see in the world.” So many of us are dismayed when we hear stories about dogs in need. We want to help, but how best to do that can be daunting. I’d like to share some ideas with you. The offerings in this post are fairly concrete and straightforward. In a future post I’ll offer more creative ideas.

1. Volunteer at your local shelter. If you don’t want to be in the shelter environment, you can still participate in community adoption days.

2. Donate blankets, food, or crates to your local shelter or rescue group. Check the organization’s website to see what they need. You could even spearhead a blanket drive in your community.

3. Take it a step further: Ask if you can post the organization’s wish list to your website, and/or make signs for local pet supply stores. Collect the goods and deliver them.

Top Ten Ways to Help Your Local Shelter

You don’t have to be an animal expert to help out at your community’s shelter. You just need to have the time and desire to lend a helping hand. And it doesn’t have to be a lot of time, either. In fact, whatever you do for a living, you’re bound to have skills and talents that your local shelter can use.

1. Go To School!
Dog school, that is. Grab a handful of tasty treats, find a suitable canine and get to class. Helping teach shelter dogs to sit, stay, walk calmly on a leash or shake paws will make them infinitely more adoptable. The Humane Society and SPCA of Austin, TX, for example, boasts a team of volunteers who spend their time playing with puppies and taking adolescent dogs to obedience classes. Other helpers pursue more advanced training and learn how to evaluate temperaments and match adopters with suitable dogs.

2. Get Your Shelter Online
Can you give your community’s homeless animals the “cybershelter” advantage? This is a wonderful way for teens who aren’t yet old enough to become volunteers to get involved. They can take photos and write descriptions of the animals with staff assistance, and help keep current the shelter’s online list of available animals. Animals’ photos and descriptions can also be posted in public areas at work, school and around town.

3. Adopt ASPCA’s Meet Your Match®
Ask your shelter to adopt ASPCA’s Meet Your Match®, a program expertly designed to help adopters select the right pet for them. The program's Adopter Survey and Canine-ality™, Puppy-ality™, or Feline-ality™ Assessment and fun color-coding system fit together like the pieces of a puzzle, creating picture-perfect adoptions for shelter animals and their new owners.

4. Let’s Make It Legal!
Shelters always seem to be in need of volunteers with professional legal skills. Dixie Dixon, a corporate lawyer who joined the board of the Pennsylvania SPCA, got started by reviewing copyright notices of a video about euthanasia, and she’s since joined the Animal Legal Defense Fund.

5. Work It, Baby!
Designate a day for co-workers to donate spare change or pool their tips for the benefit of the shelter. Make it an event! Publicize it with flyers and signs, and remind everyone about the important work that the shelter does. A restaurant might ask local celebs to volunteer as wait staff for the evening—with regular staff assisting. A hair salon might time their event to coordinate with the shelter’s “dog wash” benefit to promote well-coifed pets and owners. Or your company, for example, might sponsor a Saturday car wash.

6. Cats Up Close and Purrsonal
You may want to satisfy your need for feline contact by spending time socializing shelter cats. “Our volunteers are dedicated to making the cats purr,” explains Connie Barker, a volunteer with Friends of San Clemente Animals in California. “They spend time each day playing with the cats, getting to know them, grooming them and generally keeping them as happy as they can be, given the inherent stress of being in a shelter.” And based on input from “feline socializers,” adoptions counselors can make better placements.

7. Do You Have the Write Stuff?
Then write or start a newsletter! It’s a great way to keep members, supporters, adopters and the public informed about what the shelter does and what it needs. Many shelters rely on volunteers to write articles, and some newsletters are produced entirely by volunteers. If you’re not so verbally inclined, you might prefer the designing and publishing end of it, or work on creating or updating the mailing list. Be sure to include heartwarming stories and a donation envelope!

8. Throw a Party!
Organize an event for all your friends, and donate the proceeds to the shelter. Any kind of social event—a clam bake, a Super Bowl party, a jazz brunch or a dog walk—is a great way to make new friends and raise money. Each year, as the word gets out, more people are bound to attend, and before you know it, your group will have a major fund-raising event.

9. If You Had a Hammer…
If you’re handy, you’re hired! The Sea Bees, a naval reserve group in Frankfort, NY, volunteered their manpower to the Herkimer County Humane Society in Mohawk, NY. They took down walls and expanded the shelter, built an isolation ward and constructed a much-needed storage area. More modest projects might include a jungle-gym-style cattery, complete with tree branches or carpeted columns for climbing.

10. The Numbers Game
Shelters on a shoestring can reap enormous benefits from the guidance of a caring accountant. To operate smoothly, any non-profit must keep good records, but if you add animal control contracts and the reports for state and local departments, it can all seem overwhelming—except to an accountant!

Ten ways to comfort a dog

At the end of the day, everyone wants someone to come home to, even dogs. But unfortunately, not every canine has that option. Wendy Diamond, a pet lifestyle expert and author of “It's a Dog's World: The Savvy Guide to Four-Legged Living,” shares tips on how pet owners can help local animals in need. Here's an excerpt.
Every Dog Has Its Day At the end of the day, a dog is a dog! And as much as we want to indulge our canine counterparts with the finer treats life has to offer, pure joy to a dog is socializing and playing at the local park or dog run, drinking plenty of water, consuming healthy meals, joining parents on a daily walk, and a cozy home where a sleeping dog can lie.

My hope and dream is that this book will help motivate every pet-friendly reader and animal enthusiast to get involved with animal rescue, find needy animals homes, and work to make every shelter a no-kill shelter. There are many ways to help in your own neighborhoods. Many communities have local SPCA’s (the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals is a generic term for any group that wants to help animals), local Humane societies (Humane Society of America is a national group doing amazing things, but your local humane society does not have the budget or PR, and needs your support), and small shelters that are in desperate need of volunteers and donations. The easiest way to find your local animal aid organizations is to search for them on the Internet or ask your local veterinarian. Many of the shelters have lists of important items they need but can’t afford. Any donations of time, supplies, or money are greatly appreciated.

Dog Suddenly Starts Circling or Staggering? what happen

Today we're going to discuss vestibular disease.

The vestibular system is what gives most mammals balance and a sense of spatial orientation.

Vestibular disease affects the body's balance systems.

There is a peripheral form of the disease arising from outside the central nervous system which is caused by disorders affecting the inner ear.

Central vestibular disease, which is a much less common and more serious form of the condition, originates inside the central nervous system.

Peripheral vestibular disease occurs when there's irritation to the nerves connecting the inner ear with the brain.

The result is a loss of balance and other symptoms resulting from vertigo and dizziness.

Peripheral vestibular disease can look and feel pretty dramatic to the dog owner, especially the first time it occurs.

But fortunately, most cases improve quickly with supportive care and treatment, and of course addressing any underlying cause for the condition.

Causes of Vestibular Disease
The peripheral form of vestibular disease is much more common than the central form. Causes of the condition can include chronic and recurrent inner and middle ear infections, overzealous cleaning of the ears resulting in a perforated eardrum, trauma from head injury, stroke, tumors, polyps, meningoencephalitis, hypothyroidism, as well as certain drugs like the aminoglycoside antibiotics, including drugs like amikacin, gentamicin, neomycin, and tobramycin.

Dog question about Cushing’s disease : 7 Pituitary Macroadenoma

Most pituitary tumors responsible for Cushing’s disease are microscopic but approximately 10% to 20% of dogs with pituitary dependent Cushing’s disease have a tumor large enough to take up a significant amount of space. These tumors are called macrotumors and, since there is not much extra space within the skull for extra structures, a macrotumor can compress normal brain tissue and lead to neurologic disease.

How Big is too Big?
Ten millimeters (about half an inch) in diameter is the size a pituitary tumor must reach to be categorized as a macrotumor in a human being. Dogs obviously have more variance in the size and shape of their skulls than do people, thus it may be inaccurate to use the human definition for dogs but so far the veterinary profession is using this size definition. It appears that up to 50% of dogs with pituitary tumors of this size do not have concurrent neurologic disease. We do not have information regarding how many of these asymptomatic dogs will go on to develop neurologic disease. Still, when a dog has a tumor of this size and neurologic signs, the tumor should be considered the cause of the signs.

Is this Cancer?

Not in the way most people think of cancer. Pituitary macrotumors are almost always benign in that they do not spread in any way. They can, however, produce harm simply because of their location.

When Would an Owner Suspect a Pituitary Macrotumor?
When a pituitary mass begins to expand, the owner is likely to notice subtle changes in behavior although nothing may be obvious with a formal physical examination. The dog may seem just “off,” listless or off food. Occasionally signs are more blatantly abnormal (walking in circles or seizures) but a more subtle start is more common. It should be noted in particular that it is extremely abnormal for a dog with Cushing's disease not to have a good appetite even while on therapy. If a dog with Cushing's disease develops a poor appetite, see the veterinarian promptly.

Dogs: Treatment - Pituitary Cushing's Syndrome

Lysodren: The Traditional Therapy
Lysodren (generically known as mitotane and chemically known as o,p’-DDD) has been the only treatment for pituitary dependent Cushing’s disease until relatively recently. It is convenient to use and relatively inexpensive, though it does have the potential for very serious side effects. Because this medication has been in use for canine Cushing’s disease for decades, most veterinarians have extensive experience with its use and with the monitoring tests needed to prevent side effect difficulties. One of the disadvantages of lysodren therapy is the need for regular monitoring blood tests.

How This Medication Works

Lysodren should be considered to be a drug of chemotherapy. It actually erodes the layers of the adrenal gland that produce corticosteroid hormones. The pituitary tumor continues to secrete excess stimulation but the adrenal gland is no longer capable of excess hormone production in response. Problems result when too much of the adrenal cortex is eroded. Short-term lysodren reactions are common (something like 30% of dogs will have one at some point), necessitating the use of a prednisone antidote pill that the veterinarian supplies. In event of such short term reactions, lysodren is discontinued until the adrenal gland can re-grow and therapy is resumed, possibly at a lower dose. Sometimes excess adrenal erosion is permanent and the dog must be treated for cortisone deficiency. This is more serious and the potential for this kind of reaction has been the driving force behind the search for better medications for the treatment of pituitary dependent Cushing’s disease.

How This Medication is Used

Dogs : Cushing's Disease (Hyperadrenocorticism)

This condition represents a classical excess in cortisone-type hormone circulation in the body. Both cats and dogs can be affected (though it is primarily a dog's disease) and the onset is insidious. We have assembled an information center to answer all your questions on this relatively common hormone imbalance.

1 Symptoms of Cushing's Syndrome
Cushing's syndrome (hyperadrenocorticism) is a chronically debilitating hormone imbalance that can affect many species, humans included. We will limit our discussion to dogs and cats, however. Cushing's syndrome, also called Cushing's disease, results from excessive cortisol in the bloodstream and the symptoms all stem from long-term over-exposure to this hormone.

There are many clinical signs associated with Cushing’s syndrome (also called hyperadrenocorticism) in dogs. These signs usually come on gradually and, because of this slow onset, these changes are often written off as part of the normal aging process. The following list of common symptoms that an owner might observe in their pet at home is:
  • Drinking excessively
  • Urinating excessively
  • Incontinence 
Owners often notice that lately the water bowl must be filled more frequently than in the past. Some dogs are unable to hold their bladder all night and begin crying to go outside during the night when previously this was unnecessary.

Also, urinary tract infections may also be detected and true urine leaking may be observed.

Dogs : Eight Adrenal Tumor Treatment

We begin here assuming an adrenal tumor has been confirmed with either blood testing, imaging, or both. Two questions must be answered next:

Is the tumor benign or malignant?

Should you choose surgical treatment or medical management?

Benign vs. Malignant

While only approximately 15% of canine Cushing’s syndrome patients have adrenal tumors, half of that 15% will have benign tumors and half will have malignant tumors. The choice of therapy may depend on which type.

If imaging has not yet been done, this is the time to do so. Chest radiographs will be important as malignant adrenal tumors tend to spread to the chest. If such spread is seen, the tumor can be assumed to be malignant. Absence of tumor spread does not mean the tumor is benign. Ultrasound of the stomach, if this has not already been done (or even CT scanning, MRI imaging, or nuclear medicine scanning), will be needed to determine the size of the tumor, and to check for invasion of local abdominal tissues, especially in the liver.


Dog eat Rat Poison? what to do?

The ingestion of rat poison is an unfortunately common occurrence in dogs. Many people do not realize that the taste of rodenticide is not only appealing to dogs, but that it also has the potential to kill dogs. The ASPCA lists rodenticides as one of the top ten pet toxins. All dog owners should educate themselves about all potential toxins and take steps to prevent exposure to the hazards. Take the time now to learn about rat poison and how it can affect your dog.

Types of Rat Poison:
  • There are several different types of rat poisons on the market. The effects of rodenticides vary depending upon the active ingredient. Be aware that different types of rat poisons have different toxic doses and poisoning can manifest itself in a variety of ways. There is no type of rat poison considered "dog safe." Most rodenticides have a grain and/or sugar base, making them palatable to rodents as well as dogs. They often come in pellets, blocks, granules or liquids. They may be any color but are commonly teal, blue, green or pink. The color and shape of the rat poison cannot help you determine the active ingredient (poison type) used. The only way to be certain which chemical a rat poison contains is to read it off the packaging. The following is a list of the types of rodenticides:



Here's the deal! Regardless of what others, including your vet, may have told you, in many poisoning situations, there is no time to lose. Your dog staggers towards you, collapses at your feet’what now? Is there time to call the vet? In many cases, no. This is the topic and focus of this article. In short, if you are not ready to concede to a dead dog, you must become "Johnny on the Spot." As author Cargill relates from his Vietnam days, "How are you going to act?" The dog owner facing a poisoning situation has but few precious moments in which to collect himself/herself and to determine what to do. This is the time for immediate action, time to get something done. Question: What if you lack the tools and supplies with which to begin treatment?

Answer: Dead dog.

This is a hard way to start an article to be read by dog lovers, but the reality is this: If you are not prepared to treat poisoning resulting from ingesting a toxic substance, you lose. Not only do you lose, but your dog dies. Acute poisoning requires accurate assessment. The threat is not only related to the potency of the poison, but also to the quantity consumed, the duration of exposure, and to the presence of other active ingredients, such as adjuvant and solvents. The difference between immediate appropriate action and delayed response is the difference between life and death. To this end, the authors advocate that a significant effort be made to be prepared for what might happen, given the environment in which you keep your animals. Being prepared means not only having antidotes and treatment materials on hand, but it means being familiar with the signs and symptoms of poisoning, and knowing what risks are in your dog's environment.

The first step in treating poisoning is prior knowledge. You have to be able to recognize that there has been a poisoning. Symptoms vary significantly from animal to animal, from substance to substance and with the amount ingested. You must be accurate in your differential diagnosis. To treat based on the wrong diagnosis is to increase the probability of death. The second step intreating poisoning is prior knowledge. You have to know the poisons that are in your dog's environment. So many potential poisons are readily available, it is truly amazing more dogs are not poisoned. The third step in treating poisoning is prior knowledge. You must know the immediate actions required, which can include artificial respiration/resuscitation. If you are picking up on a trend here, it is intentional. Because there may be little time in which to reflect on or to research the subject, or to find a veterinarian because of time of day, or distance from a veterinary facility, etc., the owner who is not equipped with the knowledge of the symptoms, the effects of various poisons, and what treatment regimen goes with what poison, stands a very good chance of losing the dog. Remember, also, that not all poisonings are accidental.

Dog : Osteosarcoma


Osteosarcoma (OSA) is a rapidly growing, destructive neoplasm of bone that accounts for 80% of all malignant bone tumors in dogs.9,10 Neoplasms of the skeleton are more common in dogs than in any other species. Primary bone tumors such as OSA are five times more common than metastatic skeletal neoplasms, and malignant tumors are more common than benign neoplasms.12

Breed, Age, and Sex Predisposition
Osteosarcoma is most common in giant and large breed dogs (90%) and is uncommon in small and medium breeds.13 Breeds especially predisposed to development of OSA include Saint Bernards, Rottweilers, Great Danes, Golden Retrievers, Irish setters, Doberman Pinschers, and Labrador retrievers. The mean age of occurrence is 7-1/2 years and incidence of OSA is slightly more common in males than females (1.2:1).10,13

Factors Influencing Tumor Development
Ionizing radiation, chemical carcinogens, foreign bodies (including metal implants, such as internal fixators, bullets, and bone transplants), and pre-existing skeletal abnormalities such as sites of healed fractures contribute to the development of OSA. In addition, there have been correlations with genetic predisposition to tumor development in certain family lines. Dogs with OSA have been found to have aberrations of the p53 tumor suppressor gene.11 In laboratory animals, both DNA viruses (polyomavirus and SV-40 virus) and RNA viruses (type C retroviruses) have been found to induce OSA.13

Sites of Origin and Metastasis
OSA can be found in both the appendicular and axial skeleton with the former being 3-4 times more common.10 This neoplasm originates most commonly in the metaphyses of the long bones of forelimbs, especially the distal radius and proximal humerus. 

Dogs - Anemia: Inadequate Red Blood Cells

Red blood cells are basically little microscopic bags of hemoglobin. They have no nucleus and thus no DNA. They have no internal structures and thus no ability to perform complicated metabolism. Despite their simplicity, their function is crucial: they carry hemoglobin, the iron-containing complex protein that allows for oxygen transport to the tissues, as well as carbon dioxide transport to the lung for removal. Inadequate red blood cell quantity means inadequate hemoglobin, which means inadequate oxygen delivery. In the whole patient, this translates to lack of energy, poor appetite, and pallor - basically an important reduction in life quality.

There are three important ways in which the kidney patient loses red blood cells. The first way is bone marrow suppression. The second way is bleeding. The third way is called hemodilution. We will review all these and what can be done about them. Maintaining a stable red blood cell quantity keeps the patient energetic and spirited, and it is crucial to staying alive.

Bone Marrow Suppression
One of the functions of the kidney is the production of the hormone called erythropoietin (pronounced “urithro-po-eetin”). This hormone, often simply referred to as Epo, represents the command to the bone marrow to make more red blood cells. When the kidney is damaged, its ability to produce erythropoietin is compromised. Red cells are still produced but over time the red cell count drops.

Dogs : Heart Disease

No matter your dog's size, he has a big heart - metaphorically speaking, of course. He has a personality all his own, he is a loyal companion and seems to know when you need a good laugh. But this same heart can be at risk for heart disease, an abnormal enlargement of his heart.

Heart disease is an unfortunate but tolerable condition for your dog. Although treatments cannot reverse heart disease, your dog can live a relatively normal life. Aging is the most common reason dogs develop heart conditions, but other factors like heartworm can also lead to heart disease.

If your dog exhibits the following symptoms, take him to your veterinarian for an accurate diagnosis:
  • A low-pitched cough that sometimes leads to gagging
  • Breathing difficulties that include shortness of breath
  • Reduced ability to exercise
  • Noticeable weight gain or loss
  • Swelling in the abdomen
These symptoms are common in other diseases, so it is important for your veterinarian to check for heart disease using some of the following methods:
  • A stethoscope exam can reveal murmurs and fluid in the lungs
  • Palpation can reveal unusual pulses
  • X-rays reveal heart enlargement
  • An EKG can identify heart enlargement and irregular rhythms
  • Blood and urine tests can reveal heartworms and the condition of other internal organs
Heart disease typically causes the heart to enlarge, and this enlargement causes a loss of efficiency. The heart then begins to hold more fluid than it should and this is where the real problems begin. For this reason, veterinarians recommend feeding dogs a low-sodium food that will help reduce fluid build-up and make it easier for their hearts to work effectively.

For an accurate diagnosis and treatment options, always consult your veterinarian.

Canine Diseases Causing Weight Loss

Any canine disease that causes vomiting, appetite loss or diarrhea can also cause weight loss. The relationship between these three things and weight loss is obvious: the fewer calories being retained within the dog’s system, the more likely the dog will lose weight. However, it is also possible for other, more serious, diseases to also cause weight loss in dogs. Due to the seriousness of these diseases, it is important to consult a veterinarian as soon as possible any time a dog experiences unexplained weight loss.

Addison’s Disease
Hypoadrenocorticism, more commonly referred to as canine Addison’s disease, is an uncommon disease that occurs when the adrenal glands produce insufficient quantities of corticosteroids and mineralcorticoids. One potential cause of this disease is an autoimmune response in the dog’s body, causing its immune system to attack its own adrenal glands. It may also be caused by other illnesses or the effects of toxins. Addison’s disease most often affects young to middle-aged female dogs. Dogs of some breeds, including standard poodles, Rottweilers and Portuguese water dogs, may have a genetic predisposition to Addison’s disease. In addition to weight loss, Addison’s symptoms include muscle weakness, unexplained collapse and lethargy.

Put Dog on a Vegetarian Diet


While most dog foods contain protein from meat sources, you can switch your dog to a vegetarian diet if it contains sufficient amounts of other types of protein. As omnivores, dogs can live on a meatless diet made up of vegetables, eggs, beans and dairy products like cheese. With a slow transition to his new food, your dog can acclimate to his new diet with little gastrointestinal distress. Monitor your dog through this process and during the initial transition to see that he tolerates his new food well and does not have any food allergies to the vegetarian diet.

Step 1
Speak with your veterinarian about the ingredients in the food you plan to feed to your dog. Ask her what the amounts of nutrients, not provided by vegetarian sources, are needed to supplement your dog's diet. Homemade vegetarian foods will require specific supplementation with vitamins, amino acids and minerals.

If your dog suffers from a chronic, debilitating condition such as kidney disease or diabetes, ask your veterinarian if a meatless, lower-protein diet is appropriate for him.

Step 2

Purchase ready-made vegetarian dog food, which usually requires no supplementation, or make the food yourself. Choose a commercially made vegetarian diet that has been approved by the Association of American Feed Control Officials to ensure it is nutritionally complete for your dog, recommends the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. AAFCO conducts food trials to ensure that a dog food contains all of the necessary ingredients to sustain a healthy dog.

If making the food, add pre-made vegetarian dog food supplements, typically found in pet supply stores or through an Internet retailer. Ask the retailer if these supplements have been approved by a veterinarian or AAFCO.

Step 3

Slowly introduce the new food to your dog over the period of two weeks to a month. This will lessen any stomach upset in reaction to the new food. Feed your dog 1/4 of a portion of the new food mixed in with 3/4 of a portion of his existing food. Increase the amount of new food, and decrease the amount of old food, by 1/4 of a portion every three to five days, depending on how your dog reacts to the new food.

Transitioning to a canned variety of vegetarian food may take less time than switching to a dry version because canned food smells more appetizing to a dog.

If, at any point, your dog has loose stool or stomach upset, slow the process down and allow for a few extra days for each transition.

Step 4

Tempt your dog to try the new food, especially in larger amounts, by sprinkling grated cheese or chopped, hard-boiled eggs on top. These vegetarian ingredients provide extra protein for your dog and will encourage him to try the new food.

Step 5

Take your dog to a veterinarian to have a complete blood panel performed after one or two months on his new diet. This test will evaluate whether your dog is getting the nutrients he needs from his new food. The doctor will also physically examine your dog to evaluate his weight and coat for any signs of distress due to the new diet. Continue to monitor your dog's health with a veterinarian every six months.

Care for a Golden Retriever dog


Golden retrievers are a sociable, people-loving breed that make great pets for families with young children. They are medium- to large-sized dogs that weigh between 50 and 80 pounds. Aside from their amiable personalities, golden retrievers are also obedient and relatively easy to train. Unfortunately, like many other recognized breeds, golden retrievers have their share of genetic weaknesses and caring for them can be high maintenance. Exercise, interaction and regular visits to a veterinarian are all necessary to keep your dog healthy and happy.

Step 1

Acclimate your golden retriever to his new environment slowly when you bring him home. Puppies tend to adapt to new surroundings quicker than adults, but it is a good idea to confine your new dog to a single room or floor for his first few days. While golden retrievers are rarely aggressive, the stress of a recent move may cause him to react unexpectedly if you startle him. Feed your dog the same type of food that he ate before you began to care for him. If you want to switch food brands, do it by slowly mixing the new brand with the old, increasing the portion of new food each day.

Certify My Dog


According to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), a service dog is “individually trained to do work or perform tasks for a person with a disability” Federal law, in the form of the ADA, does not require certification for a dog to be considered a service dog, but states can develop their own certification requirements. The Legal Center for People with Disabilities and Older People is the source of all current information regarding service animals.

Step 1

Be aware of your needs before you choose your dog. If you know that you need help standing or pulling a wheelchair, then you know that a small dog is not for you. If you require a dog that will indicate an impending seizure or asthma attack or that will pick things up from the floor for you, then a small dog might be adequate.

Get Dog Walker Insurance

Starting a dog-walking business sounds uncomplicated, but like any business owner, you should have liability insurance in place before you begin offering your services. Insurance protects you and your assets, as well as your customers, and it will give them peace of mind knowing that you have insurance to cover injuries or other issues that might come up. Even if you go to great lengths to take precautions, the unexpected can happen, and that is exactly what insurance is for.

Step 1
Contact the insurance agent who carries your homeowners, automobile or any other type of insurance. Though your insurance agent may not be informed about dog walkers liability insurance, he should be able to find a selection of different providers and be able to give you quotes from each.
Step 2
Join a pet sitters or dog walkers association as an alternative to contacting an insurance agent. Review the benefits and fees associated with each one before deciding which to join. Don’t be deterred by the “Pet Sitters” title when you look for a professional organization to join. Such a group also offers insurance that will give you the coverage you need as a dog walker.

Dog Diseases From Fleas

OverviewThere are several different diseases that are linked to fleas. Most regions of the world have flea populations, and the insects are known to infest the bodies and bedding of dogs. If flea populations are not controlled, disease and infection can cause serious harm to your dog.


Many dog owners believe that fleas just cause a bit of itching but that is not the case. There are many diseases that a dog can actually suffer from that are directly related to having fleas. Diseases that your dog can contract from fleas include internal parasites, tularemia, flea allergy dermatitis, and haemobartonellosis. While not all dogs will get those diseases from fleas, many will suffer from flea infestations.
Flea-borne diseases cause different but sometimes overlapping symptoms. Flea allergy dermatitis is perhaps the most common disease that affects dogs; it is an allergic reaction to the saliva of the flea results in extreme itchiness, swelling, and respiratory distress.

Dogs Panosteitis

Panosteitis, also known as 'wandering lameness', 'growing pains', eosinophilic panosteitis, and enostosis, is a disorder of skeletal development characterized by inflammation of the lining of the bone, with the thigh and upper arm bone being most frequently affected. 

The disease is marked by pain and lameness which may be accompanied by fever, muscle wasting, and unthriftiness. A dog can suddenly become reluctant to exercise and lose appetite. Pressure over the shaft of the affected bone elicits pain. The disease routinely affects multiple long bones for a period of weeks to months. 

The lameness shifts from one leg to another and may return to a previously affected leg. The German Shepherd Dog, German Shorthaired Pointer, St. Bernard, Basset Hound, Great Dane and Doberman Pinscher breeds at greater risk and male dogs are four times more frequently affected than females. Panosteitis rarely occurs after 18 tp 20 months of age.

Dogs : Canine Monocytic Ehrlichiosis

Canine monocytic ehrlichiosis (CME), previously known as canine rickettsiosis, canine hemorrhagic fever, tracker dog disease, canine tick typhus, Nairobi bleeding disorder, and tropical canine pancytopenia, is a tick-borne disease caused by rickettsia Ehrlichia canis, a small Gram-negative, coccoid bacterium. Ehrlichia canis is transmitted by the brown dog-tick Rhipicephalus sanguineus. The disease has been reported to occur in Asia, Africa, Europe, and America. To date, no effective vaccine has been developed and tick control remains the most effective preventive measure.

The course of ehrlichiosis can be divided into three phases: acute, subclinical, and chronic, each one being characterized by specific signs. Signs of the acute phase may include depression, lethargy, fever, enlarged lymph nodes, and occasional bleeding under skin and in the internal eye that may result in retinal detachment and blindness. Other clinical signs may include vomiting, clear or pus-filled discharge form the eyes and nose, lameness, loss of movement coordination, and difficulty breathing.

Dog diseases : Juvenile Cellulitis and Complement System

Juvenile Cellulitis

Juvenile cellulitis, also called juvenile pyoderma, puppy strangles, juvenile sterile granulomatous dermatitis and lymphadenitis) is an uncommon disorder of the face, pinnae, and submandibular lymph nodes, usually in puppies. The condition is presumed to be immune-mediated based on histopathological features and response to immunosuppressive forms of therapy. 

A heritable nature has been suggested. Dachshunds, Golden Retrievers, yellow Labrador Retrievers, Gordon Setters, Lhasa Apsos, and Pointers are most commonly affected, but any other breed can have this disease. Most affected animals are less than 4 months old, but occasionally the disorder is reported in adults. Several puppies or only one in the litter may be affected. Signs are characterized by vesicles or pustules in the inner surface of the outer ear, on the muzzle, lips, and eyelids which rapidly progresses to extensive facial swelling, abscesses and draining lesions. 

Dog's Healthy Feeding

If we were limited to using just one modality to treat our patients, it would have to be nutrition. There is little else that can match nutrition for the immediate, significant improvements in health. We have all, unfortunately, spent a generation feeding our animal companions "pet food".

Most commercially prepared foods contain byproducts, additives, preservatives and who knows what else.

Unfortunately we have been indoctrinated to believe that these diets are wonderful, nutritious and balanced for our animals. On paper they might look that way but on paper, the food from any of the fast food franchises also looks healthy. What is important is not only the amount of a nutrient but its source and bio-availability. Many commercial foods are cooked at high temperature and pressure and then extruded. This may take many of those added vitamins and turn them into toxic free radicals. Not a good thing to be feeding our animals. That is why we highly recommend that you feed as natural a diet as you can afford in both time and cost.

Our first choice for our patients is an all natural raw food diet. There are a number of books with recipes and each has their own devotees. For a starting place we recommend using one of the books listed at the end of this paper.


Dog diseases : Intervertebral Disk Disease

The vertebral column, or backbone, consists of 34 individual bones called vertebrae. The vertebral column also includes the spinal cord and nerves, tendons, muscles, ligaments, intervertebral disks, and blood supply. The vertebral column protects the spinal cord and many internal organs, serves as a base of attachment for tendons and ligaments, provides structural support, connects the upper and lower body, and enables a wide range of body movement. The bones in the vertebral column also store minerals and produce red blood cells. The disks separate the vertebrae from each other. 

These "cushions" absorb the stress and shock that the body incurs during movement. IVD degeneration occurs in all breeds of dogs; however, it is observed most frequently in the chondrodystrophoid breeds (Dachshund, Pekingese, French bulldog, Beagle, Basset Hound, American Cocker Spaniel, Shih Tzu, Lhasa Apso, and generally dogs with short thick legs). The intervertebral disk protrusion, characterized by partial protrusion, is seen more commonly in the non-chondrodystrophoid dogs, and usually develops in dogs of 6-10 years of age.

Structure of Intervertebral Disc
The intervertebral disk consists of two regions: the outer layer called annulus fibrosus of cartilage-like material and the central region called nucleus pulposus. The central region is a gel-like structure in the young animal which becomes progressively dehydrated and less gel-like with age.

Dog diseases : Kartagener Syndrome and L-2-hydroxyglutaric Acidemia

Kartagener Syndrome

Kartagener syndrome (KS), also known as Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia (PCD), Kartagener Triad, Kartagener's Syndrome, Kartagener's Triad, and Siewert Syndrome, is is a rare congenital condition associated with abnormal retention of mucus and bacteria in the respiratory tract. The syndrome is caused by mutations of genes encoding proteins which are components of sperm and cilia in the respiratory and the reproductive tracts. Cilia are hairlike structures found in various bodily tissues. Patients with KS may have exercise intolerance and chronic, thick, discharge from the nose. Nasal polyps and ear disease are commonly seen affected individuals. Males with KS may be infertile due to impaired sperm motility.

Ciliated epithelium covers most areas of the upper respiratory tract, including the nasal mucosa, nasal passages, middle ear, eustachian (auditory) tube, and pharynx (throat). The lower respiratory tract contains ciliated epithelium from the trachea to the respiratory bronchioles. Cilia propel overlying mucus via a 2-part ciliary beat cycle. 

Dogs : Lens Luxation And Subluxation

Dislocation, or luxation, of the lens arises as a result of rupture of the zonular fibers, which suspend the lens from the ciliary body. In the dog, lens luxation is most frequently encountered as a primary, heritable condition in which there appears to be an inherent weakness of the zonule. In subluxation the lens remains in its normal position, but will be shifted down or to one side. 

In anterior luxation the lens may go through the pupil and lie in the anterior chamber, where it may rub against the cornea and cause corneal inflammation. Two forms of lens luxation have been described in dogs: traumatic and primary. Traumatic form is characterized by a severe concurrent intraocular damage. Traumatic lens displacements usually have a poor prognosis due to the severity of ocular damage.

Primary lens luxation is seen most frequently in the Wirehaired Fox Terrier, Sealyham, Welsh and Manchester Terrier, and occasionally in the Boston Terrier, Basset Hound, Border Collie, and Cocker Spaniel. The lens usually does not displace, however, until the individual is 2 to 5 years old. 

Dogs : Adrenal Cortical Atrophy

Adrenal cortical atrophy is the destruction of the outer layer of the adrenal glands which results in insufficient production of mineralocorticoid and glucocorticoid hormones. The adrenals are two crescent-shaped glands that sit on top of each kidney and secrete hormones directly into the bloodstream. They are divided anatomically and functionally into two main parts: the medulla (middle) and the cortex (rind). Furthermore, each division of an adrenal gland consists of internal layers that produce different hormones. Constant stress and poor nutrition can weaken the adrenal glands.

When stress continues over prolonged periods of time, the body's hormonal and energy reserves become depleted, and the glands may either shrink in size or enlarge. The destruction of the adrenal glands is a gradual process. Initially partial destruction of the adrenal cortex produces symptoms that are only obvious during stressful situations such as boarding, travel or surgery. 

Dogs : Acute Peritonitis

Peritonitis is an inflammation of the peritoneum, the membrane lining the walls of the abdominal and pelvic cavities and covering contained internal organs. In small animals, acute septic peritonitis is a relatively common and important condition with high mortality rates.

Fluids, organic debris, cells, infectious organisms, and pus accumulate in the cavity in acute peritonitis. The causes can be from external injury or internal infections or diseases, such as bowel puncture from trauma, rupture from disease or ingested foreign bodies, with escape of contaminated bowel contents into the abdominal cavity; infections from abdominal cavity puncture, or after surgery, or spreading from infections in other abdominal organs or other areas of the body; damage to the urinary system, with escape of urine into the abdominal cavity; damage to the pancreas or liver with escape of bile or pancreatic enzymes into the abdominal cavity; and rupture of an infected uterus or prostate gland. 

Dogs : Canine Cone Degeneration and Acromegaly

Canine Cone Degeneration

Achromatopsia, also called rod monochromacy, is an inherited condition characterized by decreased visual acuity, absent color vision, photophobia, and nystagmus. Achromatopsic humans report that colored objects appear in shades of gray. Two forms of this condition have been described in humans. 

Complete achromatopsia is a congenital vision disorder in which all cone function is absent or severely diminished. The incomplete (atypical) form is defined as dyschromatopsia, in which the symptoms are similar to those of the complete achromatopsia (typical) form but with less visual dysfunction. 

In dogs, the condition is referred to as canine cone degeneration. Cones are light-sensitive retinal photoreceptors in the vertebrate eye. Although cone cells account for only 5% of photoreceptors, they are essential for high-acuity daylight-vision and discrimination of color. Canine cone degenration is caused by mutation in the canine GNGB3 gene. In the Alaskan Malamute, the complete gene is deleted, while in the German Shorthaired Pointer, the gene has substituted amino acids. 

Dogs diseases : Acral Lick Dermatitis

Acral lick dermatitis, also referred to as lick granuloma, is a type of skin disorder that is characterized by recurrent skin lesions. There is often a history of poor or partial response to many therapeutic treatments. Bald, red, eroded or ulcerated lesions are created and maintained by constant licking or chewing. Large breed dogs, especially Doberman Pinschers, Great Danes, Golden and Labrador retrievers, German Shepherd Dogs and Boxers appear to be predisposed. Onset of lesions can occur at any age, but it is more common in dogs more than 5 years of age. 

If the underlying condition can be determined, the prognosis is good. The causes are many, including atopic dermatitis, food, psychogenic causes, boredom, bacterial folliculitis, foreign bodies, neurologic disorders, local trauma, andjoint or bone diseases. Independent of the contributing factor, once the lesion has developed it will contribute to the perpetuation of the compulsive licking behavior.

Dogs diseases : Actinomycosis


Actinomycosis is a slowly progressive, pus-forming infection caused by branching bacteria of the genus Actinomyces. Classically, actinomycosis is a disease of cattle, but it also occurs in other animal species, and as a facial and oral infection in man. Actinomycesbacteria normally live in the mouth, the nasal passages near the throat, and the bowels.Actinomyces may cause disease due to poor oral hygiene, dental and periodontal problems, trauma and following oral surgical procedures. Pulmonary actinomycosis may develop as a result of aspiration of actinomyces that originated from dental plaque and diseased gums. Several species are associated with the disease in dogs: Actinomyces bovis, Actinomyces hordeovulneris, and Actinomyces viscosus. Hunting or field dogs in southern areas are most commonly affected. Actinomyces bovis causes loose teeth and difficulty breathing due to swelling of the nasal cavity. Actinomyces hordeovulneris causes abscesses in the liver and spleen and generalized infections in the cavities surrounding the lungs and bacterial arthritis.

Two forms of actinomycosis are usually seen in dogs. The more common is a skin abscess or mycetoma. This form, resulting from a skin wound, usually responds well to treatment.Actinomyces viscosus causes chronic pneumonia, inflammation of cavities surrounding the lungs, and skin abscesses associated with fever, pain and swelling of the skin. Canine interdigital actinomycosis is especially likely to result from foxtail, grass awns, or quills foreign body penetration.

Skin form of actinomycosis is diagnosed based on skin cell examination, bacteriologic culture, or tissue examination. Abscesses, draining fistulous tracts, and granulomas that develop can be misinterpreted as neoplasms on radiographs or ultrasonograms. Treatment of actinomycosis depends on the bacterium species that causes the disease. The skin form of actinomycosis may require surgical cleaning, drainage, and administration of antibiotics. High doses of penicillins given for prolonged periods (weeks to months) is the treatment of choice.1 Amoxycillin and clindamycin may or may not be effective.2 Minocyclin hydrochloride (Minosin, Arestin), and rifampin (Rifadin, Rifactane) have also been used. Major limiting factor associated with rifampin is rapid development of resistance, thus the need to combine this antibiotic with other agents. The drug is very toxic to the liver.4 In some dogs there may be recurring infections that will require several surgical procedures.

Dogs Addison Disease

Addison disease, also known as hypoadrenocorticism, is a type of adrenal gland disease that results from the atrophy of the adrenal glands and is characterized by insufficient production of the hormone cortisol. Adrenocortical hormones are vital for life. Aldosterone is the most important naturally occurring mineralocorticoid, while cortisol represents the most important glucocorticoid. 

Both hormones are synthesized from cholesterol.3 Cortisol is the principal glucocorticoid secreted by the adrenal cortex which helps metabolize nutrients, mediate physiologic stress, and regulate the immune system. Intense heat or cold, infection, trauma, exercise, obesity and debilitating diseases influence cortisol production. Addison disease is the opposite of Cushing disease in which cortisol is overabundant. However, in Addison disease, cortisol production is not the only problem, because other adrenal hormones will also be insufficiently produced by the pituitary gland or thehypothalamus. 

Dogs : Canine Achondroplasia and Acrochordonous Plaque, Fibroepithelial Polyps

Canine Achondroplasia

Achondroplasia is variously referred by orthopedic specialists as asachondroplastic dwarfism, chondrodystrophia fetalis, chondrodystrophy syndrome, congenital osteosclerosis, dwarf, and osteosclerosis congenita. These various definitions mean the same abnormal development of bone from cartilage.1 Offspring can look normal at birth and weaning, but at the age of 2.5 to 4 months the longitudinal growth of the spine and leg bones can retard in the dwarfs compared with the normal littermates. Most dwarfs perform well, even in the field.5 Canine achondroplasia can be a mild condition, with slightly bowing or simply short legs, causing no discomfort to the animal. Severe achondroplasia requires extensive orthopedic surgery to both alleviate pain and allow the dog to function normally. This surgery, most frequently an ulna, or radius surgery, is generally performed at one year of age when bone growth is nearly complete. Surgical success is variable.

Acrochordonous Plaque, Fibroepithelial Polyps

Acrochordons, also called skin tags, soft fibromas, fibroepithelial polyps, fibroma pendulans, pedunculated fibromas, and soft warts, are tumor-like lesions of the skin that occur both in humans and animals. Sometimes they become numerous, closely located growths forming a plaque, predominantly located at the neck. An acrochordon is usually skin colored or of darker color, and it may appear as surface nodules or papillomas on healthy skin. Most acrochordons vary in size from 2-5 mm in diameter, although larger acrochordons up to 5 cm in diameter are sometimes seen. The most frequent localizations are the neck and the armpits, but any skin fold, including the groin, may be affected.3 Although the exact cause of these lesions remains unclear, hormone imbalances have been suggested to facilitate their development. In addition, there is a predisposition in bulldog-like breeds.1 On rare occasions, fibroepithelial polyps can undergo malignant transformation into basal or squamous cell carcinoma. If fibroepithelial polyps occur in the urinary tract, animals may develop urinary incontinence, urinary tract infection, and/or increased thirst and abnormally frequent urination.2

Dogs : Canine Acanthosis Nigricans

Acanthosis nigricans is a type of skin pigmentation disorder characterized by brown-pigmented, wartlike protuberances or elevations appearing in various body folds. There are two forms of the disease: primary and secondary. The primary form is seen exclusively in the Dachshund breed. It begins with subtle symmetrical hyperpigmentation in the armpits. The early lesions then progress slowly to hair loss. Greasy, smelly debris accumulates in more severely affected dogs. The abdomen, groin, chest, anal area, forelimbs and hock may all be involved. Secondary acanthosis nigricans refers to clinical skin reaction pattern that is characterized by visually similar lesions and is seen in a variety of breeds. Acanthosis nigricans is similar to chronic hyperplastic dermatitis, particularly due to allergy.

A careful history and physical examination is performed to identify an underlying cause. Skin scrapings are performed to rule out demodicosis, especially in young dogs. Impression smears are useful to identify bacterial and Malassezia infections. Primary acanthosis nigricans in Dachshunds is not curable. Early cases may respond to shampoo therapy and local topicalglucocorticoids, for example, betamethasone valerate ointment. As lesions progress, more aggressive systemic therapy may be useful. In secondary acanthosis nigricans, the lesions will spontaneously resolve after identification and correction of the underlying cause. However, this will not occur if secondary bacterial or yeast pyoderma are not treated appropriately. Vitamin E has been successfully used in the treatment of a variety of skin diseases including discoid and systemic lupus erythematosus, dermatomyositis, and epidermolysis bullosa simplex. Although it helps to stop itching and inflammation, vitamin E is rarely successful alone in the management of these conditions, but offers a relatively nontoxic aid to therapy.

Breed-specific scaling and crusting disorders

Breed-specific scaling and crusting disorders: Parts 1 and 2 (Proceedings)

Alloimmune Hemolytic Anemia Of The Newborn Puppies

Hemolytic anemia is ahematologic disorder characterized by inadequate circulating red blood cells or insufficuent hemoglobin due to premature destruction of red blood cells. Alloimmune hemolytic anemia, also called alloimmune hemolysis, is the production of antibodies that are directed against red blood cells (RBCs) of another individual of the same species. The condition typically occurs following transfusion of ABO incompatible blood and rhesus disease of the newborn. It can also occur following allogenic transplantation when cells are transplanted from a donor. Female nursing dogs transmit antibodies to the puppies via colostrum, the yellowish fluid rich in antibodies and minerals that is produced after giving birth and before producing real milk. 

Red blood cells
The antibodies develop in the mother during unmatched blood transfusions. Newborn puppies with this disorder are usually normal at birth, but develop severe hemolytic anemia within two to three days and become weak and jaundiced. Hemolytic disease of the newborn is more than just an anemia. Although the anemia itself can be quite serious and result in severe hypotension and even death, there is a second threat to the puppy. Jaundice in newborns occurs not only due to the destruction of red blood cells, but also because the liver of the newborn puppy cannot handle quickly enough the removal of RBCs. The toxic effect of bilirubin can cause serious damage to the brain. A veterinarian can perform a test to check for alloimmune hemolytic anemia before the newborn is allowed to receive maternal colostrum. Diagnosis is confirmed by screening maternal serum, plasma, or colostrum against the paternal or newborn red blood cells.

Signs Of Common Diseases in dogs

The following is a list of most common diseases and in a dog and signs that characterize them. However, this list is not intended to be used to diagnose and treat your dog, but rather as a tool to tell when your dog is ill. Communicating with your veterinarian is a key part of ensuring good health care for your dog.

Abscesses (according to site)difficulty moving, fever, loss of appetite, pus
Arthritispainful to touch
Burnsrapid breathing, shedding coat, ulceration
(inflammation of the bladder)
abdominal pain, blood in the urine, difficult or no urination, painful urination, urinary incontinence
(skin inflammation)
shedding coat, skin irritation, ulceration
Diabetes Insipidusintense thirst, urinary incontinence, urinary incontinence, voracious appetite
Diabetes Mellitusbad breath, coma, frequent urination, intense thirst, urinary incontinence, voracious appetite
Distemperabdominal pain, convulsions, cough, diarrhea (normal), loss of appetite, fever, low spirits, poor appetite, rapid breathing, trembling, vomiting, voracious appetite
Eclampsiachanges in behavior, convulsions, bedsores, fever, lethargy, loss of appetite, loss of balance, painful breathing, trembling
Eczemashedding coat, skin irritation
(inflammation of the intestines)
abdominal pain, diarrhea (normal), loss of appetite, vomiting, weight loss
External Parasitesscratches the ears, shedding coat, skin irritation
Foreign Bodiesabdominal pain, constipation, cough, cyanosis, diarrhea (normal), difficulty swallowing, intense thirst, loss of appetite, painful to touch, scratches the ears, swelling of the abdomen, vomiting
Gastritisabdominal pain, bad breath, loss of appetite, swelling of the abdomen, vomiting
Hemorrhageconspicuous inner eyelid, painful breathing, rapid breathing, shock
Heart Diseaseabdominal distension, convulsions, cough, lethargy, mucous tissues pale, painful breathing
Heat Strokechanges in behavior, coma, bedsores, fever, intense thirst, loss of appetite, loss of balance, low spirits, painful breathing, painful to touch, rapid breathing, shock, ulceration
Infectious Hepatitisabdominal pain, diarrhea (with blood), fever, intense thirst, jaundice, lethargy, loss of appetite, painful breathing, rapid breathing, vomiting
Internal Parasitescough, diarrhea (with blood), diarrhea (normal), mucous tissues pale, swelling of the abdomen, vomiting, voracious appetite, weight loss
Intestinal Blockageabdominal pain, constipation, convulsions, lethargy, loss of appetite, poor appetite, vomiting
Leptospirosisabdominal pain, blood in the urine, cyanosis, diarrhea (normal), difficult or no urination, fever, jaundice, lethargy, loss of appetite, painful urination, poor appetite, rapid breathing, vomiting
Leukemialethargy, loss of appetite, low spirits, mucous tissues pale, conspicuous inner eyelid painful breathing, rapid breathing, vomiting
(inflammation of the uterus)
abdominal pain, convulsions, cyanosis (low blood oxygen), lethargy, loss of appetite, conspicuous inner eyelid, pus, swelling of the abdomen, vomiting
Nephritisabdominal distension, abdominal pain, bad breath, cyanosis (low blood oxygen), difficult or no urination, fever, frequent urination, lethargy, low spirits, painful urination, swelling of the abdomen
Otitisconvulsions, loss of balance, pus, scratches the ears, skin irritation
Para-Influenzacough, painful breathing
Parvovirusconvulsions, diarrhea with blood, diarrhea (normal), fever, lethargy, loss of appetite, low spirits, conspicuous inner eyelid, poor appetite, rapid breathing, vomiting, weight loss
Poisoningchanges in behavior, convulsions, cyanosis (low blood oxygen), diarrhea (with blood), diarrhea (normal), poor appetite, rapid breathing, shedding coat, shock, trembling, vomiting
Rabieschanges in behavior, convulsions, fever, intense thirst, loss of balance, low spirits, mucous tissues pale, conspicuous inner eyelid, poor appetite, trembling, weight loss
Ringwormshedding coat
Stonesabdominal pain, blood in the urine, difficult or no urination, painful urination, urinary incontinence
Tartarbad breath
Tonsillitiscough, difficulty swallowing, fever, loss of appetite, vomiting
Toothachebad breath, difficulty swallowing, intense thirst, loss of appetite
Torsion of the Stomachabdominal pain, changes in behavior, coma, convulsions, difficulty swallowing, intense thirst, loss of appetite, conspicuous inner eyelid, mucous tissues pale, painful breathing, painful to touch, poor appetite, rapid breathing, swelling of the abdomen, vomiting
Tuberculosiscough, loss of appetite, low spirits, conspicuous inner eyelid, painful breathing, rapid breathing, trembling, weight loss
Tumorsabdominal distension, loss of appetite, mucous tissues pale, conspicuous inner eyelid, painful to touch, weight loss

Amyloidosis in dogs


Amyloidosis is a group of metabolic familial or inherited, degenerative, and infectious disease processes, characterized by the abnormal protein folding and deposition of a complex substance composed of amyloid protein and fibrils (fine fibers). Amyloid A amyloidosis (AA) is the most common form of systemic amyloidosis worldwide. It is characterized by extracellular tissue deposition of fibrils that are composed of fragments of serum amyloid A (SAA) protein, a major acute-phase reactant protein, produced mainly by hepatocytes. There are several types of amyloid and the classification of amyloidosis is based on which amyloid protein is involved. A particular type of amyloidosis is designated by a capital A (for amyloid) followed by an abbreviation for the fibril protein. Twenty-three different fibril proteins are described in human amyloidosis with variable clinical features. In all forms of amyloidosis, the cell secretes the precursor protein in a soluble form that becomes insoluble at some tissue site, compromising organ function. Amyloidosis may develop in the course of a chronic inflammatory disease of either infectious or noninfectious origin, hereditary periodic fevers, neoplasms such as Hodgkin disease and renal cell carcinoma.1 Glomerular amyloidosis usually causes urinary excretion of protein. The disease is considered to be inherited in the Chinese Shar-Pei breed.

10 top Diseases of dog

There are 10 infectious diseases in dogs, which can inflict any dog breed, at any age. Understanding these dangerous dog diseases will allow you to protect your furry friend from infection. Each dog disease is described below, focusing on the manner in which the infectious disease is transmitted from dog to dog and across dog breeds, as well as the options open to dog owners for preventing infection in their dog.

10 Dog Diseases: #1, GIARDIA

Giardia is a dog disease that causes diarrhea with abdominal pain and consequent weight loss and poor weight gain. This dog disease results from a water-born parasite, after whom the disease of Giardia is named. Giardia is ubiquitous in open water sources throughout North America, and your dog can become infected by simply drinking contaminated water, such as in a lake, pond, or stagnant pool. Monthly Heartworm prevention pills, which also prevent other intestinal parasites, will protect your dog against Giardia.

10 Dog Diseases: #2, DISTEMPER

Distemper is a viral dog disease which is extremely contagious. Affecting the respiratory system as well as the nervous system, this dog disease causes fever and fatigue, coughing, vomiting and diarrhea, and finally seizures. And if untreated Distemper can lead to death. Distemper can be prevented with vaccinations at your local vet.

10 Dog Diseases: #3, PARVO

Parvo (or Parvovirus) is one of the most contagious dog diseases around. Affecting the bowels, Parvo symptoms include diarrhea and vomiting so severe that they may lead to death. And though dogs of all ages may contract this disease, Parvo is most common, and most dangerous, in puppies. Typically Parvo is passed from one dog to another from contaminated feces. But this dog disease may also be carried on fur or paws, thereby contaminating the living space of the dog and any objects he comes in contact with. Vaccination can protect dogs from Parvo.

10 Dog Diseases: #4, CORONAVIRUS

Coronavirus is another viral diarrhea that can affect dogs of all ages, though puppies are most at risk and will suffer the worst symptoms, from diarrhea to vomiting and weight loss, accompanied by constant drinking. At times, a dog may be infected with both Parvo and Coronavirus, in which case his symptoms will be more severe and may lead to death. Vaccination can protect dogs from Coronavirus.

10 Dog Diseases: #5, HEPATITIS

As with humans, Hepatitis dog disease affects the liver. This contagious dog disease includes symptoms such as fever, vomiting and diarrhea accompanied by abdominal pain. Furthermore, Hepatitis may lead to kidney damage. Once more, however, vaccination can protect dogs from Hepatitis.

10 Dog Diseases: #6, LYME DISEASE

Lyme disease is dangerous bacterial disease which can cause irreversible damage to a dog's health. Symptoms of Lyme disease include arthritis and lameness, sudden limping indicative of pain, fatigue and lack of willingness to play or even walk, depression and loss of appetite. If left untreated, Lyme disease will damage the heart, kidney and even the brain. Vaccination can protect dogs from Lyme disease.

10 Dog Diseases: #7, RABIES

Once the most dreaded dog disease, Rabies is a caused by a virus, which attacks the brain. Rabies is a deadly disease that will be contracted through a bite from a rabid wild animal, such as skunks or raccoons, as well as bats. Unlike some dog disease, rabies can be passed to humans as well through a bite, or even just a scratch. Vaccination will protect dogs from Rabies and is mandatory for dogs throughout North America.

10 Dog Diseases: #8, LEPTOSPIROSIS

Like Rabies, Leptospirosis is carried by wild animals, although this dog disease is caused by a bacteria. You dog can become infected by drinking contaminated water or by coming in contact with an infected animal. Symptoms of Leptospirosis include high fever and jaundice, accompanied by hemorrhaging which will manifest in bloodstained feces. Vaccination can protect dogs from Leptospirosis.

10 Dog Diseases: #9, KENNEL COUGH

Most dog owners knew this dog disease by the name of the organism that causes it: the Bordetella virus. However, several other organisms can cause this highly infectious dog disease, whose full name is Infectious Tracheobronchitis (ITB). Symptoms of kennel cough include severe coughing spells, which may lead to vomiting and gagging. Nasal discharge and watery eyes are also possible. Though this vaccines is not automatically given at your local vet, if your dog is likely to interact with other dogs in the park, vaccinating him against kennel cough is a very good idea.

10 Dog Diseases: #10, PARAINFLUENZA

Parainfluenza is another strain of Kennel cough. This respiratory infection in dogs is highly contagious and will lead to flu like symptoms. Once more, the name Kennel Cough may mislead dog owners into thinking that their dog is not at risk if he never stays at a kennel. However, Parainfluenza may be contracted by simply being around an infected dog, as in the park, the beach, or an off-leash dog park.

dogs vomit?

Dogs can vomit for a variety of reasons. A dog may have a quick vomiting episode that is over and the dog appears healthy by the time it gets to the veterinarian.

Other times, a dog may vomit as a signal that there are problems with the dog’s health. It is important that you give your dog a healthy diet and enough exercise and playing with you to keep your dog healthy. A dog may vomit from eating old food and inedible items that it has found in the garbage. After the dog’s digestion tract has tried to digest any offensive material and it still cannot process it, the dog will vomit the material out of its system.

A dog may vomit from stress. Efforts should be made to remove the dog from the tense situation. You can monitor your dog’s activities to avoid this type of emotionally charged type of vomiting. Shy type of dogs may vomit from stress.

Puppies and dogs may vomit as one of the symptoms of internal parasites of the intestinal tract. Your veterinarian can diagnose and treat this common problem with puppies and dogs. Regular treatment for parasites can prevent and reduce the incidence of infection.

Improper diet and allergies can also cause vomiting. It is important that your dog has a healthy diet and that, if you suspect and have allergies diagnosed, you find healthy alternative food ingredients to the allergen foods. Your dog’s healthy diet is important to your dog’s health.

A dog may vomit from ingesting poisons. Many common food ingredients can be toxic to a dog if it is eaten in enough quantity. Your dog can also be poisoned by toxic substances that are left on the property in which the dog roams.

Illness and medical conditions can also cause vomiting. Examples of medical causes of canine vomiting include stenosis, ulcers, bowel disease, pancreatic disease and conditions, lack of digestive enzymes, cancer, esophageal condition, colitis, liver disease, kidney disease, hyper motility syndromes and problems with the digestive tract. A dog may also vomit from foreign objects and the side effects of medication. It is important that you are aware of exactly what your dog is eating on a daily basis so that if your dog experiences vomiting from a serious cause, you can find medical treatment for your dog in a timely way.

Your dog relies on you for its needs to stay healthy. You must monitor your dog’s activities and provide a nutritious diet to prevent your dog from eating the neighbor’s garbage.

Dog and lips

Do dog have a lop?

Yes, dogs have lips..........

Interesting question! Something I never thought about........when I read it I definiteloy thought they did, but this confirms my belief.

You just made me check my dogs's lips! My Border Collie mix has black lips, while my yellow Lab/Shepherd mix and my English Setter mix have mottled lips! Never even knew! You learn something every day :-)

1. Why do dogs have black lips?
Patti: According to veterinarian Dr. Peter Ihrke, the black color helps protect them from being damaged by solar radiation. Since they don’t have as much hair around their mouths as they do the rest of their body, the black pigment in their lips is important to keep their mouths from being burned and dried out by the sun’s rays. Other vets , also members of the American Veterinarian Association, say that the black pigment is dominate over all gene colors. But not all dogs have black lips. Some have light colored lips. A Chow Chow for example has bluish lips while other breeds may have a mottled mouth that is both light and black. But by far the black lips are the most common.

Dog Tip: Stopping Dogs From Eating Poop

Does your dog have a dirty little secret?
A number of readers have contacted us about dogs who munch their own or other animals' feces. Here is background on the condition known as coprophagia, and what you can do to discourage doggie-do-eaters from this somewhat common, natural behavior that strikes humans as a disgusting gustatory pastime.

Background and principles:
* Coprophagia is a condition that compels dogs to consume feces.

* Why does the dog engage in this habit? A dog may ingest fecal matter for various reasons:

Dog eat his poop, why?

Here's what to do when your beloved pooch has a taste for the unthinkable.

Q: My older female dog has begun to eat her poop and we cannot figure out the cause. She gets the same amount of dog food that she always has. Why is this happening?
A: There comes a time in every dog owner’s life when poop dominates the conversation. Welcome to not-so-nice aspects of dog ownership. While my dog Lulu does not share your pet’s particular problem, she has taken extreme measures to hide evidence of “accidents” every now and then. With such a strong sense of smell, she still seems to forget that poop leaves an odor.

Since your little poop eater leaves the crime scene squeaky clean, she may have a condition called coprophagia.

Crazy in love with a dog

Lots of pet owners shared with me the names of their sitters after I wrote that Dog wasn’t invited on a vacation with Husband’s side of the family later this summer.

Better than the recommendations was confirmation that I’m not the only lunatic out there when it comes to worrying about the health and happiness of an animal.

A Mount Laurel reader speaks for a lot of us. She’s hired a sitter to check on her dog midday now since the commute to a new job is too far to get home at lunchtime like she used to.

“It is an added expense, but well worth the cost. Dog loves her pet sitter and vice versa. Friends and family may think we’re crazy, but so what!”

Other readers had a warning. Dogs can’t talk, they reminded me. Be sure you’re getting the care for them you’ve paid for.

“My neighbors recently hired a dog-sitting group for the two weeks or so that they are on their vacation. They asked me to come over and feed the cat and scoop the poop. No problem.