
What is a wolf


The Wolf (Canis Lupis) is a wild dog technically, dogs are domestic wolves sort of. 
Common Facts:
There are many kinds of wolves, The Gray Wolf A.K.A The Timber Wolf. 

Wolves are incredible animals as they will care for there cubs (or pups) with great care indeed I study wolves and watching their process is quite fascinating as I have watched their cubs grow up and seen the few breeds. Wolves come in many sizes and shapes and colours like; Brown, Creamy White, White, Black, Grey, Reddish Brown or brown they can also come in a mixture of these colours Eg Grey and White. Unfortunly the Mexican Wolf IS endangered, even more sadly they are extinct in the wild =(. 
Dogs have evolved from wolves and wolves have evolved from The Dire Wolf which was a slightly smaller preostoric Wolf which had a smaller tail and skinnier longer legs the Dire Wolves were more savage than the normal Wolf nowadays as they attacked most (possibly all) animals they came across. 
Wolf Ranking:
Wolves are ranked in the pack 
this is the list of the ranks (Leaders to servants) 
Alpha Wolf
Beta Wolf
Omega Wolf
Gamma Wolf
With the Alpha Wolves their is usually an Alpha Male (the all time boss) then his mate the Alpha Female (the boss but doesn't have as much power than the Alpha Male). 


The gray wolf, also called the timber wolf or just a wolf (Canis lupus), is the largest living member of the canine family and can weigh 90-175 pounds. They can be coloured gray, brown, white, black, tan, or reddish. Wolves are social animals, and live in extended family groups often refered to as packs. Wolf packs have strict hierarchies, and are led by the mother and father of the family, often most experienced members. Packs can consist of anywhere from 2 to 20 wolves (Though the average pack size is 7 or 8). Wolves have a very complex communication system. This wolf is thought to be the ancestor of the domestic dog, though they have sharper senses than a dog and have 20-30% larger brains. 
The red wolf (Canis rufus) is a smaller, more secretive wolf, living in smaller packs from 2-10. Some scientists believe that red wolves are the decendants of gray wolf/coyote hybrids. 


Wolves (canis) are types of dog, the largest animal in the canine family. They are related to today's dogs and can be found many places. They are intelligent animals that have pricked ears, thick fur and dog-like builds. They communicate through howls, barks, whines, grunts and snarls. They are carnivourous and feed on elk, moose, bison, deer, birds, mice, voles and shrews. They live in large groups called packs that consist of 2 to about 20 wolves, whilst the average pack size is around 7 to 15 wolves. They are often thought to be killers but rarely go near humans. Wolves are territorial animals, and spray urine on items like dogs to to claim them as their own. 
There are many species of wolf. The most common is the grey or timber wolf (canis lupus) that looks a lot like a husky dog. They are found in deeply wooded forest areas north America (Canada) and russia and are tall wolves. Although they are called grey wolves these wolves can be white, black, brown 0R grey! There is also the arctic wolf, a fluffy wolf that is white to blend with it's snowy arctic surroundings. They feed on other arctic animals, although they never attack other wolves. There is also the maned wolf, which is actually not really a wolf, but a fox. It is reddish-brown in colour with a long mane along it's neck and long lanky legs that run very fast. These wolves do not live in packs, but are loners. There is also the small and shy canis rufus, red wolf. It lives in small packs in hotter ares. Wolves used to live in England, but have been poached to extinct from the country. 
Wolf pups are born blind and deaf in underground dens, and feed on milk from their protective mother, who has to watch out for hungry bears who may dig up the dens and eat the babies. When pups get slightly older, adults sick up digested meat into the mouth of the hungry pups, in a kind of mush-a bit like baby food! Pups can only be born from the head (alpha) of the pack. No other wolves in the pack are allowed to mate, but alphas stay mates for life and may have many litters of pups. 
Wolves are in danger because they get shot by farmers who want to protect their cattle, although wolves rarely go near livestock. Their forest homes are also getting cut down, and humans shoot them for their thick fluffy fur or as "trophies," or to sell, although there a charities and groups who are working hard to bring them back.