
Bacterial Infections in Dogs

In dogs, bacterial infection can be treated by antibiotics; but to determine which antibiotics to administer, the vet will have to carry out a proper diagnosis. On your end, having a rough idea about the condition can help you carry out a preliminary diagnosis and take your pet to a vet well in time.

Dogs are susceptible to a variety of bacterial and viral infections, some of which can even prove fatal for them. Skin, eye, ear, urinary tract, kidneys, nervous system and even the respiratory system of the dog is vulnerable to such bacterial infections. Even minor infections can lead to severe dog health problems when left untreated, and therefore it is necessary to identify the problem and initiate treatment at the earliest.

Bacterial Skin Infections: Staphylococcal pyoderma is a skin condition in dogs caused by a Staphylococcus sp. infection. This bacteria is in fact a part of the dog's normal skin flora. However, in case of wounded skin, or skin that has aberrations and cuts, the bacterium may enter under the skin and cause skin infections. A staph infection in dogs is characterized by itchiness, crusted skin, pustules and small, raised lesions. As the severity of the infection increases, there is loss of hair, and dried discharge is given out in the affected area. Most of the time, it affects the superficial layer of the dog's skin. However, if there is deep laceration then the inner folds of the skin are also affected. To treat skin infections in dogs, topical medication along with antibiotic doses is prescribed, especially to eliminate recurrence of the disease.

Dermatitis in Dogs and Cats Caused by Bacterial and Yeast Infections

Dermatitis is general term that refers to inflammation in the skin. In dogs and cats, dermatitis may be caused by yeast or bacterial infections in the skin.

How Yeast and Bacterial Dermatitis Happens in Dogs and Cats
Skin infections caused by yeast and bacteria rarely happen alone. Under normal circumstances, both canine and feline skin provides a defensive barrier that bacteria and yeast are unable to breach. However, when your dog or cat's skin becomes damaged, the environment on the surface of the skin changes. This change gives the normal yeast and bacteria living on the surface of the skin the opportunity to avoid the skin's normal defense systems and cause further damage to the skin.

If your dog or cat has been scratching excessively or has been losing his hair, it is possible that his skin has become infected by either bacteria or yeast. Various skin diseases can cause changes in the skin that can allow yeast and bacteria to invade and infect the skin. Potential underlying causes include:
  • allergic skin disease, such as flea allergy, food allergy or atopy
  • infectious skin disease, such as Demodectic mange
  • metabolic skin disease, such as that caused by hypothyroidism or hyperadrenocorticism in dogs



Leptospirosis is an infection of bacterial spirochetes, which dogs acquire when subspecies of the Leptospira interrogans penetrate the skin and spread through the body by way of the bloodstream. Two of of the most commonly seen members of this subspecies are the L. grippotyphosa and L. Pomona bacteria. Spirochetes are spiral, or corkscrew-shaped bacteria which infiltrate the system by burrowing into the skin. Leptospires spread throughout the entire body, reproducing in the liver, kidneys, central nervous system, eyes, and reproductive system. Soon after initial infection, fever and bacterial infection of the blood develop, but these symptoms soon resolve with the reactive increase of antibodies, which clear the spirochetes from most of the system. The extent to which this bacteria affects the organs will depend on your dog’s immune system and its ability to eradicate the infection fully. Even then, Leptospira spirochetes can remain in the kidneys, reproducing there and infecting the urine. Infection of the liver or kidneys can be fatal for animals if the infection progresses, causing severe damage to these organs. Younger animals with less developed immune systems are at the highest risk for severe complications. The Leptospira spirochete bacteria is zoonotic, meaning that it can be transmitted to humans and other animals. Children are most at risk of acquiring the bacteria from an infected pet.

Disorders of the shoulder joint

How can I tell if my dog has a shoulder joint problem?
There are many disorders affecting the shoulder joint that can affect all ages of dogs and which can occasionally also affect cats. Limping is the usual problem noted at home. There is usually no specific gait abnormality suggestive of a shoulder problem (as opposed to an elbow problem, for example). Some shoulder problems are developmental and affect young dogs that have not been subject to trauma. In some cases, problems can be associated with an external injury, whilst other shoulder conditions are the result of repetitive strain to the muscles around the shoulder joint.

Here is a list of some of the common conditions affecting the canine shoulder joint:
Osteochondrosis (OC) and osteochondritis dissecans (OCD)
In dogs that grow very quickly, the rapid cartilage growth can outstrip its own blood supply. This causes abnormal cartilage development and subsequent osteoarthritis. In some cases, flaps of diseased cartilage become separated from the remaining cartilage surface. This is called osteochondritis dissecans (OCD). Genetic factors are the most important cause of OC and OCD, with strong breed predispositions, particularly in Labradors and giant breed dogs. Different breeds appear to be predisposed to developing the condition in different joints. For example, the shoulder joint is most commonly affected in Border Collies, Great Danes and Irish Wolfhounds. Various other factors such as dietary or nutritional problems during the first few months of life, hormonal imbalances and joint trauma can also increase the risk of developing OC.

OC lesion
OC is typically diagnosed by a combination of examination by an experienced orthopaedic surgeon, radiography of the affected joints, and arthroscopy (examination of the joint by keyhole surgery). Because OC can occur at the same time as other developmental orthopaedic diseases (such as certain manifestations of elbow dysplasia), some dogs may require additional tests such as CT or MRI scans.

Various treatment options are available for shoulder OC/OCD. The best treatment option for each dog can only be recommended following thorough clinical, radiographic and arthroscopic assessment. Non-surgical management is occasionally appropriate for dogs with small cartilage defects and minimal discomfort. The majority of dogs are treated surgically. The following options are available:
Surgical removal of the cartilage flap: Certain types of small cartilage defects in specific locations are treated arthroscopically (keyhole surgery) by flap removal and debridement of the defect bed. This allows the cartilage defect to heal by scar cartilage formation over the course of several weeks. Scar cartilage (fibrocartilage) is less robust than healthy joint (hyaline) cartilage, so although this allows some of the joint inflammation to resolve in the short-term, the joint will remain abnormal, with ongoing development of osteoarthritis and cartilage wear. We currently recommend this surgery for very small or shallow disease lesions.
Principle of OATS and a synthetic graft in situ with preparation of an adjacent site for another synthetic graft.Osteochondral autograft transfer (OAT): Over recent years, we have adopted the OATS™ (Arthrex, Naples, FL) system for use in the canine shoulder joint. This system has been used for many years in human joints to resurface cartilage lesions including OCD, with positive long-term results. It involves collection of a cylinder of bone and cartilage from a non-contact area of a healthy joint (usually the knee) and transplanting it into a joint affected by OCD in order to resurface the cartilage defect with healthy hyaline cartilage. In some cases, it may be more appropriate to use a synthetic resurfacing graft instead of a cartilage graft.

Shoulder instability

There are several different forms of shoulder instability. Some dogs experience a low-grade repetitive sprain injury to the shoulder ligaments or a strain injury to the muscles of the rotator cuff. Affected animals are often middle-aged athletic large breed dogs. Lameness in affected dogs is often worse after exercise. Dogs affected by high-grade sprains and strains of the shoulder joint may experience an obvious permanent limp.

Prosthetic stabilization postoerative radiograph.
Diagnosis of shoulder instability is made using a physical examination test that is usually performed under sedation or general anaesthesia. We will often perform radiographs to check for the presence of osteoarthritis. Occasionally, advanced imaging using MRI can be helpful when assessing dogs with suspected strain injuries. Most dogs are assessed under general anaesthesia using arthroscopy. This is a keyhole technique whereby a fibre-optic camera is inserted into the shoulder joint.

Treatment of shoulder instability depends on the grade of sprain and strain, and the degree of instability. Low-grade injuries are often treated non-surgically with anti-inflammatory medication, exercise modification and physiotherapy. High-grade injuries can be treated using prosthetic stabilization, shoulder fusion, or total joint replacement.

Prosthetic stabilization: The surgical technique for shoulder stabilization is modeled on the techniques used for the management of rotator cuff tears in humans. We have pioneered the application of human implantation systems to dogs, with excellent success.

Post-op shoulder arthrodesis.Shoulder fusion (arthrodesis): In animals affected by the most severe problems affecting the shoulder, including severe instability, dislocation (luxation), articular fractures, and arthritis, arthrodesis may be the best option. This is called a “salvage” surgery because it is used as a last-resort where other techniques to save the joint would have a poor probability of success. We have excellent experience with shoulder arthrodesis, and have published the largest case series describing this technique in dogs.

Postoperative radiograph of a total shoulder replacement
Total shoulder replacement: The technology and implants for canine total shoulder joint replacement have been pioneered at Fitzpatrick Referrals. The first clinical cases were operated here, and we are currently the only veterinary hospital offering this procedure worldwide.



Dog breeds are usually grouped—often arbitrarily or erroneously—into from five to ten categories based on function, superficial appearance, or geographical origin, depending on the registry organization. Just because it may make more sense to assign them to groups based primarily on ancestry and then on historical function, does not mean that such will be the case. In most dog circles, the “working” breeds have always been considered as those that originally did such work as herding or guarding livestock, pulling loads, and protecting property. Even though other breeds had specific occupations in the service of man, they are not known as working breeds: sighthounds running down prey or predators, gundogs flushing food for the table, terriers and toys terrorizing vermin — these were more or less doing what they would do without human ownership, anyway, so their jobs were considered less like “work.”

Many dog organizations split the huge Working Group into two, with the ones that had historical development for tending, driving, or bunching flocks and herds being called “Herding breeds.” Never mind the confusion about whether the reindeer-herding Samoyed is hardly much different from the sled-pulling Husky—that’s a puzzle for another time. Most of the Group that did not resemble the mastino-type wagon puller or the bear-fighting wooly flock guardian type were once employed to trot around the animals raised by man for his food, and assigned to the herding subcategory. These latter were specialists in trotting, in covering much ground with the most efficiency (least effort). This meant that success favored those with the most shoulder angulation over those with the stiffer, more vertical front ends.

Shoulder Joint Ligament and Tendon Conditions in Dogs

Bicipital Tenosynovitis, Brachii Muscle Rupture, and Supraspinatus Avulsion in Dogs

The shoulder joint is a “ball-and-socket” joint. In four legged animals it is made up of the scapula/shoulder blade bones, and the humerus/upper bone of the front leg. These bones are supported by ligaments and tendons. A ligament is a band of connective or fibrous tissue that connects two bones or cartilage at a joint, and a tendon is a band of connective or fibrous tissue that connects a muscle to a bone.

Shoulder-joint ligament and tendon conditions make up the majority of causes for lameness in the canine shoulder joint, excluding osteochondritis dissecans (a condition characterized by abnormal development of bone and cartilage, leading to a flap of cartilage within the joint). It is a disease that occurs in medium to large-breed dogs when they become skeletally mature, around one year of age or older. The average age for development of this condition is between 3 to 7 years of age.

Shoulder Injuries in Dogs

Your dog's skeletal system works in conjunction with the muscles, tendons and ligaments, allowing the dog to move freely. When your dog suffers an injury to its shoulder joint or to the adjacent tendons from a jumping impact, muscle strain or a trauma to the joint, it may limp or refuse to put pressure on its front legs.


Unlike humans, dogs have no collarbones connecting to its shoulder blades. The humerus bone fits directly into the shoulder socket and provides a greater range of angulation, allowing the dog to stretch its front legs out when leaping forwards or running. The front of the shoulder joint in most healthy breeds is in vertical alignment with the dogs' forepaws. Numerous muscles connect the shoulder blades to the forelegs, the spine, the exterior ribcage and the neck.

How to Measure Your Dog

How to Measure Your Dog Or My Dog Is Bigger Than Your Dog!

All recognized breeds of dogs have official Standards - a word picture of the ideal dog of that breed. A Standard includes such things as acceptable colors, structure and size. The Great Pyrenees has one of the largest ranges of acceptable heights - from 25 to 29 inches for females, from 27 to 32 inches for males. These ranges were originally set by measuring the available dogs when the Standard was first written in France and, except for small errors caused by metric translation, have remained the same ever since.

How does one accurately measure a dog? The height in all cases is taken with the dog standing on a level surface, his front feet directly under him, his hind feet in the accepted show stack position for the breed. If a dog is measured officially at a show, a U-shaped wicket is used. Both legs of the wicket are placed flat on the ground, and a moveable bar is adjusted to fit firmly on top of the withers. (See illustration below.)

The vertical line below the arrow illustrates the line dropped from the point of shoulder to the floor that gives the true height of the dog. 

Confused About How Often Your Stinky Dog Can Be Bathed?

Does Your Dog Need a Bath, But You Can't Figure Out How Often You Can Safely Bathe Your Pet?

Washing your dog and keeping his surroundings clean is an essential part of having a dog. After all, no one wants a dirty, stinky dog around, right? The dilemma is, how often is too often. In the doggy washing world, too much of a good thing, isn't a good thing and can give your dog skin problems and dry out their skin. We will discuss some factors and tips for finding the dog washing schedule the works for you and your pet.

So How Often Is Too Often?

Got An Opinion?
Most dogs love to be clean. That being said, dogs are also experts at finding dirt, digging, rolling in the mud, or finding something smelly to "perfume" themselves with. The question of how often you should bathe your dog gets an opinion out of everyone. There is the school of thought that dogs never need to be bathed. Others say that that a bath once a week is beneficial and healthy and yet others who say once a month, once a year and so on. As a general rule, however, if a dog is smelly and or if his coat is dirty, you should go ahead and give him a bath. A dirty dog will be a lonely dog and will probably spend a lot of time in his dog crate whenever anything fun is going on or you have guests over.

How often should I wash my dog?

Most advice you find on the internet recommends washing your dog just several times per year!

Either these people have outdoor dogs or the articles were written a long time ago when the quality of pet shampoo was very poor! Times have changed! Today, dogs enjoy shampoos and conditioners that are on par with the best human shampoos- that don’t have harsh chemicals and that don’t strip the hair of all of its oils.

The arguments against washing your dog too often are generally about stripping the coat of natural oils. The more often you wash something, the more often the sebum (oil) is going to be removed. Think about your own hair. If you don’t wash it, what happens? It gets oily. Is the oil good for your hair? Probably, but we wash our hair everyday anyway so that it’s clean!

There are several factors you should consider when deciding how often to wash your dog which include:

My Dog Is Never Hungry

Not every dog is capable of regulating his dietary intake perfectly. In fact, because the natural social structure of dogs is that of the pack, they will often be willing to eat whenever food is offered to them. Because most dog owners expect this food-driven behavior and are actually pleased when their dogs wolf down their food with gusto, there is an abundance of overweight dogs in our society! It is no surprise then that most dog owners are more than a little concerned when their dogs refuse a meal.

While one or two missed meals never hurt a dog, when your dog refuses food for more than a day, it is definitely cause for alarm.

What to Look For

What To Do When Your Dog or Cat Won’t Eat

Lots of my articles are plagiarized and altered on the web to market products and services. There are never ads running or anything for sale with my real articles - other than my time. 

Anorexia is a medical term for lack of appetite. Limping or not eating are the two most common reasons worried pet-owners bring their pets to me. A day in which your pet turns up its nose at food is very common and unusually unimportant. But when this occurs over several days or if your pet actually looses weight, it is time to pay attention to the problem.

Many times, anorexia has a simple explanation. Any stressful situation can cause a pet to eat less. When the stress leaves, or the pet becomes accustomed to it, appetite returns.

What Are Some Of The Reasons that Pets Don't Eat Normally?

Minor Reasons:

WHEN A DOG IS CONSTANTLY SCRATCHING...Allergies, Other Causes, Treatment, Remedies

When a dog is scratching itself constantly, the source of the itch, rash, etc. may be the result of: 
An infestation of fleas;

A reaction to another type of bug bite or even insect eggs that have been laid by a bug just under the first layer of skin;

Allergies to food or pesticides present in food stuffs, plants (including air born pollen, fungus, molds, etc.);

An allergic reaction to solvents and cleaners (i.e spray application - miniscule droplets/particles becoming airborne in the home or outdoor environment);

Allergies related to plants and pollen (seasonal or year round);

Dry skin;

Why is my dog always scratching?

First of all you have to determine why your dog is scratching at his ears and feet, so I would recommend that you take your dog along to the vets.

It is important to identify the cause of the dermatitis, if that is the problem, and to eliminate it from your dog's life.

Skin irritation can be due to an allergic reaction. For example, a dog may react to something in the environment, such as house dust, house dust mites, fungi and pollens.

Put a Stop to Dog Scratching and Gnawing

If you are dealing with the annoyance of a constantly scratching, gnawing, and licking dog it's probably driving you crazy. One of the most common problems among dogs, which rears its ugly head during the summer is skin allergies and irritation.

The evidence of skin irritation or allergies in your dog may be indicated by their gnawing and scratching, or may even show up in the luster and length of their coat. Some cases of dog skin irritation and allergy can become so profound that the dog injures his or her own skin in an attempt to get at that itch.

So, if you think it is irritating to you. How do you think a dog with skin allergies and irritations feels? It must be a miserable feeling. Imagine if you had an itch you couldn't scratch, or scratched so hard that it became infected or inflamed. The same can happen to your dog.

How to Neutralize Dog Odor

Dogs often leave behind their odors, especially if they stay confined to one area. The odor that emits from a dog will often linger and can become overpowering, You will need to take the time to tend properly to the odors before they become a permanent part of your home or car. You can neutralize these odors with common household products before resorting to paying a lot of money for commercial cleaning products.

Spray air freshener in your home or car. The air freshener will mask the dog odor temporarily, but it simply masks the odor and does not eliminate it.

Chronic Bad Breath in Dogs

Halitosis is the medical term used to describe an offensive odor that comes from the mouth, producing bad breath. A number of causes may be responsible for this condition, notably periodontal disease, a disease resulting from bacteria in the mouth. Bacteria is also associated with plaque and cavities.

Small animal breeds and brachycephalic breeds (characterized by their short-nosed, flat-faced features; e.g., the Pug, Boston Terrier, Pekingese) are the most prone to periodontal and other mouth diseases, in large part because their teeth are close together.

Symptoms and TypesIn most cases, there are no other symptoms aside from a bad odor emanating from the mouth. If the cause of the odor is a disease of the mouth, other symptoms may become apparent, including pawing at the mouth, inability to eat (anorexia), loose teeth, and excessive drooling, which may or may not have traces of blood.

CausesA variety of conditions may lead to halitosis, including metabolic disorders such as Diabetes Mellitus (commonly known as sugar diabetes); respiratory problems such as inflammation of the nose or nasal passages (rhinitis); inflammation of the sinuses (sinusitis); and gastrointestinal problems, such as enlargement of the esophageal tube, the main channel that leads from the throat to the stomach.

Other possible causes of halitosis might be traced to a trauma, like that of an electric cord injury. Viral, bacterial or fungal infections can cause foul odors to emit from within the body, and dietary problems can play a role in the emission of odor as well. For example, if your dog has been eating offensive foods, or is exhibiting a behavior called coprophagia, where it is eating feces, your dog will have correlating foul breath.

Further possibilities are pharyngitis, an inflammation of the throat or pharynx, and tonsillitis, an inflammation of the tonsils. The presence of cancer, or the presence of foreign bodies may also result in disease of the mouth and accompanying bad breath. But, the most notable cause of halitosis is a disease of the mouth such as periodontal disease, which is due to plaque bacteria buildup.

DiagnosisDiagnostic procedures to evaluate periodontal disease as the most likely cause of halitosis include X-rays of the inside of the mouth, and an examination of the mouth for characteristics such as tooth mobility and sulfide concentrations.
TreatmentOnce the specific cause of halitosis is known, various therapies may be used to address the problem. In some cases, multiple causes may be to blame. For example, your dog may have periodontal disease along with having a foreign object present in the mouth. Treatment for the condition is dependent upon the cause(s).

If periodontal disease is to blame, treatment will include cleaning and polishing the teeth, or extraction of teeth that have greater than 50 percent loss of the supporting bone and gum tissues around them. Some medications may help to reduce odor, and help to control the bacteria that infect the gums and other oral tissues, causing bad breath.
Living and ManagementYou will need to continue to remain observant of your dog’s symptoms. It is important to consistently provide proper professional dental care to your dog, as well as to supplement this with at home tooth care. Daily tooth brushing can help prevent the plaque buildup that leads to related halitosis. You will also need to prevent your dog from eating bad-smelling foods, such as garbage. Cleaning the yard frequently will also avoid incidences of coprophagia.

Home Remedies for Bad Dog Breath

Dog breath is much like humans. Eating garlic, a bad bone or too much of plaque in teeth are liable to cause canine bad breath, much the same way as in humans. Some dogs are predisposed to have breath that is worse than others. Knowing a cure for dog breath can help in getting rid of a bad breath in dogs.

Dogs obviously cannot assume the responsibility of cleaning their own teeth. It is an essential part of grooming the pet and should be assumed by the owner as part of regular grooming. There are a fair number of commercial products that are available in the market that have been launched to address the problem of an offensive smell in dog breath. Natural dog breath fresheners, breath-freshening strips that dissolve in the mouth, mints and toothpastes meant specifically for canines are some such products. You can also find dog oral breath sprays for young dogs that have not learned to accept a toothbrush as yet. There are, however, certain home remedies that may be useful in addressing the problem.

10 Ways to Improve Your Dog’s Bad Breath

We’re all aware that bad breath is one of the worst things a dog can have, and most all of us dog owners experience stinky kisses from our pets every now and then.

Bad breath, also known as halitosis, is caused by excessive build-up of odor-producing bacteria inside of your dog’s mouth, lungs or even gut. Keep in mind, even if the cause of your dog’s bad breath is caused by something minor such as dental disease, gum disease, or tartar, on-going bad breath could be a hint that your pet may be experiencing greater medical problems.

Why do Dogs Smell?

So why do dog’s smell? Well, there are a variety of reasons and factors that contribute towards the dogs overall odor. In this article you will see some of the factors which affect the dogs overall smell and also some of the main contributing factors towards making a dog smell. There are a variety of reasons as to why dogs smell, and there are a variety of ways in which a dog’s smell can be removed to make it more of a pleasant smell.

The first and most obvious one is bodily odor. Bodily odor is often caused when a dog has not taken a wash in a while, this odor can be the worst of the bunch as it persistent and strong. So what can be done to prevent bodily odors coming from the dog? Well, the most obvious answer is to make sure that the dog has regular washes and keeps clean. Keeping clean is very important in preventing bodily odors coming forth, if you can keep a dog clean you can prevent bodily odors from developing.

Another reason as to why dogs will smell is sweat, dogs just like many other animals will sweat, this is only natural after say exercise. If a dog becomes too warm it can sweat also, but the majority of sweat does not actually cause bad smells. It is when the wet sweat combines with any material or dirt that is already on the dog’s fur. This can create a stale and damp smell which can be very unpleasant at times; of course this is something that can be easily solved by giving the dog a wash. Though not all sweat causes a bad smell, there is still some sweat which will cause a bad smell, to prevent this you can simply give the dog a wash as always. Preventing bad smells is easy and the majority of the cases can be prevented by just giving the dog a wash.

Why do dogs roll in garbage, manure, or other smelly stuff?

I have often had people ask me why their otherwise, apparently sane, dog, will roll around in garbage or dung or something equally offensive in its smell to humans. One man even told me that he has stopped walking his dog along the shore line because whenever a dead fish, or a mass of seaweed containing rotting organic matter washes up on shore, his dog makes a direct beeline to that smelly mess and immediately begins to roll in it. The dog would usually walk away with a stench that required it to bathed or at least hosed down before it could be allowed in the house afterward.

There are several theories which have been used to explain why dogs like coat themselves with distasteful strong odors. One of the silliest of these theories is that this is a means of fighting parasites. The notion is that insects, such as lice and fleas, wouldn't hang around on something which smelled that bad. Unfortunately, most insects do not seem the least bit put off by bad odors on a dog, and, in fact, many insects are attracted to such smells because it usually means that there is decomposing organic matter there.

Dog Grooming/my dog smells no matter what i do

I have a female white pit bull. She is my baby, well cared for. Lives in the house. I bathe her with the best doggie shampoos, she does not have fleas (frontline). The thing is, she stinks. When I come in the house, there is this stench on her, like an old sock or something. I keep her bedding clean, spray her with all kinds of stuff like "Stinky Dog Gone," doggie perfumes, still she stinks. It is like her body chemistry or something. Not her breath, like her body in general. Is there some medical condition I dont know about that causes this? It is causing a real problem with me and my husband because he constantly complains about her smell. She is only 3 yrs old and is otherwise a perfect dog. Oh, and when she goes outside to bathroom and then comes back in or if she has excercised, she really stinks for a while. Like a sweaty person, only i know dogs dont sweat. Any imput you could give me would be appreciated. Thanks.....Oh, my husband said he could tell she was going to stink as a puppy cause she didnt have a pleasant odor (like cute puppy breath) when she was young. She wasnt bad, just not normal. I dont know how true this is, but that is what he says. I know some people have like a bad body chemistry, you know, not that they are not clean, you just dont like the way they smell. OK im not crazy, just give me something. 

From what you describe to me it sounds as if you might be correct in that it is her natural skin oils releasing this odor. 
Have you taken her to the vet for this problem? I am not a vet, but there is a possibility that she has a 
bacterial infection in her skin. Or even a parasite. 
I use a homeopathic recipe for dogs with a strong odor or who have been sprayed by a skunk. It works great and it
does help to eliminate the smell.
Mix together 16 oz. of peroxide , 1/4 c. of baking soda
and 3 tsp. blue dawn dish soap in a 32 oz. jug .Add 1/4 c. of the strongest smelling shampoo you have on hand to aid in forming the lather. After putting these things in the jug, fill the jug up with water . Use this mixture to give
the dog a bath . Work up a good lather and let sit on the
dog for about 3-5 min. If the dog starts getting restless
just start working the shampoo agian. Rinse the dog well.
If you don't it leaves a residue which will dry out the skin
and cause her to itch.
Once you've rinsed her off give her a second bath with
children's baby shampoo. 
If this doesn't seem to do the trick then talk to your
vet about the possiblity of bacterial infection or parasites. 
I hope that I have been of some help. If you need to 
feel free to contact me agian. Goodluck and God Bless

Dog Odor Remedies

It's the rare dog owner that hasn't had to deal with strong dog odor at one point or another, and some dog breeds or particular dogs are simply more prone to being malodorous. On the other hand, there are times when a change in your pet's odor is a sign of more serious health conditions, so always be alert to other signs of ill health in your pet. Dogs are not always clear in indicating pain or discomfort, so pet owners need to be proactive.

If your dog begins to smell bad, obviously bathing is your first option. In many cases, though, this is ineffective or doesn't have a prolonged effect. A different pet shampoo may work. If not, analyzing your dog's diet and perhaps making changes to improve his digestion or remove odor-causing food items sometimes helps.

Natural Pet Remedies: Adding a raw egg or sweet potatoes to your dog's diet has been known to remedy dog odor.


Our readers offer information and opinions on Earth Clinic, not as a substitute for professional medical prevention, diagnosis, or treatment. Please consult with your physician, pharmacist, or health care provider before taking any home remedies or supplements or following any treatment suggested by anyone on this site. Only your health care provider, personal physician, or pharmacist can provide you with advice on what is safe and effective for your unique needs or diagnose your particular medical history.

Why Does My Dog... Smell So Bad?

Got a dog who’s conditioned you to think that his adorable presence is worth living with despite his foul odors? If your pet smells nasty –– on occasion or full-time –– then you probably know exactly what I’m talking about.

The trouble is that it's not enough to know you’ve got a stinker on your hands. It's in everyone's best interest to do something about the putrid problem, but that’s not doable unless you know what’s causing the stench.

To help you get to the bottom of your dog's funky smell, here are some common canine stench scenarios and causes.

Is it his skin?

Why Does my Dog Feel Warm?

I have a 2yr. old rescue dog (dna said mini poodle/chihuahua), he was inheirated, moved from Az. to In.

I know a dogs normal temperature is higher than ours and his is normal however, his body is always extremely warm to the touch. Not an excessive amount of hair (white-pink skinned), he loves winter dislikes summer (always seeks our shade). He pants soon after a walk starts in the summer, his heart is okay, thyroid okay and temp is normal.

I've tried to get answers to no avail and when we go to the vet another issue prevails
and the situation I've brought up is unintentionally pushed aside. So, when all the normal health issues are fine, what could be possible reasons for my dogs heating/cooling system being off?

valparaiso, in

I am not convinced that there's anything wrong with your dog's heating and cooling systems. If his temperature is normal, the systems are doing their jobs.

Keep Your Dog Cool in the Summer

School holidays, green grass, blue skies, and warm weather. It is a welcome change after the cold, rainy, and barren winter.

The dogs are dozing, the people are dozing, really everyone is just enjoying the season for lazy and sleepy days.

However, as the temperature rises, it goes from pleasantly warm to unpleasantly hot; then sticky, sweaty hot; then sometimes, awful, scorching hot. If it feels bad for us, imagine what it must feel like for our dogs who always have their fur-coats on!

Dogs have more trouble staying cool than humans do. Because of their thick fur, they mainly dissipate heat through their paws and underbelly. Dogs also stay cool through panting.

Why is my dog always panting?

My dog is always panting! He has water, most of the time he is inside, but he is always panting. Can you give me some insight on what to do? Thanks, E.F.

Dear E.F.,

Panting can be very normal for some animals, especially if overweight or intolerant of warm temperatures. If the panting is truly excessive, it may be an indication of a medical problem. The most common cause of excessive panting in dogs is pain. Unlike humans, dogs will hide their pain and can suppress it without crying out unless it is a sharp, sudden pain. Back problems, hip and joint problems are very common in dogs as in people. Radiographs and a thorough physical exam as well as a complete history from you will be necessary to diagnose these problems. 

Fortunately, we have a wide variety of options to manage pain and treat arthritis in dogs so the long term outlook is usually very good. Another cause of excessive panting in dogs is a common disorder in older dog’s called Cushing’s disease. This is a disease that causes overproduction of the body’s natural steroids and can cause a variety of symptoms including excessive hunger and thirst, poor haircoat, panting, and a pot-bellied appearance. Blood tests will be necessary to diagnose this problem. Lung and heart problems can also cause excessive panting and would require an exam and radiographs to diagnose. It sounds like a trip to your veterinarian for a thorough exam and testing is in order for your dog.

How to Determine When Dog Panting is a Bad Sign

Since dogs cannot sweat profusely like people can, panting is the main way a dog can cool off and help regulate its body temperature. Although dog panting is normal after exercise or when the weather is warm, panting to the point of hyperventilating needs medical attention. A dog that suddenly pants heavily could be in pain or severely frightened, so the condition should be addressed immediately.

1 Check for signs of heat stroke. Brachycephalic dogs, or dogs with short noses like pugs or bulldogs, are more prone to heat stroke than dogs with long noses, according to Mar Vista Animal Medical Center. Brachycephalic dogs may succumb to heat exposure even after mild exercise on a humid day, so they always need supervision when exercising. Other signs of heat stroke include extreme drooling or slobbering and sudden collapse. Get such dogs into a cool spot, cover them with a wet towel and take them to a veterinarian immediately.

2 Check for other symptoms of health problems. Since dogs pant when in pain, check for vomiting, diarrhea, distended abdomen, swelling, lameness or a seeming inability to lie down comfortably. Panting far more rapidly than usual accompanied with sudden lethargy, coughing and refusing to eat may be signs of heart failure, pneumonia or lung cancer, according to "The Veterinarian's Guide to Your Dog's Symptoms." The dog will need to see a veterinarian.

Dog Panting? why and what to do?

Dogs pant when they are hot, but heavy dog panting means something is wrong with the dog. It can be due to overheating (heat exhaustion), or if your dog pants even while resting, it may mean that he has some underlying health problem, such as a heart problem. This page looks at the common causes of excessive heavy panting in dogs and what you can do to deal with the issue.

As we all know, dogs pant when they are hot because they do not have as many sweat glands as we do. (The only few sweat glands that they have are on the pads of their feet.) Instead of sweating bullets like humans do, dogs cool themselves by breathing and panting. Therefore, it is absolutely normal that dogs pant on a hot day, or after chasing the ball several times in the park.

Also, the brachycephalic breeds (dogs with a pushed-in face such as the pugs, bulldogs, Boston terriers, etc.) are prone to excessive dog panting because of their small nasal passages and short windpipes. They need to work harder (pant more heavily) for heat reduction.


My Dog is Always Thirsty

Maintaining hydration is an important aspect of your dog's instinct to survive and stay healthy. Since water accounts for more than 60 percent of a dog's body weight, and because breathing, salivating, defecating, and urinating are all responsible for significant losses of water from a dog's body, it stands to reason that dogs need to take in a good amount of fluid each day from what they eat and drink. This is accomplished by a number of intricate feedback mechanisms that directly control a dog's urinary output and thirst center. Most average-sized dogs (around twenty-five pounds) will consume at least sixteen ounces of fluid in a day, either directly or as part of their food. Warmer weather and increased exercise, however, will put greater demands on them and require greater fluid intake.

A little extra drinking and peeing is usually not much to be concerned about. If you are noticing steep increases in these two important functions, however, it is probably worth paying closer attention.

What to Look For

Start by measuring the amount of water your dog is actually drinking in a twenty-four hour period. An average healthy dog drinks about 1/2 to 1 ounce of water per pound of body weight per day.

Causes of Excessive Thirst in Canines

Do you find yourself hearing the unmistakable flap of your dog's tongue in the toilet bowl far more often than ever before? Are there trails of perfect doggy drool everywhere, leading most notably, to the water dish? Are you unable to leave a glass of water on the table? You my friend have a dog with excessive thirst otherwise known as Canine Polydipsia. As annoying as a dog that just can't get enough water can be, this issue may not be behavioral, but medical. There are many causes of excessive thirst in dogs, some of which are serious.

First off, how much water is excessive for a dog?
The average dog needs 20-70 ml per pound of their body weight of water a day (example/ My 150 lb malamute requires 3,000 to 10,500 ml of water a day). To give you a rough idea of how much that is one cup equates to around 237 ml. (In my example that would be 13-40 cups of water!) I would increase this amount on hot summer day or after rigorous exercise.

Nobody knows your dog better than you, you likely will notice when your dogs thirst becomes excessive without measuring daily intake, but knowing what's healthy is helpful information none the less.

Watch For In Your Dog: Excessive Drinking

Dogs cannot tell us when something is bothering them, and I doubt that they would even if they could. Dogs are just not the type to go around complaining about things.

That's why it's important that we watch for signs and symptoms of disease. Generally, anychange in your dog's body, behavior, actions or routine is telling you something. Some of the signs can be quite subtle and easily overlooked or dismissed. Paying attention to early symptoms can save your dog a lot of suffering and give him the best chance for a successful recovery.

Today we'll take a look at excessive thirst/drinking.

I was talking to a friend about post-op issues her dog was having after an extracapsular repair of her ACL. During our discussion she mentioned that in the snow they noticed that her dog's urine was clear, with no color to it at all, and she asked whether it was something to worry about.

I asked if her dog was drinking a lot. It turned out that her dog had been unusually thirsty and drinking large amounts of water since her surgery three months ago!

Excessive drinking is a symptom that should be taken seriously.

What constitutes excessive drinking?
Any change in your dog's drinking or eating habits should be noted. Drinking more than usual without an obvious explanation—such as hot weather or exercise—should not be dismissed. Do you have to fill the water bowl more often lately? Does your dog urinate more frequently? Talk to your veterinarian.

Take it seriously. Depending on other symptoms, excessive drinking can be a sign of a number of conditions, including
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Cushing's syndrome
  • Addison's disease
  • Liver or kidney disease
  • A potentially life-threatening uterine infection and other serious conditions

When in doubt, err on the side of caution. 

Early diagnosis can mean the difference between treatment success or failure.

Cat and Dog Skin : Itch , Scratch, Bite, -Lick!

Does your dog (or cat) have skin problems? Is it continually scratching, biting and licking at itself….and you don’t know why? Well, take comfort, you are not alone.

There are really six main reasons why dogs and cats will itch and scratch. The bottom line is... don't let them suffer! There IS a diagnosis to be made and then you and your veterinarian will be better able to select the proper treatment plan.

Itching and scratching in dogs: One of the most common calls made to any animal hospital in America goes something like this: "Doctor, I’ve got to get this dog in right away. He’s driving us nuts. All he does is itch and scratch, bite and lick and he’s keeping us up all night!"

My thought is that if the pet’s caretakers are being driven “nuts” by the dog’s scratching and licking, how awful must the poor dog feel?

Top 5 Causes Of Itching In Dogs

Dogs can become itchy and begin to scratch for many different reasons. However, allergies of various types are among the most common causes.

Canine Flea Allergy Dermatitis
An allergy to fleas is one of the most common reasons dogs become itchy. When a flea bites a dog, it injects a substance into the dog’s skin which causes the allergic response.

For a sensitive dog, one flea bite can make the dog extremely itchy.
One of the most difficult things to understand is that often no overt evidence of fleas is present even though a flea allergy is the reason for the dog’s discomfort. This inability to find evidence of fleas stems from the fact that only one flea need be present and bite the dog in order for the allergic reaction to occur.

In addition, dogs frequently groom themselves and remove the evidence of the fleas through their grooming behavior. Therefore, not being able to find fleas does not rule out a flea allergy as a cause of itching in a dog.

Itchy Dog? why

There are more than 500 different things that can cause your dog to be itchy. If your dog is scratching all the time it is important to find out what is causing the itch. This can be quite difficult. While there are many common causes of canine scratching, it can take quite a bit of detective work to figure out the culprit. Try not to scratch your dog’s itchy spot for him. Believe it or not, scratching the itch will only make the dog more itchy.

There are several things you can do to ease your dog’s itch while you try to figure out, with the help of your vet, what is causing the irritating itch.

How can I control my hyper puppy?

When I wake up in the morning, and when I come home from work at night, my puppy is so hyper and wild that I can't control him. I'm trying to use training commands, but he just won't listen. Help! 

Thanks to Disney movies and Norman Rockwell pictures, dog ownership is often seen through rose-colored glasses. And while I commend you for turning to obedience commands in your time of need, you might have more success giving them to a potted plant, rather than to your puppy.

Puppies (and dogs!) who spend many hours alone—confined or not—often get too little exercise and so are often labeled "out of control" or "incorrigible," while neither is usually true. They're perceived that way because when they're finally given attention and/or freedom, they celebrate joyously—in ways that dogs find celebratory. They race around, jump up, and take drive-by nips at anything in their path, while their humans, at a total loss, shout commands at them, hoping to make an impression and regain control.

Why is my dog so hyper?

Hi, I’ve had my cocker spaniel since he was about seven weeks old and he has been consistently…hyper. It seems that he has boundless energy. He goes for long walks in the late afternoons and plays all night. However, he won’t calm down unless we put him in a crate. I hate having to put him away, but he never stops moving or destroying property (which he only does when we aren’t looking). I’m not sure what the issue could be. I haven’t gotten him altered because I got into an argument with his other parent about whether or not to do it (I’m in favor, he is not) and I’m thinking this is part of the problem. Is it normal for a cocker spaniel to be so hyper active? Thanks – T.T.

Dear T.T.,

Some of the most common behavioral reasons that people give for admitting their dogs to the Houston SPCA are related to the dog’s energy level. “Too much energy,” “too active for children,” “too active indoors,” are some of the reasons for admission. T.T., I hope that your question reaches some of the people who are considering bringing their pets to the shelter for these reasons, so that they can learn that there are so many things that can be done to change “hyperactive” dogs into agreeable household companions.

Calm a Hyper Dog 2

Is your dog high strung and hyperactive? A hyper dog can be difficult to deal with on a daily basis. Here are some tips for making your dog more tranquil.

Dogs have unique personalities just as humans do. Some dog breeds are docile and laid back while others are high strung with loads of excess energy and enthusiasm. If you happen to be the owner of a dog who gives new meaning to the term “hyper”, you may need tips on how to calm a dog so you can restore tranquility to your home.
When dealing with a hyper dog, the most important question to ask is, “Why is my dog hyper?” Some breeds naturally have more nervous energy. This is particularly true of dogs in the working class such as the German Shepherd and Border Collie. These breeds need a great deal of exercise and focused activity to help to expend their considerable energy reserves. Smaller dogs can exhibit the similar high energy traits. Most people who have owned a Chihuahua can attest to their predisposition towards nervousness. If you live with a naturally hyper dog, the most important thing is to make sure he gets enough exercise. This can be in the form of a brisk walk several times a day or a fast paced game of ball or frisbee. Regular exercise can work wonders not only for your dog’s health but also for his high strung disposition.

How to Calm a Hyper Dog

Having a hyper dog is a dog problem with many possible causes and solutions. Many hyper dog problems stem from boredom and a lack of stimulation. So in order to address the dog problem, you have to assess the way you are interacting with your dog and the kind of activity your dog gets on a daily basis.

Here are some simple techniques you can try at home to work to calm your hyperactive dog.

Ignore the hyper dog behavior.

Dogs seek attention from you. By paying attention to the hyper dog during outbursts, you’re reinforcing the very dog problem behavior that you're trying to eliminate. The next time your dog is jumping or nipping at you in an overexcited way, give it a try -- no touch, no talk, no eye contact -- and see how you fare. You might be surprised how quickly the dog settles down.

Give your dog a job.

10 ways to help your hyper dog relax

My mutt has a few issues with acting overly excited.

He cries in the car. He is obsessed with his tennis ball. He whines if we’re visiting someone’s house and he’s feeling nervous. If we visit his favorite parks, he drools excessively and starts looking for a stick immediately. If we visit my parents, all his training seems to be forgotten as he pushes through the door knocking people out of his way.

This is not normal dog behavior and needs to be corrected. And unfortunately, this probably sounds like normal behavior to a lot of people because so many of our dogs act like this. Here are some things I’ve done or plan on starting with my dog to help him chill out. I hope you give some of these a try, too.
1. Walk my dog.
I’ve said it many times, but walking my dog is so important. I notice a huge difference in Ace’s energy levels if he’s had a walk. He is a different dog, depending on if he’s been cooped up or if he’s been able to run. I know it’s not an excuse for a dog to misbehave just because she hasn’t had enough exercise. But the less pent-up energy a dog has, the easier it will be to train her and encourage good behavior.

2. Before heading out the door, make sure your dog is calm.


Dog Training For Obedience - The Key To Raising A Well Behaved Dog

What Is Dog Training For Obedience Purposes?I, like most of us dog owners believe that dog training for obedience is an essential ingredient in any healthy human-dog relationship. But what exactly is dog obedience training, and why is it so important for you and your dog?

Obedience training is a general term which can be achieved through the many various dog training techniques (dog whispering, clicker training, positive reinforcement, marker training, collar and leash, reward training etc.). Regardless of which training technique you choose to employ or which dog training schools you frequent, this is what proper dog obedience training should accomplish:

Build or strengthen a close, healthy and appropriate relationshipbetween you and your dog.

Opens up a clear line of communication between you and your dog. This includes you knowing what to expect of your dog in all circumstances, and your dog clearly understanding and respecting what is expected of him/her.

Dog Training for Obedience lays down a set of rules or boundarieswhich educates your dog to become a responsible member of society. Including how to relate to other dogs, animals and people, basic manners and how to behave in any situation.

Establishes the groundwork which assists in preventing the development of unacceptable problem behavior - such as jumping up,barking, chewing, digging etc.

The Benefits Of Dog Training For ObedienceDog training for obedience is the very best thing you can do for the relationship you enjoy with your dog, this is why:

Basic obedience training makes life simple to your dog and eliminates confusion. Your dog will know his place in the world and understand right from wrong. Dogs seem to really appreciate and thrive on this black and white view of the world.

Fun and rewarding for both you and your dog - for me, this is what it's all about!

You'll have a happy, relaxed and confident dog who you can take anywhere and will be a pleasure to be around.

Greater freedom can also be extended to your dog, as he'll be more trustworthy when obedience trained.

An obedience trained puppy or dog is a much safer dog. If your dog dashes out the front door you will still have voice control over him. You will be able to call on one of your obedience training commands such as "come" "down", "sit" or "go to your spot". This is very reassuring for any dog lover.

You gain trust and mutual respect with your dog. He understands what is expected of him and knows that you will always be fair and consistent with this.

When your dog is trained in obedience he will be fine around family, friends and kids under supervision.

Dog obedience training fulfills some crucial needs in your dog's lifeincluding exercise, mental stimulation, spending time with you and providing your dog with a "job".

Dog training for obedience greatly reduces the risk of being locked in a dominance struggle with your dog. You'll be his strong and always fair leader, who he'll respect and look to for guidance.

Obedience training is a step by step process which you build upon over time. It creates a solid foundation for your dog to learn additional skills and training commands. Throughout this process your dog will be gaining confidence along the way.

The Danger In Not Giving
Dog Training For Obedience
It's an unfortunate reality that untrained dogs are the major cause for puppies and dogs ending up in animal shelters all over the world. This is good for nobody, especially the poor dogs.

Your dog can't ever be really close with you and your family. By this I mean that your dog won't be involved in family outings, instead spending much of his time alone in the yard. This can bring on numerous behavioral problems and can be a real pest for you, and even your neighbours.

Your dog will be more unsafe around people, other animals and on the roads.

It is a common trait for untrained dogs to challenge your leadership or authority. Obedience trained dogs will also try to test you out in this manner. But when you are proficient in obedience training you'll have the tools to deal with it.

Constantly (but not effectively) your dog will be yelled at and pushed further away from his pack (you and your family). This is no way for you and your dog to live, and is totally avoidable with some simple obedience training.

General Rules For Effective
Dog Obedience TrainingYou'll find proven training techniques for specific obedience commands by selecting from the list below. These are some general tips to keep in mind that hold true in any dog training for obedience situation:

Praise and reward your dog when he does what you ask of him, give anappropriate correction when he doesn't do what he has been taught to do. The key is to find the right balance for your dog.

Don't expect your dog to just know this stuff straight away. Repetition of the command and the action is crucial. Believe in what you are doing and stick to it.

Always be consistent (this includes everybody who lives with your dog), make it easy for your dog. Give him a simple decision to make and make it clear to him which choice is acceptable and which choice is unacceptable - provide instant feedback.

Never correct or punish your dog for not doing something he has notbeen properly taught to do - be realistic and fair.

Make your training sessions short, sharp and fun - for you and your dog. This is where many dog training schools fall down.

Take it slow, master one easy command to start with then move on and build upon it. Continue to mentally challenge and stimulate your dog throughout the training process.

You're the best person to perform these tasks with your dog. Your dog has to live with you, you are his pack and you must be the person he looks to for leadership and who he respects.

Test or proof the obedience commands in different situations, places and with added distractions.

Incorporate obedience training into your daily routine - your dog could perform a "sit" before you give him his dinner, or a "down stay" when you go get the mail.

Never try to correct your dog if you don't catch him in the act of doing wrong, timing your correction is all important. A late correction only confuses your dog and doesn't make any sense to him.

Find out what motivates your dog, this will be an important tool in your training sessions. My dogs love cheese, liver treats and a throw of the ball.

Work with the natural drives and instincts of your dog - this is explained further within the articles below.


Tips for the First 30 Days of Dog Adoption

The first few days in your home are special and critical for a pet. Your new dog will be confused about where he is and what to expect from you. Setting up some clear structure with your family for your dog will be paramount in making as smooth a transition as possible.

Before You Bring Your Dog Home:


Determine where your dog will be spending most of his time. Because he will be under a lot of stress with the change of environment (from shelter or foster home to your house), he may forget any housebreaking (if any) he’s learned. Often a kitchen will work best for easy clean-up.
If you plan on crate training your dog, be sure to have a crate set-up and ready to go for when you bring your new dog home. Find out more about crate training your dog.

Dog-proof the area where your pooch will spend most of his time during the first few months. This may mean taping loose electrical cords to baseboards; storing household chemicals on high shelves; removing plants, rugs, and breakables; setting up the crate, and installing baby gates.


About Puppy Training

Before you buy a puppy you must understand some basic training steps in order for your puppy to be well behaved from the day you bring him into your home. Follow the above links to find out about some of these basic puppy training steps. Most importantly never punish by hitting or harming your puppy in anyway. Bad behaviours should be ignored. This lack of attention is itself enough punishment for your puppy. Always praise your puppy for good behaviour with a treat, toy, or even just lots of attention. Puppy will soon realise why he is being praised and will continue with these good behaviours.

Puppy Maturity

Most dog breeds, puppies mature around the age of 12 months. There are breeds which take alot longer to fully mature, and who remain puppy like until the age of around 24 months. Owning a puppy takes alot of patience, you should be aware that you will have alot of puppy behaviours to deal with until they fully mature.
Maturity by Adult Weight – Although puppies grow and mature very quickly when compared to humans, it’s also important to know that not all sizes and breeds develop at the same rate. The smaller the breed, the quicker he/she will mature:

A small-breed puppy reaches adult weight by 9-12 months
A medium-breed puppy reaches adult weight by 12 months.
A large-breed puppy reaches adult weight by 18-24 months.

Bringing him home: 8- 12 weeks

Common Poisons to Dogs

Thousands of dogs (and cats) needlessly suffer and many die each year by accidental ingestion of household poisons. Dogs may have access to poisons both inside and outside of the home. Some of these include plants, foods, herbicides, pesticides, mouse poisons, medications, metals, and cleaning supplies.

HouseHold Plants: Both Indoor and Outdoor It is really important to be aware of what plants you have inside and ouside of your house. There are alot of plants that are poisonous to dogs, the severity of the poisoning varies on the plant and can cause sickness and diarrhoea with severe cases of poisoning leading to coma and death.
Dogs can be poisoned by plants if they eat or even just chew part of the plant, the flower, the bulb or the plant leaves. Flowers heavy in pollen can also drop pollen onto the pet’s coat, which could then be licked off and ingested by your pet.

Plants that are most popular in gardens/home but are poisonous to dogs :
  • Daffodil (especially the bulbs)
  • Castor oil bush (dogs love the seeds)
  • Cherry laurel (common hedging plant)
  • Laburnum (and related species)
  • Lilies / Lily of the Valley (especially toxic to cats)
  • Philodendron (popular ornamental house plant)
  • Azalea
  • Foxgloves
  • Ivy (some species)
  • Rhubarb
  • Yew