
Crucial Tips When Thinking To Look At Rescue Dogs

Dogs end up in a Rescue Centre for many varied reasons, they may have simply got lost, their owners have moved – possibly abroad and cannot take them with them, owners passing away, abandoned or rescued from abuse and mistreatment.

The Rescue Centres throughout the country do an amazing job for our canine friends and having visited many, DogSense cannot praise enough the staff and many volunteers, who devote their time and efforts to improving the lives of these dogs and they do all in their power to assist each dog in being re-homed to a caring and loving human pack.

Comforting to know…

It should be remembered that irrespective of a dogs past, they do move on very quickly and do not dwell on past events, it is with this in mind that rescued dogs have moved on to work with the police, customs, search and rescue and even as guide dogs for the blind.

Rescue dogs will make every bit as good a pet as any dog from a breeder and with enough dogs in the world without homes it is a viable option to consider and one that I commend and support.
Planning Ahead Before Taking On A Rescue Dog

It is important before taking on a rescue dog that you research and give great consideration to the idea of bringing one into your home. There is nothing worse for a dog than being given a new home and the owners finding they cannot cope and return the dog to the centre… so I encourage you to think long and hard before committing to this new lifestyle.
tipCan you afford to feed the dog, care for and provide the cost of veterinary care if required?
tipGive consideration to the change of lifestyle, how much time will your dog be left ‘home alone’?
tipWhat plans will you make for taking holidays abroad? Importantly, will you have time to devote to taking your dog for walks?
tipThe walk is an important ritual, an opportunity for you to demonstrate your leadership, for the dog to socialise as well as the necessary exercise – if your dog is not getting enough exercise, chances are neither are you!

Do not rush the process of finding a dog.
You should look for a dog that matches the energy levels of you and your family. Look for a dog that is calm and submissive, one that shows interest in you and is not looking to you as a ‘key to the door’.
Bringing Your Rescue Dog Home To Meet His Extended Family

When you bring your dog home, take it for a long walk, this will burn off excess energy, allow the dog to familiarise itself with the new territory and to enable you to bond and establish yourself as the pack leader.

TIP: After the walk, be sure to go through any door first as the leader should and invite the dog to follow.

Once Home, What Now?

Rescue Centres – Here Are Some Tips For Rescue Dogs:
Deal with any problems at once, do not allow them to escalate because you feel sorry for this dog who may have had a previous bad time, as mentioned dogs move on – feeling sorry is a weak energy and your dog will not look to you for leadership if you are unbalanced.
Never shout at or use any physical punishment.
All good behaviour should be rewarded – *ignore all unwanted behaviour.
Provide regular exercise and stimulate your dogs mind mentally.
Allow other family members to assist in the tasks of exercise, feeding, grooming etc. Do not allow the dog to become reliant on one individual family member. The pack depends on balance and consistency.
Ignore all attention seeking behaviour.
Be patient, calm but assertive when dealing with behaviour problems, it may take time to modify unwanted behaviour.
Remember you can do anything with your dog – allow him on the sofa, to sleep in your bed; however anything your dog does must be on your terms.
Any behaviour that you do not feel comfortable in modifying, particularly issues with aggression, it is always advisable to consult a professional.

PLEASE NOTE: *ignore unwanted behaviour – this means when you or you family feel guilty when he pines or when you feel guilty just soon after you have reprimanded him. It is good for you to turn your back or walk away from this type of behaviour. His mother would do it too.

A balanced dog has a home and a pack, it is loved, well trained and socialised and it has regular walks, play and motivation. Your dog should always have a job. A balanced and happy dog does not stress if left alone for short periods, it should be easily handled and groomed.

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