
ebook : Bottle Feeding and Hand Raising Puppies

Writed By: Ed Frawley

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Ed has owned German Shepherds (GSD) for over 45 years. Since 1978 he has bred over 350 litters of German working bloodline GSD’s. His dogs work in law enforcement, as S&R dogs, as competition Schutzhund dogs, and as family companions and protectors.

Since 1980 Ed has produced over 120 dog training videos and DVD’s. He was a police K-9 handler for 10 years, competed in several dog sports, including AKC obedience and Schutzhund. In addition he has built one of the top dog training supply businesses in the world.

I have bred over 350 litters of GSD’s in my 30 year breeding career. Over the years we have done our share of caring for newborns that need help. We have also come up with our own newborn puppy formula that I think is the best we have seen.

You can make our formula at home and it has 11 calories per CC.

The problem with commercial formula that you buy at your vet is that it only has about 1 or 2 calories per CC. In my opinion this is not enough nutrition to provide for adequate growth.

We have used this formula many times and it works better than any others that I have tried.

If you are hand raising puppies and they develop medical problems you will need to contact your vet. Please do not email me and ask what to do. It would be inappropriate for me to guess at the medical needs of your sick puppy.

Here are some general rules for bottle feeding puppies:
  • Always boil your water before using - allow time to cool. 
  • Burp your pups after feeding. 
  • A pup may have little bubbles by his mouth but there should not be milk running out of his mouth. 
  • When the bottle is held upside down the milk should drip out - NOT FLOW OUT in a stream - pups that get milk in their lungs will get pneumonia and more than likely die. 
  • Calorie intake needs to be adjusted according to growth of puppies. A general rule of thumb (unless someone has a better idea) is 1 CC per OZ. of body weight every 3 hours. 
  • You must have an accurate scale to weigh pups if you are going to get the best success. Use a kitchen food scale. The ones with grams is what we use in our kennel. It is easy to see any weight gain or loss. Keep a record that you can easily refer to. 
Another article to consider - Save Your Puppy’s Life

Bottle Feeding Recipe
11 Calories per CC
  • 10 oz. of canned evaporated milk or goat’s milk (not pasteurized cow’s milk - this will cause scowers - dogs cannot drink normal cow’s milk) Goats milk is by far the best to use. Wall Mart sells it. 
  • 3 oz. sterilized water (baby water or boiled water) this is not needed if using goat’s milk 
  • 1 raw egg yolk 
  • 1 tablespoon regular mayonnaise (optional) 
  • 1 cup of whole yogurt (avoid skim or fat free) 
  • 1/2 Tsp Karo Syrup or Corn Syrup 


Place ingredients in a blender and blend or use a wire whisk. Be careful to not over blend and create a milk shake full of bubbles and then tube bubbles into the puppy.