
Vietnam people love to eat cat and dog

Dog eating is dying out in many other Asian countries: e.g. Taiwan, which today has very stringent laws against it and has just raised the fine levied on anyone charged with it. Hong Kong and Singapore (previously both were British colonies) outlawed it in the 1950's - but, in Hong Kong it was still going on in the rural areas in the 80's and early 90's - today it is virtually non-existent, and most Hong Kong Chinese are disgusted by it.
Korea is still a big problem, but there are wonderful local groups speaking out on behalf of the dogs.

Vietnam is a major dog-eating place, though traditionally (for what it’s worth) they do not torture the dog to death.
In addition, the Philippines has outlawed dog eating except for some tribal holidays - yes, it still goes on.....but its moving in the right direction.....I also would like to say that the push to stop dog eating in these Asian countries is driven by Asians, who feel exactly the same way about it as we do!

However, it's obviously something that is growing in China, it's very hard to know the exact number of dogs eaten, but it definitely must be in the many millions a year - maybe more. Still small if you consider that it is estimated that 556 million pigs are slaughtered every year in China.

The truth is many people in Vietnam eat dogs and cats and many people enjoy this food. Why do people choose to insult them? Many people in other countries, eat cows, pigs and chickens...... This is a fact.
Now there is huge issues relating to cruel treatment of livestock in some countries. Vietnam still has much to do in this area, and not just for the animals. If people learn more about the care of animals, improving their health, and living conditions. They will in turn generate more income from livestock and be able to invest in things such as the health and education of their own families.

Thousands of dogs saved from dinner table by Thai authorities

Thousands of dogs have been rescued after they were found stuffed into tiny cages destined for dinner tables across Vietnam. Thai police intercepted four trucks stacked high with crates packed with the animals in an operation in northeastern Thailand near the border with Laos.

A Nakhon Phanom livestock development official said 1,011 dogs were being held in a government shelter after two separate raids in Nathom and Si Songkhram districts. But she said a further 119 had died from either suffocation in the cramped cages or when they were thrown from the back of the trucks as the alleged traffickers tried to flee police.

Police officer Captain Prawat Pholsuwan said two Thai men and a Vietnamese man were charged with trafficking and the illegal transportation of animals. He said the dogs were being smuggled out of the country to be cooked and eaten in Vietnam.

"The maximum punishment is a one-year jail term and a fine of up to 20,000 baht (£410)," he said. Traffickers, who round up stray dogs and barter for pets in rural Thai villages, can receive up to £20 per dog in Vietnam, police said.